Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 11#1 Paul Groot 1 Jan 2003 Amfibian Pinky & Lennart Imaginary animals are a speciality of Pinky & Lennart - the performance duo who also played a leading role in Mediamatic’s Airbag cd-rom of 1995.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Paul Groot 1 Jan 1994 The Satanic Verses as a Minimal Movie Pentiums, PowerPC chips and cd-roms have become the stars of the multimedia spectacle. But what if all you have is a Macintosh PowerBook 145, black-and-white, and still want to take part in this new...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Avon Huxor 1 Jan 1992 Writing the Mind As its name suggests, Artificial Intelligence, has the goal of creating machines that can be said to be intelligent. There has, however, been a distinct lack of success in the area of recent years.
Jorinde Seijdel 1 Jan 1999 Theatre and Emotion in the Supermarket In the 1970s, when people still cherished the nineteenth-century illusion of the arts being superior to the obscene economic reality, the supermarket was a popular metaphor for Western consumer...