Nadya Peek



Nadya Peek - Marco Wessel

Girls are the new boys.

Nadya Peek started working for Mediamatic on May 10th, 2004, and spent her time writing for and editing the website. She likes the emergent structures that arise within the content management system anyMeta, and will be very upset if you add content without proper metadata. She left Amsterdam in September 2008 to study at the MIT Media Lab.

At Mediamatic Nadya also used to man the programmable embroidery machine and occasionally the silk screen station. When given the chance, she could be found in the back room playing with the Arduinos and other fun electronic stuff. She finally convinced Willem to get Lego Mindstorms.

While working at Mediamatic, Nadya was also a student at the University of Amsterdam, majoring in artificial intelligence. At the time she was very into construction grammar, language acquisition, multiagent systems and game theory, but she was always happy to talk about robots too if that was what you wanted.

Even before that, Nadya was a student at the Rietveld Academy, where she was mostly interested in building useless embedded reactive systems and anything with non-zero Gaussian curvature. She still likes making things a lot.

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