Mark Wubben

web hacker rfid javascript dutchman european copenhagen sifr freelance hackerscamp


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Web hacker by trade, Mark Wubben is a European Dutchman currently living in Copenhagen.

He has a keen interest in how the web operates as a platform for innovation, and brings change to societies and economies. He is also greatly interested in how the physical world can be connected to the digital world through ubiquitous computing. But most of all, he’s just plain curious about everything!

Mark is the developer of sIFR, which helps bring rich typography to the web. He’s also worked for Silicon Valley start-up JotSpot, which is now part of Google. In the past few years he’s worked for Xopus, where he performed crazy DHTML wizardry to create a friendly, browser-based, WYSIWYG XML editor.

Besides the purely web stuff, he’s worked on Physical Computing / RFID projects in both his spare time and as part of the PICNIC conference. He has also been a speaker at various events and conferences.

Mark is also involved in Toothless Tiger, a web freelance agency responsible for various fun projects in the Copenhagen area and beyond.

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Contact information

  • Mark Wubben