The ECF is one of the leading independent organisations devoted to cultural development, and is a passionate advocate of cultural cooperation.
We campaign for, initiate, develop and support cultural cooperation activities across the broader Europe
We develop new cultural experience and media activities by offering grants and by initiating and coordinating programmes for organisations and individuals. We are actively involved in cultural policy development, particularly for the integration of European society. We strive to give culture a stronger voice and profile at all levels. We work in partnership with other leading European cultural organisations
Our approach is to focus our work through themes which have a contemporary relevance for culture and civil society. Over the next three years, 2006 to 2008, our work focuses on the experience of diversity and the power of culture. We will be exploring and developing this in three main areas:
Artists exploring diversity
Migration - how migrants contribute to creativity in Europe
Inside Out - activities which deal with diversity issues both from within and beyond the European Union