Gaston Heimeriks

Gaston Heimeriks currently works for the Dutch Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy (AWT), which advises the Dutch government and parliament on policy in the areas of scientific research, technological development and innovation.

Gaston Heimeriks is particularly interested in the co-evolution of knowledge production and ICT. What ICT-mediated patterns emerge in science and society? What are the changes taking place in the production, exchange and use of knowledge? Gaston has many years of experience in science, technology and innovation studies. A common theme in his work is the understanding and governance of scientific, technological and social change in the information society. He has written about foresight, ICT methodologies, new modes of knowledge production and research policy. Presently, his work focuses on e-science.

Gaston Heimeriks has a background in biochemistry (MSc) and in science and technology studies (MA). He previously worked as a researcher, at the University of Amsterdam and the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences on European projects dealing with the influence of ICT on the development of the science-technology-economy system. His research resulted in a PhD at the University of Amsterdam in 2005 and several publications. Before joining the AWT, Gaston worked at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in Seville, one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Contact information

  • Gaston Heimeriks