the Korsakow System in the Press
Here you can find out what the rest of the world has been writing about the Korsakow System.
Here you can find out what the rest of the world has been writing about the Korsakow System.
With the flick of a mouse, we glide effortlessly down the gloomy corridors of Los Angeles’ Ambassador Hotel, floating past cavernous ballrooms and windows overlooking elegant gardens and swimming...
Experiments in multiple-image films and nonlinear plots have slowed, and although the rush to make movies on the desktop has picked up speed, the urge to watch them there has dissipated.
In 54 Episoden berichtet der dreißigjährige Medienkünstler Florian Thalhofer auf der CD-ROM welt von seinem Heimatort Schwandorf in der bayerischen Oberpfalz.
Eine Vorlesung von Prof. Heinz Emigholz über Interaktive Narration.
Read about our workshops in the festival publications
Das 16, internationale Dokumentarfilm-Festival Amsterdam begrüßte seine Gäste im Dezember wieder am Rande der Altstadt. Verteilt über mehrere Gebäude und Kinos in der Nähe des Leidseplein, liefen...