Food Center Amsterdam
24Jun 2012The 2012 theme of the National Day of Architecture is food and architecture. Mediamatic's aquaponics project Voedzelf/Feedself and the Biodiesel Canteen by João Negro featured at the Food...
Centrale Markthal
Food and Architecture Fair
24Jun 2012De relatie tussen voedsel en architectuur wordt onderzocht in exposities, lezingen, workshops, een kinderprogramma, heerlijk eten en drinken, films en een markt.
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Custom Aquaponics Group Workshop
1Jan 201331Dec 2013Aquaponics is a sustainable eco-system for food production that combines the cultivation of plants and fish. Mediamatic designs aquaponic installations on a Dutch scale. Sustainable mini-nurseries...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Preparing Migration
19Jun 2012Yesterday we worked on the Kantine, trying to find the best way to build it and experiment on its design. pH values are still our priorities, so we continued to test them in order to stabilize their...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Nursery and Kantine Sunday
17Jun 2012On June 17th the Aquaponic Group will meet around 13:00 (1 pm) at the Van Gendthallen in Amsterdam to finish the nursery for fishes and plants seedlings and build a diesel kantine. Also we're going...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Researching and Building
12Jun 2012Our last building Sunday was very productive: we did several chemical tests on water, improved the tripledecker tower by replacing the grow beds' metal supports with bamboo, strengthened the LEd...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Fishes/plants nursery and PH values
10Jun 2012We have already built three systems, now it's time to dig into some important aspects: how to control Ph values? What is a good plant fertilizer?
Fish feeding plants, plants feeding fish
Mediamatic has assembled a team to work on aquaponics projects at Mediamatic Fabriek. View their work here. On this page you can find research on future aquaponics projects.
Fabriek Research
Project research for the Fabriek
This is the research that the Mediamatic staff has been doing for the Fabriek. Each of the items in the set are a different topic, and research on that topic is listed there. Want to add something?
Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Meeting
5Jun 2012Let's make things better!
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Workshop
6Jul 2012At Mediamatic we've been experimenting with aquaponics: a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. We want to continue sharing our knowledge and enable...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Group meet Sensemaker
29أيار / مايو 2012During last Saturday's workshop, with the help of enthusiastic volunteers, we built a 4-storey aquaponics system. Now it's time to think how to improve it and arrange its tuning.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Raft system and LED lights
22أيار / مايو 2012Plants are quickly growing in both systems and fishes seem to be at ease in the small tank. Last meeting we focused our attention on the floating rafts, using bamboo and net baskets to plan and build...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Big sunday planting
20أيار / مايو 2012The big system started its cycle. We planted vegetables in the two grow beds and installed LED lights. Now we have to prepare the floating boards for seedlings and settle the net to protect the...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Final plumbing for the big system
15أيار / مايو 2012Both systems are quickly growing. The small one officially started its cycle with fishes and plants while the 4-bed system needs few more steps to be ready. Besides, we decided to use two grow beds...
Foto verslag Aquaponics
Video's & foto's door de weken heen in de Mediamatic fabriek.
In de Mediamatic fabriek in Amsterdam aan de oude V.O.C. Kade wordt elke week druk gewerkt aan het Aquaponics project.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Time to finish the big system!
13أيار / مايو 2012After chemical tests, plants and LED lights, the small system is almost ready. Now our work continues on the big one: plumbing, washing clay pebbles, planting, lighting…we have so much to do!
Ted talk Aquaponics
Een mooie uitleg van Charlie Price over hoe Aquaponics werkt
Bekijk deze fantastische Ted Talk over Aquaponics . Waarin uitgelegd wordt wat Aquaponics is en kan beteken voor de nieuwe voedsel revolutie.
Sylvia Bernstein
Sylvia Bernstein is the president and founder of The Aquaponic Source and the Vice Chairman of the Aquaponics Association. She also manages AquaponicsCommunity.com, the largest US-based online...
book: Sylvia Bernstein 11 Nov 2011
Aquaponic Gardening
A Step by Step Guide to Growing Fish and Vegetables Together
Aquaponic Gardening is the definitive do-it-yourself home manual, focused on giving you all the tools you need to create your own aquaponic system and enjoy healthy, safe, fresh, and delicious food...
Mediamatic Fabriek
PH-testing of the water and discussion on water…
8أيار / مايو 2012The Aquaponics Group will meet at the Van Gendthallen to talk about how to extract the heat from the LED-lighting, and how to build a system that uses that heat to heat the water in our aquarium. We...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Chemical Testing, Plumbing and LEDs
6أيار / مايو 2012After plants and worms, our small system is almost ready to welcome fishes, but first we have to do some chemical tests on the water.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Fish, Worms and Books
1أيار / مايو 2012Tonight we'll discuss what kind of fish to grow and why. And where do we get worms? Also, we've bought 5 books (Bernstein). can you all bring your book so someone else can take and read it? RSVP here...
Mediamatic Fabriek
DIY Aquaponics Building Weekend #3
28Apr 201229Apr 2012Last week we learnt how to build an auto siphon and added bacteria into our small test system. What will be the next step?