These guides are currently inactive Hugo Herrera Tobón, Natalia Domínguez Rangel

Bogota Blinks

In Bogotá, beats bite bits.

Your first encounter with the city won't be immediately tinted by Caribbean-like feelings and behaviors. Bogotá seems to be calmly lying down on an Andean plateau at 2,600 mt above the sea level and most residents would greet you with a characteristic warm distance.
Most Bogotanos would agree on the much higher levels of conviviality reached during the past decade, where civic educational platforms have started an ongoing process of sustainable social development.

We would like to guide you through our natal city.

I am Natalia and having studied in the faculty of arts in an University in Bogota, I can give you detailed information and very useful contacts.

I am Hugo. I might not always know the facts, but I can tell how Bogotanos feel and think, from a far away distance and deep deep inside.


Hugo y Natalia - Natalia Domínguez Rangel