Many people hate insecurity and doubt. They think fixed values and invariable rules are a guarantee to happiness.
Spinoza is a philosopher whose image of human weakness and foolishness is without illusions, but who at the same time feels we are gifted with something that can improve our fate - our ability to think and investigate.
Since Spinoza believes in only one reality, all phenomenons are equally ‘real’. Therefore, we should investigate our desires and feelings as seriously as we would investigate gasses and strata. Our ideas about good and bad, real and fake, will change because of this thinking and investigating. In the acceptance of the logic of nature lies our freedom and biggest chance at success.
For Spinoza, holding on to uncritically investigated views is a recipe for unhappiness, conflict, disaster.
Nee hoor,
over sommige dingen moet je gewoon niet te diep nadenken.
Ja, misschien, maar dat moet je overstijgen.
Ik ben religieus opgevoed. Toen ik een jaar of achttien was, ontdekte ik Sartre. Hij schreef dat God helemaal niet bestaat en dat je verantwoordelijk bent voor je eigen daden. Ik had het boek dicht...
Onderstaande reacties zijn binnengekomen via SMS. Sms 'bang' en je antwoord naar 06 - 15317109.
Image: Tuğba Yılmaz
Spinoza thinking Kocaeli
This 'thinking' poster was hanging at the campus of the Kocaeli University between 21st to 28th of May 2012.
Spinoza thinking poster
This poster was hanging at the campus of the Kocaeli University between 21st to 28th of May 2012. It's a part of the WatSpinoza project which is been realized by Mediamatic in behalf of the...
Spinoza bang poster (en)
Als je nadenkt, dan word je pas echt bang?
Reacties uit de WatSpinoza? tentoonstelling bij Mediamatic.
Image: Zepha
Als je nadenkt, dan word je pas echt bang?
Reacties op de schoolborden in de Mediamatic tentoonstellingsruimte.
Image: Zepha
Als je nadenkt, dan word je pas echt bang?
Reacties op de schoolborden in de Mediamatic tentoonstellingsruimte.