The Hasselt Triennial is a dynamic art project for contemporary arts, fashion and design, and all possible relations between them.
The triennial programme, with more than 100 works by national and international artists, fashion designers & designers, responds to the use of narrative and documentary elements within contemporary art, fashion and design. The stage for the triennial is the city itself, consisting of a course along different culture houses, at walking distance from one another in Hasselt (Belgium). These houses are cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Kunstencentrum Z33, Modemuseum Hasselt, Nationaal Jenevermuseum and Ciap.
The project has international ambitions and addresses Flanders, the Euregion and international art and culture lovers. At set times, the Triennial project focuses on the interaction and the confrontation between art and applied arts, how they influence and feed each other and whether it is sense or nonsense to consider them as separate worlds. The confrontation or the connection between both worlds is the starting point for a range of exhibitions and will be expounded through an elaborate educational programme with lectures and workshops and in a catalogue. Through its high-quality and diverse mix of contemporary visual arts and applied arts (fashion & design), the Triennial presents a platform for both young and upcoming regional artists and big names from the national and international art, fashion and design world.
Artists: Atelier NL, Maarten Baas, Aldo Bakker, Carel Blotkamp, Bram Bogart, Bram Boo, Marie Ilse Bourlanges, Boym Partners Inc., Harmen Brethouwer, Casimir, William Cobbing, Leo Copers, Christophe Coppens, Krijn de Koning, Stefaan Dheedene, Narelle Dore, Driessens & Verstappen, Nick Ervinck, Exactitudes, Martino Gamper, Thomas Grünfeld, Linde Hermans, Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, Jongeriuslab, Germaine Kruip, Annette Kölling, Joris Laarman, Cristina Lucas, Simon Martin, Christien Meindertsma, Aernout Mik, Ted Noten, Reineke Otten, Piet Paris, Thomas Rentmeister, Guy Rombouts, Arno Roncada, Wim T. Schippers, Studio Job, Studio Makkink & Bey, Wim T. Schippers, Mats Theselius, Catharina van Eetvelde, Eugène van Lamsweerde, Dan Van Severen, Maarten Van Severen, Els Vanden Meersch, Koen Vanmechelen, Barbara Visser, Marga Weimans , Sylvie Zijlmans.
Curated by Koos Flinterman
2nd Triennial of Contemporary Art, Fashion and Design
Five fascinating exhibitions with works by national and international artists and designers.
