This is their first presentation to the public, and as a result, the reactions will have their effect. The vanguard of the exhibition is formed by three exam candidates that are supported by three third year students well on their way.
Anna Meiners looks at the world through a telescope and projects her emotional luggage on her travel observations.
Vera Warnsing makes atmospheric pictures that are slightly surreal, unmistakably personal and open for interpretation.
Tom Niemeijer keeps reorganizing his constantly growing collection of photos; a wish for order that often leads to chaos.
Nora van den Berg lets her coat metamorphose into different shapes and characters.
Henriette Everhard uses her role of a daughter and a photographer to illuminate the relationship between her parents.
Marnix van den Berg collects photos and recollections from other people, and (sometimes) supports them with his own texts and pictures.
Thursday March 31 - Sunday April 3, 14-18 hrs