If you would like to join the project, you need to create a free and recognizable profile on Mediamatic.net. This profile needs to include a name, a photo, some keywords, a small biography and your contact information (which is only visible for members).
Books will be distributed during booksparties and there will be bookshelfes in our expositionroom, where you can look for titels.
A title is either an individual book, video, cd-rom or magazine volume.
By taking a title home, you promise Mediamatic to take good care of it. This means that:
4.1: You are registered on the site as the owner of the title.
4.2: You are expected to expand the information on the site by adding (at least) a photo and a small introductionary text to the titles you take home. If you don't add a photo you only see a grey square, your book does not look attractive this way. Don't forget to add keywords, this connects your book with other publications on the site that have the same keywords and topics.
4.3: You have to describe why you choose a particular title, for instance why you think this title is interesting. Or write a summary about what the book is about. For most books you can find those summaries at sites like amazon, google books or at the publishers website. If you know Dutch don't forget to write your added text in Dutch as well.
4.4: Add the author of the book and spell the name correctly. First state the first name and than the last name of the author. The main principle of the website is that it brings together and connects people, events, organizations etc. Your author could have participated in previous events and this becomes visible in the right hand column. Your are making our site more complete in this way. You can find author information on wikipedia (if it is documented correctly), or if the book is written by an academic on their university website.
4.5: If another member of Mediamatic wants to borrow or look into a title you own, you are obliged to help him, by:
- making the title available
- making sure to register that somebody else is taking care of the book on Mediamatic.net. For now, you will stay registered as the owner of the title on the Mediamatic website, which means you will stay responsible for the title. In case you want to sign over your ownership of a certain title to someone else, you can contact Mediamatic. The titles you are responsible for can be found in "my content" ("my items").
More on the distributed library can be found here