Mediamatic 2003

In 2003, in addition to presentations and exhibitions there are now also workshops being given.

Turkish-German Salon

On January the 1st Mediamatic opens the year with the Salon about the German-Turkish culture, with belly dancing.


Paola shows some belly dancing - Mediamatic SuperSalon, 1 januari 2003 Jans Possel

Exhibition Chinatown ... park / pattern recognition / not just meet at the table / full-mouth

On January the 17th, the opening of the exhibition Chinatown ... park / pattern recognition / not just meet at the table / voll-mouth from Meggie Schneider. The exhibition consists of three installations and five one-channel video works. Meggie Schneider studies after her training media and painting at the AKI, "Experimentelle Film- und Mediengestaltung 'at the HDK in Berlin. Her work moves between the classic short film and fine art.


De installatie Chinatown, foto hier gevonden - 17 januari t/m 2 maart 2003: De tentoonstelling Chinatown ... park / patroonherkenning / elkaar net niet ontmoeten aan tafel / voll-mond van Meggie Schneider bevatte maar liefst drie installaties en vijf éénkanaals videowerken. Meggie Schneider studeerde na haar opleiding media- en schilderkunst aan de AKI, 'Experimentelle Film- und Mediengestaltung' aan de HDK in Berlijn. Haar werk beweegt zich tussen de klassieke korte film en autonome beeldende kunst.


The following Mediamatic Super Salon will take place on March the 2nd. This time from a bird's eye view perspective with Anneke Saveur, Ton Venhoeven, Jannah Loontjens and Blossum.


Jannah Loontjens leest voor uit Varianten van nu - Mediamatic Super Salon, 2 maart 2003 Jans Possel

During the Super Salon on June the 1st plays among others the big boys band De Biet sixties music.


De Biet - Mediamatic Supermarkt, 1 juni 2003 Jans Possel

With: De Biet


"It takes a strong man to be a strong woman ' is the motto of Debra Solomon, born in California but has her residency in Amsterdam for a long time, prefers to describe her project Ladies Gourmet Cycling. Under the title MOST OF THE TIME YOU'RE NOT ON THE BIKE Solomon presents in the Mediamatic Supermarket the 28th of March till the 12th of May her new fashion label.


Ladies Gourmet Cycling Debra Solomon - 28 maart t/m 12 mei: 'It takes a strong man to be a strong woman' was het motto waarmee Debra Solomon, geboren in California maar al langdurig in Amsterdam woonachtig, het liefst haar project Ladies Gourmet Cycling beschrijft. Onder de titel MOST OF THE TIME YOU'RE NOT ON THE BIKE presenteert Solomon in de Mediamatic Supermarkt haar nieuwe modelabel. 

Interactive Storytellers

At 10:00 o'clock in the morning on the 4th of May Mediamatic tintroduces the symposium workshop Interactive Storytellers; a practical and theoretical workshop on storytelling with interactive media. The central question is how a creator can meaningfully participate in your story. The workshop Interactive Storytellers lasts one month and, in addition, a symposium of three study nights and three days. The participants will create their own fictional or non-fictional interactive narrative. Interactive Storytellers is a recurring workshop, in May we work together with the World Wide Video Festival and in June with the Limitless Sound festival.


Symposium Interactieve Vertellers - 4 mei 2003: Om 10.00 uur s' morgens begon bij Mediamatic het inleidend symposium van de workshop Interactieve Vertellers; een praktische en theoretische workshop over het vertellen van verhalen met interactieve media. Centraal stond de vraag hoe je als maker de gebruikers betekenisvol aan je verhaalwereld kunt laten deelnemen. De workshop Interactieve Vertellers duurde een maand en bestond naast een symposium uit drie studie-avonden en drie werkdagen. De deelnemers maakten zelf hun eigen…

On October the 26th, the last workshop. In this workshop participants learn to design environments for stories in which there is room for substantial input from users. Participants build under technical and conceptual guidance demos of their project ideas.


Uitnodiging Interactieve Vertellers - 26 oktober


From the 14th to the 18th of June, work in progress and final exam work by students of the Sandberg Institute will be displayed in the Mediamatic Supermarkt, under the heading Local.


Buy another personality - Spar Supermarkt Rapenburg

Women on Waves

Mediamatic Supermarkt presents the 13th of July till the 24th of August an exhibition of Women on Waves with new installations by Willem Velthoven, the WoW mobile abortion clinic by Atelier van Lieshout and pictures of the expedition with the abortion ship to Poland.

Just about now

September the 5th: A book is born! 'Just about now' of Ritsaert Cate with additional texts by Anna Tilroe. An evening filled with drinks, a video installation by Catherine Henegan based on Ten Cates work, interesting stories and a minimum of the necessary speeches.


5 september - Just about now - a Catherine Henegan video installation at Mediamatic

Colabar Concept

11 October-23 November, Maurer United Architects presented the Colabar concept in the Mediamatic Supermarkt. Instead of an exhibition, Maurer United Architects (MUA) launches in the Mediamatic Supermarkt a catering concept, Colabar. For years now MUA gets annoyed by the fact that in bars and restaurants the choice of the cola brand has already been made as a result of binding contracts. In this scheme the personal taste of the consumer gets ignored. In Colabar visitors choose from countless national and international brands of the seemingly identical product, cola.


Colabar - Jans Possel

Projections on Mediamatic Supermarket

In November Mediamatic started a new series of projections on the Mediamatic Supermarkt. From the 10th until November 23d, 2003: Mai Ueda (New York) whom makes digital photos of her life.


"I am Mai", Mai Ueda - 10 t/m 23 november 2003: In november 2003 startte Mediamatic een nieuwe serie projecties op de Mediamatic Supermarkt. Mai Ueda (New York) deed via digitale foto's van 10 tot 23 november 2003 verslag van haar leven. 10 t/m 23 november - nieuwe serie projecties op de Mediamatic Supermarkt.

Slipping through the Web

Associate Professor Paul N. Edwards passes on the evening of December the 1st a reading entitled "Slipping through the Web: Computers and US Global Power from the Cold War to September the 11th, 2001. Paul N. Edwards is the author of The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America, a book that describes the basis of a staggering amount of research how the arms race between America and the Soviet Union and how the establishment the functioning of the computer, as we now use it, has determined. The evening will be introduced and chaired by essayist and biologist Arjen Mulder, known from Book Electronic Arts (2001) and Living Systems (2002).


The Closed World kaft - 1 december 2003: Op deze avond gaf Paul N. Edwards een lezing onder de titel 'Slipping through the Web: Computers and U.S. Global Power from the Cold War to September 11, 2001'.


The exhibition My% Desktop JODI (Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans) lasts from December the 14th till January the 2nd in Mediamatic Supermarkt. JODI show moments of dysfunction of contemporary art, especially on the home computer, where they leave nothing to chance. Or maybe just everything. And at the same time they indicate how to sublimate the chaos.


My%Desktop - 14 december 2003 t/m 2 januari 2004: De tentoonstelling My%Desktop van JODI (Joan Heemskerk en Dirk Paesmans) was te zien in de Mediamatic Supermarkt. JODI laten momenten van disfunctioneren van de hedendaagse techniek zien, vooral die op de huiscomputer, waarbij ze niets aan het toeval overlaten. Of misschien juist alles wel. En tegelijk geven ze aan hoe je die chaos kunt sublimeren. 14 december 2003 t/m 2 januari - De tentoonstelling My%Desktop.