What is going on inside the cardboard box?
The Programme
Wed-Sun 4-8 p.m
Library designed by Paula Falasca. "A broken time line" (in the library you can find different Argentinean authors and books about Argentinean culture).
Wednesday 6 Feb.
- 6 pm. Documentary about the 84 years old Argentinean artist, Leon Ferrari. By: Pablo Padula.
Thursday 7 Feb.
-4 to 7 pm. Debate on post colonial art. With special guests: Tiong Ang, Rini Hurkmans and Mayura Subhedar.
Friday 8 Feb.
- 6 pm. Cooking workshop (you can learn a typical Argentinean meal, eat all together and drink some good Argentinean wine.
- 8.30 pm. Performance "Vaarwel Amsterdam" a poem by Vicente Zito Lema, performed by Lidewij Mahler and Aimee Zito Lema.
-9.30 pm. Argentinean tango: Claudio Constantini (bandoneon) and Suvi Myöhänen (violin)
Saturday 9 Feb.
- 5 pm. A lecture about the Holandaman by Matthijs de Bruijne.
(The Holandamanes are well-educated Dutch Moslems who live in Argentina.)
- 7 pm. Performance, "Vaarwel Amsterdam"
Sunday 10 Feb.
- 6 pm. film screening: "Memorias del Saqueo"(2004) a documentary by Pino Solanas.
A film that shows how Argentina in the last 30 years was victim of different devastating governments, the consequences of the economical crisis, and a growing poor social classes, in a country that was once very rich.