1. Bjornar Habbestad - Solo Electric
2. Trophies and Percussion - by James Beckett
3. Time and space instructions for N Big Band - by Koen Nutters
4. DJ Andre
After Dinner concert in Mediamatic's Food Facility.
With the N collective makin' some fine experimental tunes for everyone who visited. incl. the Trophybeaters.
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic groundfloor 2005 photo by Arne Hendriks
1. Bjornar Habbestad - Solo Electric
2. Trophies and Percussion - by James Beckett
3. Time and space instructions for N Big Band - by Koen Nutters
4. DJ Andre
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic Grounfloor 2005 photo by Marco Wessel
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic Grounfloor 2005 photo by Marco Wessel
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic groundfloor 2005 photo by Arne Hendriks
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic groundfloor 2005 photo by Arne Hendriks
N event 9 at Food Facility - Mediamatic groundfloor 2005 photo by Arne Hendriks