nadia scardeoni

No es la lucha lo que nos obliga a ser artistas, sino el arte el que nos obliga a ser luchadores (Albert Camus)


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" Theories and methods© of virtual restoration and their application for new professions"
Metodologia del restauro virtuale©
Workshop “Multi-quality Approach to Cultural Heritage”
14-15 novembre 2006
Sede Centrale CNR-P.le Aldo Moro, 7 - Roma
Formazione Presentazioni:
Nadia Scardeoni, Metodologia del restauro virtuale di opere d’arte pittoriche
nadia scardeoni
info corsi : 3472542819

Virtual Restoration©, as I conceived it, deals with the critical study of the pictorial work of art and develops theories about restoration work. Virtual restoration is a non-invasive method of digital modelling of restoration work and it is useful when real repairs are required. Virtual restoration is also related to the conservation and preservation of works of art as mentioned in the 4th article of the Carta del Restauro 1972: “Conservation and preservation is a saving and protective action which does not necessarily involve real repairs of the work of art”.
I first managed to apply virtual restoration to the portrait of Annunziata by Antonello da Messina and I showed it to the Regional Gallery Director of Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo. Then, I published this prototype of virtual restoration on-line (web site: in order to give users the opportunity for a public debate in my own online review: Interlinea.

The virtual restoration laboratory is an educational training resource for new professions

Contact information

  • nadia scardeoni
  • +393472542819
  • 37126
  • verona