An investigation into what emerges from multifaceted participation with a common theme.
Nobody knows exactly what impact the present decline in honey bee populations is having on economic performance and on the supply of foodstuffs, but it is clear there are extremely serious consequences. UN reports and many other sources say that the entirety of the world's food stocks will be put at risk as bee colonies die out.
The toxicologist Henk Tennekes concludes his analysis of the impact of neonicotinoids on wildlife in the Netherlands: "Ground and surface water contamination with persistent insecticides that cause irreversible and cumulative damage to aquatic and terrestrial (non-target) insects must lead to an environmental catastrophe." Still, more studies, statistics and specific knowledge are required.
The proposed artwork, 2B or not 2B?, addresses these problems and concerns within an aesthetic which activates the social dimension of art. It seeks to engage the audience, the public, the viewer-as-subject in providing an answer in what could be a matter of multi-species survival.