

Research platform for Applied Arts

Artiscycle is as a research platform for applied art practices and situated learning. The project focuses on structures of participation and collaboration in order to provide a larger discourse for community engagement today.


Artcycle: Research! - Photo provided by Chris Kennedy Chris Lee Kennedy

Artiscycle is a project of the Institute for Applied Aesthetics, exploring alternative models of art, design and education that help form authentic communities. The idea is to develop an appendix of best practices from collaborative artists and educators at the forefront of interdisciplinary practice and to incubate a re-imagined community learning space that will house the Institute.

The term “Artiscycle” refers to art’s role in the
everyday cycles of social process.

The Artiscycle project was started by Christopher Kennedy, research director of the Institute for Applied Aesthetics.

"I’ve been interested in the process of learning since my work as an engineer and educator. While teaching and working in the field I noticed a pattern in how institutions and organizations structure learning, often without consideration for the immediate community and their social processes. In response, I began to search for models of learning that were more rooted in experience, community and participation.

This search led me toward a collection of experimental cultural practices, often incubated in alternative art and learning spaces. Frustrated, however, with a lack of resources and opportunities for educators and artists to collaborate and learn from these spaces, I began to research and document these effective models. From this the Artiscycle project was born; the starting point for a new interpretation of learning in relationship to cultural production, collaboration and a situated community. The Artiscycle project allows me to share my research, invite collaboration and visualize new potentials for learning, art and community."

Text extracted from About Artiscycle.

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  • Artiscycle
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