Rikhardur Fridriksson

Rikhardur H. Fridriksson (Ríkharður H. Friðriksson) was born in Iceland in 1960. He studied composition at the Reykjavik College of Music; Manhattan School of Music, New York; Accademia Chigiana, Siena; and the Royal Dutch Conservatory, The Hague; with Atli Heimir Sveinsson, Thorkell Sigurbjörnsson, Elias Tanenbaum, Franco Donatoni and Clarence Barlow. Furthermore he has degrees in History, Classical Guitar playing, attended the Institute of Sonology, The Hague in 1991-92, as well as attending courses on Algorithmic Composition at the Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, and the new music course at Darmstadt in the summer of 1992.

He has written both instrumental and electro-acoustic compositions which have been performed in Iceland, the Nordic countries, U.S.A., Germany, Austria, Holland, Switzerland, China, and Singapore, and broadcast on numerous radio stations in Europe. He received a Fulbright travel grant for study in the United States, a grant from the Icelandic research council to do research on Icelandic music history, and a grant from NOMUS (Nordic Music Committee) for an Inter-Nordic computer music project.

Currently, Fridriksson lives in Reykjavik, Iceland and divides his time between teaching Music History and making Computer Music.

Contact information

  • Rikhardur Fridriksson
  • Baronsstigur 49
  • IS-101
  • Reykjavik