PDZ* grote zaal
Streetlab Portfolionight #5
28Sep 2010De altijd zeer succesvolle New Talent Portfolio Night is terug! Er zitten weer meer dan 30 masters klaar die diep geworteld zijn in de fotografie, styling, graphic design en kunst om jonge creatieven...
lives and works in iSTANBUL born in manisa - turkey work experience -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 MetGlobal LLC // Web & UI Designer 2006 mavipiksel - web...
Caspar Menkman
Currently I am working on Mediamatic Travel. Focusing primarily on selecting and editing content for the Travel website and improving the traffic our site gets. Besides my work at Mediamatic I study...
Oprichter NLstreets, Amsterdammertjes parade en project KIC. Bedenker, doener en ontdekker. NLstreets Amsterdammertjes parade KIC
Onomatopee - New projectspace
23Oct 201031Oct 2010Onomatopee 52 PRE-SPECIFICS: ACCESS X! Democratizing XXI century’s "X" Factor. Opening October 23rd, 19:00 Daily guided tours at 13:00, reservations via reservations(at)onomatopee.net Artists
Webdesign / Grafisch Ontwerp en Creatieve Geest
Lupker levert oplossingen op meer dan één vakgebied: van het maken van websites (webdesign), illustraties en overig grafisch ontwerp in Amsterdam. Op lupker.nl vindt je informatie over webdesign en...
Fixed gear - Surf - Running chaotic but not dramatic lover
jack A
MA Corporate Communication studente in Denemarken met passie voor cinema en creatieve industrie
Diantha Averil Nota, MA Corporate Communication studente in Denemarken. Interesse in film, de creatieve industrie en politiek. Combineert dit met management en communicatie- media theorieën. Mijn...
It doesn't matter what road you take if you don't know where you're going.
Compulsive, Neurotic, Anti-Social, Manic & paranoid but basically... sort of...happy. I love cider in the summertime, and lovely, lovely cheese almost anytime. I'm what you call "part retro, boho...
Summer (in) Project Space (en)
8Jul 201020Aug 2010Opening July 8: 6 – 7 p.m. In 'yes for sure' Rafaël Rozendaal presents the works 'Yes for Sure' (2010) and 'Color Flip' (2008), in addition to a series of new drawings.
Pakhuis de Zwijger
Streetlab_ meets:
5Jul 2010It's almost time for a very special summer edition of Streetlab_ businesscase. Presenting fresh ideas about eco fashion, social media and the future of green design.
Davis Lisboa
Illustrator, painter and creator of the Davis Museum in Barcelona.
EDUCATION 1996-2008 Universitat de Barcelona, Fines Arts. Painting. Spain. 1987-1990 Escola Massana. Painting. Barcelona, Spain. 1985-1987 Private conceptual drawing classes with contemporary artist...
Natalie Figueroa Perez
Han Mensink
Ideas and Opinions
adviseur, conceptmaker en interim op het gebied van o.a. cultuur
The Zibit
the zibit
9Jun 2010Painters, sculptors, photographers: For the first time, you can immediately exhibit your artwork (and your contact and pricing information) in public, through the internet! The project is called...
Englishman in Amsterdam
Liane v.d. Braak
Als afgestudeerde cultuurwetenschapper ben ik met name geïnteresseerd in populaire cultuur. Momenteel ben ik op zoek naar een uitdagende baan waar ik mijn enthousiasme in kwijt kan. Ik wil graag...
Project geselecteerd om te pitchen tijdens Kom je Ook Daan Neleman
Vergeten Verjaardagen
Geef dak- en thuislozen de dag van hun leven (terug)
Met Vergeten Verjaardagen willen we de verjaardagen van dak-en thuislozen nieuw leven inblazen.
Art Amsterdam 2010
26May 201030May 2010The 26th edition of Art Amsterdam will be held in the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam from 26 to 30 May 2010. 129 leading galleries from the Netherlands, Europe and Asia will be present. The...
Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam Volume 14
23Jun 2010We are happy to announce a special 14th edition of the Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam. It'll all be taking place at the Tolhuistuin, on the northern IJ bank.
Bart Corre
Honoring creativity and impact in interactive advertising
The MIXX Awards is the only interactive awards competition judged by an all-star panel—advertising agency executives who create campaigns for the world’s most powerful brands, marketers with direct...
Hoteliere from Tokyo/Hamburg currently based in Lausanne. Love to travel and explore!