Bike & City #1: Amsterdam, Capital of Bikes

29 Sep 2014

Talkshow about bikes, city’s and the cycling culture in Amsterdam.

This first edition we will be talking about Amsterdam as the capital of bikes and about the cycling culture in other cities. We will also show some new bike brands and designs and will listen to inspiring stories and lectures from bike lovers and specialists.

With lectures by and interviews with amongst others: Wim Bot Dutch Cycling Embassy, Ralph van der Zijden Beograd Velograd festival Belgrado, Angela van der Kloof mobycon, Meinderd Wolfraad Lekkerbikes, RIH sport Amsterdam and the 1952 world champion track cycling Piet van Heusden.

Moderator: Thimon de Jong.

Lecture and interview (I bike Amsterdam)

Marco te Brömmelstroet (University of Amsterdam) will talk about his newest research. The foundings of his research has pointed out that cyclers act like a flock of birds. This means that the infrastructure has to be adjusted. The infrastructure needs to be more flexible.

Summerschool Thinking City - I Bike Amsterdam from FABRICations on Vimeo.

Bicycle presentation RIH

Diederik Martens (RIH) will come and talk about the rise, the fall and the rehabilitation of the bicycle brand RIH from Amsterdam. RIH was already founded in 1921 in the Jordaan. They will also bring a RIH bike!

Bike City Europe

Wim Bot was behalf of the Fietsersbond and the Dutch Cycling Embassy at the event Beograd Velograd. Also, there will be a skype connection with met Ralph van der Zijden, he is the organizer of the Beograd Velograd Festival. Ralph lives in Belgrado where he organizes bicycle tours and he is actively involved in cyclist issues.

Orange Bike Ride in Belgrade 2013 from marco te brommelstroet on Vimeo.

Angela van der Kloof (Mobycon)

Angela will speak about her international experiences on projects in the field of bicycling and about the Winter Cycling Congress. Angela works on a variety of projects at the local, regional and also international level. She is specialized in promotion, education and culture when it comes to bicycles, e-bikes and traffic safety.

Piet van Heusden (1952 world champion track cycling )

Piet will tell a personal story about his career.
"Cycling in the fifties: on my scooter with my racingbike on my neck I went to Texel with the boat for a cycling competition. I won a vacuum cleaner as the first price. Try to come home with a vacuum cleaner on a scooter with a bicycle on you neck."

Piet van Heusden
Piet van Heusden

De vakantiefietser

Eric Schuijt cycled over 200.000 kilometers all over the world and published seven books about cycling. When he is not cycling you can find him in his shop De Vakantiefietser (The Holiday Biker) in Amsterdam or in his shop Bisiklet Gezgini in Istanbul. De Vakantiefietser is the leading shop for people that want to travel by bike all over the world. We have customers from over 30 countries. From Japan to Canada and from Kazachstan to South Africa.

Two months a year Eric Schuijt and Carla van Tatenhove cycle somewhere on our small planet. During their brief lecture on this evening Eric will guide you through three cities on three continents.

Cycling in Peru, Bolivia and Chile from De Vakantiefietser on Vimeo.

Lekker Bikes

Meindert Wolfraad is the director of Lekker bikes. The brand arose because of the shortage of Dutch quality bicycles in Australia. The brand begun in 2011 with the ‘Lekker Jordaan’ bicycles for women. In Australia the bicycles were immediately popular. The Dutch quality and the classic design were a winning combination from the start.


Although cycling is getting more and more popular in other cities, Amsterdam is still the number one bike city according to Expatfinder.

Free entrance. To RSVP, please click the red button RESERVEER on top of this page.

This program is initiated by Amsterdamfietsmuseum and Pakhuis de Zwijger.

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