Dan Romescu

Augmented Citizen Advocate


Dan - Augmented Citizen Advocate Dan Romescu

Mobile Social Architect with a clear vision for an open, innovative, green, transparent = sustainable society, with strong interest for Socionetics (Social Network Physics), Augmented Reality, AI and Neurophysics. 

Guided by a belief that the information can be reached "wherever you are, with a minimum effort and maximum relevance", Dan started to work on mobile software development for 15 years, on the first mobile device – the Newton from Apple. Dan was Director of Cellixx S.A. and explained: “I started developing mobile applications, and have succeeded by creating solutions to enhance peoples' mobility & connectivity".
In 2000 at Microsoft Partner Congress, CTO of V2R, Dan helped launch first Data GPRS Apps worldwide —with Compaq, T-Mobile and Microsoft. Still, Dan is most proud of (and globally respected for) the Home Zone Project on a smartphone for mm02 plc. The Home Zone Project formed the base of the Genion Leadership Product by mm02. 
Dan is a Partner with Fraunhofer and DFKI with whom he intends “to enhance a new social interaction era with the help of augmented reality.”