The sky through the welding mask - Apocalyptic construction times?
Working on Iktrek complications -
All teams are working to get everything ready on time. The countdown has started and this means serious business for (most of) the hackers. The planning is to finish constructions before 24:00 hours, then all the installations will have to be moved inside the Gashouder for mounting and environmental implementations.
Right now, the Ik-A-Sketch has been painted twice; by a volunteer and Mr. Edwin himself. However, the nightly painting adventures did not prove a total success so the interface will still needs a third layer of bright red paint. It also misses its knobs. Neil has finished the coding for the project and is now polishing and implementing Eastereggs. This team still has some surprises in its sketches.
After a lot of nocturnal welding, the stainless Iktrek construction is looking more solid then ever. However, Bastiaan is still working on the implementation of the software and the Arduinos frantically. The lyre functions on high voltage, which means that there is little margin for error. Normally the wiring on the Arduino board can be switched around easily but instead, the Arduino and the lyre can be 'blown up' easily, or even more scary, electrocute its user. This is Arduino-ing on the edge!
The FriendSlicer booth is proudly standing upright (2,40 meters high) and is ready for a painting job. The coding for this project is also finding its way. <Sly> decided to have a 10 hour sleep and in a bright moment he deleted half of his code. Now everything suddenly seems to be working great!
The coffee smells good and after yesterdays drama the pond is being cleaned out. Soon there will be no more memories of the beautiful lagoon where the ducklings cruelly came to their end. Today marriages between soft and hardware will be executed. Lets hope they will be successful, until death do them part.
Hackers are not early birds
﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿Welcome to the Hacker Camp 2009 Bulletin board ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
Yesterday, the hackers had a late night. Some of them kept coding till 4.30 am. Now its 10.20 and the hackers shack is still missing a lot of hackers; they are slowly starting to drop in one by one.
There are a lot of people though. Mediamatic arranged handymen and women to help out with the physical construction of the installations, and they are all awake and in full speed.
Edwin Dertien
Rutger Emmelkamp
Bastiaan Ekeler