Frieling, Daniels Medien Kunst Netz 1/2 Het onder redactie van Rudolf Frieling en Dieter Daniels uitgegeven tweedelige 'Medien Kunst Netz', beide in Duits en Engels, noemt zich in de ondertitel van deel 1, 'Medienkunst im Uberblick'.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Bilwet 1 Jan 1993 Drug Triptych Die Kunst hat ihre Geschichte und insofern ihre Zeit. Es ist jedoch noch etwas anderes, Vulkanisches in ihr verborgen, ein Urstoff, der unter der Gestaltung wirkt.
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 10#3 Paul Groot 1 Nov 2001 A digital palimpsest Mathilde ter Heijne's CD-ROM For a better World, released so shortly after September 11, 2001, combines objective information, documentation and case studies of suicides within an artistic context
Paul Groot 1 Jan 1999 All those Senselessly Lovely Clickable Buttons It's evidently the lot of every new medium: the grabbing desire with which technological opportunity is seized. Hollywood made itself master of the film, Hitler of the radio, advertising took over tv
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#4 Paul Groot 1 Jan 1996 Teilhard and the Technognosis the avenging JHWH in Silicon Hollywood With the advent of Dreamworks, the entertainment company founded by Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Bill Gates, Hollywood and Silicon Valley have merged conclusively.