
How can I reach you?

Do you have questions about our program, the exhibitions or our workshops? Find our Contact on this page.

For restaurant related questions. Go to our restaurant page

You can find the directions here

Where can I sign up for the newsletter?


Can I just drop by?

Certainly! During our opening hours you are welcome to view the exhibitions, visit our installations and have a drink in our restaurant/terrace.

How can I join the tour?

Book a ticket via our agenda.

Can I come and have a look in one of your LABS?

Every Thursday you can discover the aroma lab under the guidance of scent artist Frank Bloem. Get your ticket via the event calendar. You can also participate in the guided tour on Fridays in which we show you around our labs. Do you have specific questions about our laboratories? send an email to mail@mediamatic.nl

When can I view the exhibitions and installations?

During our opening hours, our exhibitions and installations can be visited free of charge. 

I have an idea to work together, who should I send it to?

How nice! We are curious about your idea. Mail your project proposal to program@mediamatic.nl, maybe we can do something together.

I am in a wheelchair: what is possible?

We are wheelchair accessible. Welcome! Read more about accessibility here

Can I follow you on social media?

You can! We are active on instagram and facebook.

Workshops & Events

How can I buy a ticket?

Our calendar gives you an overview of our workshops and events. On the event page there is a link to the ticketshop. There you can buy a ticket online for all our events.

Which workshops do you offer?

Our workshops change along with our program and are therefore dependent on the artists associated with us. You can find our workshops here.

Can I book a private workshop for my group of friends?

You can! Mail for the possibilities to workshop@mediamatic.nl, or call us at +3120 638 99 01

I can't come at the last minute! What do I do with my ticket?

Read about cancellations here.  

I want to give a workshop / event as a gift: is that possible?

Certainly! We offer the Mediamatic Voucher in our webshop. You can give this voucher as a gift and it applies to all our events and workshops.

Are there also workshops for children?

Our workshops are intended for adults, but not inaccessible to children. Ask for the possibilities via workshop@mediamatic.nl

Will I be photographed during an event, workshop or dinner?

We regularly take photos during events for documentation or promotion. If you do not like to be photographed or filmed, no problem. Please let us know. 

Questions about dining in the Serres Séparées?