Jasmin Moeller, masharu (RU) Can you consult others? Question 2/30 of Casting Doubt Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest E-mail If your answer is Yes, then sow Nicandra in growbed no.2 If you don't think so, please sow Lovage in growbed no.2 Enlarge Shoo-fly Plant - You can consult others. The answer you planted into the second of thirty plant beds in the Dijksgracht park, part of the Twijfel Zaaien/Raising Doubts project. Latin name: Nicandra Physalodes Artist family: Romantic Colour: Blue Enlarge Lovage - You do not consult others. The answer you planted into the second of thirty plant beds in the Dijksgracht park, part of the Twijfel Zaaien/Raising Doubts project. Latin name: Levisticum officinale Artist family: Neutral Levisticum officinale (the latin name), has been thought to resemble some degree our Garden Angelica, and it does very closely resemble the Spanish Angelica heterocarpa in foliage and perennial habit of growth. It has a thick and fleshy root shaped like a carrot, of a greyish-brown color on the outside… De Godin With: De Godin