The entire frame for this bike has been build by the owner himslef, with help from an car-chassis builder/silversmith. From making the tubes the right size to soldering everything together everything is done by hand. The bike contains mainly Campagnolo parts, the wheels have Campagnolo record spokes, which are made snowflake.
The most special part of this bike is the excentrical bottom bracket, this makes that the chain gets tightened automatically and you don't have to pull back the rear wheel to tightened it.
The headbadge has been made out of real silver, and for the painting they used a color which was used for the Alfa Romeo 2000 gtv from 1973.
Reason for making this bike was just because the owner used to cycle a lot on the track in Amsterdam.
After making this bike Elian got the opportunity to make more bikes, because of the experience he gained with making this bike. At the moment he is working on a fixed- "bakfiets".