I am a reincarnation of Rene'

Below you will find many answers to the questions I left behind
Codex Cogito

It's not what people don't know that hurts them,
it’s what they know, that isn’t true,
that’s what hurts.

The greatest obstacle to enlightenment and discovery is not ignorance; it’s the illusion of knowledge.

Due to the inter-connectedness of the following information, the scripting method may seem disjointed, but truly, we had to consider some peoples limited attention-span. To us, this is not a novel, but you can read it as such. It is the information scripted herein that are so important, and not the method of scripting or the scribes. Some of it is translated and transliterated by yours truly. So forgive us for the sometimes archaic or cryptic organization.

This script will also upset some of you for sure, because it will break your illusions, expose your misunderstandings and errors of the past as well as the erroneous teachings other people told you.

Few writings will force you think, more than this one, for sure.
With this script, all the real secrets are revealed; the only thing left to be revealed, are the many lies and deceptions.

What you are about to read on the following pages has been composed by many different people over the centuries. Some short bits of it may be considered plagiarism and it truly is, but all the relevant truth must now be revealed, and to all the sources we give thanks, from the bottom of our hearts. The truth is what matters, not the scribes.

The fact that some of it has already been written is irrelevant. Ours is an attempt to bring you all the relevant information that is so dearly needed in this time and space. The translations are, as far as possible, translated in today’s lingo.

It will make you think, so we had to cut to the chase and be blunt, and strait to the point, to avoid any misunderstandings. And to be diplomatic would only have obscured the truth. When you have read it, make up your own mind, and think for your self … for a change.

Over the centuries people have found small bits and pieces of the truth in the different religions, philosophies, mysticism and from wise men. They then ran off with what little they had, and assumed that they had all the marbles, which they obviously didn’t.
Rarely before has all the information been made public, but the teachings about what you really are, and what you are really doing here in this world, have to be revealed, and the time is right…now.

We specifically write things that will make you upset, and force you to think, by questioning your belief system and understanding, whatever it is, and getting to the truth, wherever it leads. It truly takes guts to read this. There is only one thing that is truly sacred and beautiful in this “fallen” world and that is the truth and even when it is at its ugliest.
It will be our great pleasure to burst your bubble.
And jerk your chain.
R. D.

The real scoop…….

If the story of Darwin’s theory of evolution is the only view in a person’s life, then there is little or no reason to look back to ancient cultures or old books for wisdom and insight. According to the evolutionary theory, everything old is primitive, everything older than yesterday is un-enlightened and lesser evolved, that include every book of education, science, religion and Philosophy. Even yesterdays news is old and primitive. The object of Darwin was clearly to stop us from looking too much back in history for wisdom and insight, and to teach us to se history as useless happening of some lesser evolved and unenlightened primates.

If, on the other hand, we come to know that before this great evolution of ours, there was a great involution (Us being involved, or partaking, or caused to happen) into matter, then there is much to be learned from looking back in history, in helping you understand what you are, your origin and your purpose for being here, and for living.
Every action has an equal and opposite re-action. Every cause has an effect. Hence, every effect and re-action comes from an original cause or original action, logically.

If we would come to know that there was an original cause to the effect we now call ‘the creation’. That there was an original action, for the re-action we now live in. That something did all the sowing that evolved into the world which we now are harvesting. If we come to know what the known creation originated from, or what the original cause was, then, what point of view would we have?

What is the original cause of the physical, and the metaphysical, as well as the many other unknown dimensions, what is the real purpose for all of us living and existing? What part of the original cause/action foresaw the development of humanity down the line? Or the dark or light tendencies some people have? Truly the original cause was not an accident waiting to happen out of nothingness.
There is order in the Universe, not chaos. No new world order is needed, all we need to do, is to re-establish the original old Universal order by stopping the chaos we ourselves have let happen or fumbled into.
The physical Evolution began after the original cause, evolution and everything in it, is, an effect of the original cause.

Now, what was the original cause??? We know the effects, just look around.

Since physical matter, as a proven fact, cannot evolve into, or in any way create Conscious Awareness, it, by pure logic and reason must be Consciousness that created physical matter. Hence the original cause came from Consciousness; let’s call it The Universal Consciousness.
All thoughts you have, All ideas and imaginations, has a full spectrum of varied and specific vibrational frequencies, and by holding the thoughts, imaginations and ideas in your mind, and then lowering the frequencies to the very limited physical levels, you densify and materialize your thoughts and imaginations. That is exactly how the Universal Consciousness made the three dimensional physical world manifest.
The opposite is equally possible. By using your Conscious awareness in righteousness you can raise the frequency and harmonize physical matter. (Have you ever seen faith healing?)
Dreams in your sub consciousness for an example are real, you se it, you smell it, you experience it and you remember it sometimes. What is there is real, even though you don’t understand it fully, but it exists at a higher frequency than the physical dimension.
Intelligence is a primate brain function to focus on specifics and for survival of the physical body. Intelligence need grey brain matter to exist before it has an abode and memory cells to do its jaded manipulations. And your intelligence will die, decompose and get eaten by worms when the primate body your conscious awareness is using, dies.

Intelligence and Conscious Awareness is not the same thing, as many people like to think. Intelligence is primate brain function designed specifically to focus on specifics and maintain the survival of the primate body, and is mortal. Intelligence is a temporary survival tool only. Snakes and spiders are intelligent also, and for the same reason.

Conscious awareness (Call it Soul if you will), is purely metaphysical and are using the primate body as an instrument to express itself through, while the primate body is alive, and when the body dies, your Conscious awareness still exist, but without its mammalian body, but on a different or elevated frequency, just like your dreams. Your Conscious awareness is what is called your individual Soul in religious terms. In materialistic or Darwinian terms it is called nothing, its existence cannot be proven with their methods. Materialist never studied Metaphysics and its higher vibrations, but are all happy denying it, not knowing what they deny.

The original cause, the Universal Consciousness is what is called God in religious terms.
In metaphysical terms it is called The God force or the Creator.
In materialistic terms the original cause is called ‘The Big Bang’. A random chaotic accident that would make life totally meaningless. But life, as you shall se, clearly has a meaning.

The materialists however, have utterly failed to explain where the Conscious awareness in living beings comes from, or evolved from. Or, what the powerful Life Force is? Surely, it did not evolve from molten lava? And if it did, they have never been able to explain one iota of how that could have been happening.

Well, when the primate body they are using, dies, they will learn in a hurry. Dead is not the end of everything as the materialist think, Consciousness cannot die, because it was not borne but was part of the Universal consciousness long before it began to use primate bodies.

Life Force and Conscious awareness goes hand in hand, one cannot be without the other. When a body dies, the Life Force has left the body, as do the Conscious awareness. The life force is for ever, as are Conscious awareness. The intellect in the brain is toast when the primate dies. When that happens, the primate body will decompose and rot. I truly hope that you now can begin to understand that “You” are the Conscious Awareness and life force, and you are not the primate mammal you look at in the mirror in a tie or a mini skirt.

Materialists mostly condemn Metaphysics, (That which they cannot weigh and measure) things like Conscious Awareness. But when asked about specifics they always come out short.

Their specialty is only their own limited and narrow field of material expertise, which made most of them arrogant and selfish. The studies of specialists are definitely not the full spectrum of human knowledge, of which they are mostly ignorant. They never studied metaphysics or what Consciousness really is, but are very happy to condemn it, not knowing what they condemn. Well, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”. ‘Einstein’.

As conscious beings, (Souls) not physical human primates, we descended from the higher realms (Vibrational frequencies) and dimensions and higher states of Consciousness during an involution into matter. As we separated from the higher realms, we gradually lost our awareness of them, focusing increasingly on this physical dimension and forgot our origin, the Universal Conscious source we came from. Some of the Soul group realized that we were heading into the more solid and very limiting condition of mostly primate brain intellect, so they recorded important stories and information that would help us rise again to the original state of our higher consciousness that was ours before we, as Souls entered the physical dimension.
A plan was developed.

The way in, and out, of this physical realm and dimension was recorded, but cryptically, so that only those who sought it for the right reasons and without selfishness could find it. Three venues were chosen to maintain the teachings for posterity. Cryptically in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Cut in stone in the Mayan culture. And by a living fully Conscious person.
The manuscript we now call The Egyptian Book of the Dead actually carries the hieroglyphic title, The Book of the Master of the Hidden Places. It is not a death ritual book as so many believe today, but an inner map used to guide the Soul back through the inner darkness of the physical dimension, to the light of the higher dimensions, which, sadly, few seek to find. Simply because they have been misguided throughout their lives.

It was written because our Souls (Our Conscious awareness) descent into mute matter was progressing too rapidly; soon we’d have no memory of the former places from whence we came. This is why ancient Egypt and its hieroglyphic symbols are worth studying. Its picture stories contain remnants from an important time in the lives of our Souls.

When we realize where we, as souls, have been before our physical entry, and what we, as souls, have done while we were incarnated, we'll know better where we are headed and what we are in need of doing, or what purpose has to be achieved. We will also get a view into the truer nature of our being. “What am I?” and “Know thyself,” the old adage goes. Well, we are, were, and will be again, much more than fragile ignorant physical Earthlings. In fact, it is totally un-natural for you, as a soul, to be encased in the very limited primate body. (A genetically modified primate mammal).
Our souls have traveled throughout the cosmos from the beginning of creation of which the physical creation and this earthly experience is just a minor part. Many of us, our individual Souls, went through the initiations of these ancient mystery schools and temples during the thousands of years of descent into matter. Our Souls have been impregnated with the messages and meanings of the strange images on the walls of these temples and tombs. And as we re-awaken the higher Consciousness, Soul-self within us, we will remember and understand. Hopefully, as we look at the images and ideas, we will awaken memories that have been locked in our higher consciousness and hearts for a very long time.
This is one of the great aspects of this new era we are entering, an awakening -- an awakening like none other, where whole groups of Souls rise to a more Universal, eternal view of life, past, present and future.
We are not physical, earthly beings, but within that being is a godling, a bound angel sort of speak, a sleeping beauty, (A Conscious awareness) seeking to be reborn, reawakened in our full Conscious Awareness.
The old records speak of the part of us that is the angel, (our higher Consciousness) and that this angel-self is ever an intricate part of the Universal Consciousness, in old scripts it is called, before the throne of God. The awareness of this godly part of us was somewhat lost during the descent into embodiment, but many will be “reborn” on the rising of Consciousness or the ‘ascent’.
The ancient Egyptian picture language requires us to engage our right side brains in order to comprehend the meaning. We can't take these images and attempt to translate them as literal, physical pictures. If we do, we'll come up with the same concepts that many of our 19th-century researchers did: that is, the Ancient Egyptians, for all their magnificent art, building skills (which we can only partially imitate today) and spirituality, were primitive animal-worshipers with many gods. This simply is not true. The ancient images were created to convey ideals associated with the creature or character of the image. Even though some of them appear bizarre, they are in fact meaningful, and can be understood if one looks with the inner mind and a metaphoric mindset.
The Mayan information was cut in stone, and was excavated, but clearly not understood, and hence put on an obscure shelf in the museum in Chicago.
In 1997 the person who had the conscious awareness it takes, revealed it all, and since then there are no more secrets of value, all has been made available for the seekers. Only the deceptions and lies are secrets now. You may not have found the truth, but then again, maybe your questions were wrong, or you looked in the wrong places.
The person who finally brought the answers mankind was looking for, the forerunner, has now sadly passed away, but not before he revealed everything of how we too can achieve what we were meant to achieve.
Make no bones about it, you have been lied to, by people who assumed they told the truth, but truly didn’t.
Stop learning so much. That doesn’t help what really matters in life, as we are sure you have noticed. Start thinking and contemplating, imagine, ponder, wonder, get ideas and be creative. Ask your own questions. Use all your reasoning and noble ethics, be harmless and humble, be righteous and kind, be loving and care, and please, Love and appreciate the source you came from, and your fellow human beings, loose all your selfishness and become compassionate.
Have you had enough? Are you willing?
Below I will use the word Spiritual, so let me define the meaning of the word. The root meaning of the word Spirit simply means Life. Spiritual is everything that has to do with Life and living. Sometimes called Ghost which indicate it is life and otherworldly. Other scholars has sucked interpretations out of many peculiar sources, or made it into a person due to some error in translations and transliterations.
Let’s get to the facts.
Only 3 answers matter, and if you don’t find answers, your life is most likely a total waste, trust us.

1) What am I? Not who, but what? The ‘who’, is your personality? The ‘What’, is your individuality or what some call Soul. Then again, what is Soul? You don’t know, do you? If that is really what you are?

2) What is my real Purpose in life? Whatever you are doing in life, is it truly what you ultimately were ment to be doing with your life or with what you supposedly are?

3) How do I achieve my true purpose in life? How can I achieve what I am supposed to achieve in life, or learn, or be, or do, or think, with whatever I am?

Simple isn’t it?
However, the 3 areas of learning and enlightenment, that is, Science, Religion and Philosophy are all silent on these most important questions, and do not provide the answers. Why.

What failed?
Many people would love to save the world and make it a better place, but most don't realize or understand what deep doo-doo we are really in.

So, let’s start where it truly went terrible wrong.

In today’s lingo the word religion means re-binding, or re-connect or re-establish or re-combine or re-unite, or re-join (Again becoming One). This clearly indicates that the purpose and objective of all religions was to somehow re-unite man to the creator and man to man. Religion apparently was ment to explain to us, show us, and teach us the way to achieve this re-connection. That is why it is called “Re-ligion”. On this issue, all religions have clearly and sadly been udder failures. Every one of them, and to the detriment of mankind as a whole.

You see, if you don’t know what you are, and the reason for living, then how can you achieve what you are supposed to achieve with what ever you are, while you are still alive? And if religion has not enlightened you on how to achieve your purpose in life, in other words, what to do in the future and how to achieve what you were ment to achieve, then it is not a religion by any stretch of the imagination. In that case, your religion is a cult (ure). If religion was supposed to unite man to God and to other men, by answering the third question, then clearly, all religions have failed dismally. And they cannot answer the third question unless they also answer the first two. So all religions have sadly, by now, become dead ends by their own errors.

Re-uniting, also indicate something earlier or previous.
Re-uniting or Again-uniting means that we once were united. That we once were One, and was subsequently separated, or parted our ways from each other and ‘the One’, or was lost, or failed, and now have to return, (to whatever) or be re-united for some totally unexplained reason and in some totally unknown way.

In fact what religion has been doing is trying to bind you to them and their individual denominationalism and priesthood dogma, and not to God and the rest of mankind. True isn’t it?

They also never told you what it is that must be reconnected or re-ligionized. Is it the primate body your Soul is using? (The resurrection of the flesh). Or is it your Soul that must be re-connected? (More about Soul later). The primate body will die and decompose for sure, that we know, and they tell you that your Soul will go to heaven if you do and think as they want you to, and you go to hell if you don’t.
But they never told you what Soul is, did they? Or where it came from? Or when it was borne? Or when does it enter the body? Or why did it enter? Since the Soul is what is being judged, and supposedly get punished or blessed after the primate body dies, as they say, then let’s assume that that is what “we” are and not the mortal primate body we only use temporary. Surely you don’t think that your soul was created when your parents had sex, do you? And you don’t know what your Soul “is” either, do you? You really don’t know you. Then ask yourself, “How can I get anything right in my life when I don’t even know what I am?

So, let’s start by looking at it in a totally different way because religions are clearly silent on these important questions. Let’s use reason and logic, be sensible, rational, constructive, uplifting, helpful, timely, kind and loving. Let’s ponder, wonder, contemplate and ask the relevant questions? Let’s be brave. Let’s use all available sources in pursuit of truth, because only the truth matters. Let’s explore Physics, philosophy, spirituality, Comparative religion, reasoning, and our common sense and knowledge in our pursuit of understanding to find the real truth about the purpose for our existence and our Being and our Life. Let’s forget about the traditional dogma of both of religion, science and philosophy, which all clearly and truly failed and never achieved their purpose in answering these three questions.
We will clarify the questions Religion, Philosophy and Science should have helped you understand, but was unable to.

Most religions have created so many useless rituals, traditions, symbols, circumcisions, and funny costumes, gowns, hand signs and weird hats etc. that all the teachings of ‘re-uniting’ is totally lost, hidden, or forgotten. The true purpose of most religious rituals and traditions, has apparently been to mesmerise (to hypnotic entertain) the ignorant masses, collect some loot, and make sure that the mob didn’t ask questions about what religion was ment to do, of which most Christian denominations as well as many other belief systems have clearly, been very, very successful.

Ask yourself, why do people go to church? Surely it is not always for show-off for the community? (They want to look good in the eyes of their community). Truly many are searching for some Spiritual truths for whatever reason. So the congregations are sincere in their searching for truths, and most people hope to get some information about how they, individually, can progress in the near future, from where they are right now. That is why most go to church.
They sincerely hope to learn and get to know the Laws and Principles of God and the Universe so they don’t make so many mistakes in their daily lives in the future as they have done in the past, instead, they learn things of the past dark ages, that do not help them in any way.

What the pastors, evangelists, rabbis etc are teaching their congregations is mostly dogma, assumptions, faith, rituals, history, feeling good and superstitions etc. that does not help anybody achieve anything regarding their purpose in spiritual matters. Theology is supposed to be the science of God, and regarding this, they tell you nothing. Most theologians are self-righteous, selfish and spiritual egomaniacs, and lag humility and compassion towards people who disagree with their denominationalism, mostly.

How can anybody think that any rituals, traditions, arm movements, symbols, costumes, bizarre hats, impressive alters, golden candle stick holders, circumcisions, laying on your knees on a gravel road, or cliché sayings can “Re-Unite” Man and God? Or for that matter, help make you kind, loving, helpful, friendly, compassionate, merciful and harmless so you can become One? Get real. Only the truth can. As can a person who truly shows us by example, by living the truth of it. And priests or rabbis never do that. So Religion has ‘left the building’.

Assuming that the objective is to become united, or One, as the word ‘religion’ means, then the question is, what truth is needed in helping you to become ‘One’ again? And you must be specific in you questions, because there is a lot of irrelevant information out there that is the truth, but totally useless, ask any stamp collector. What is the useful information we need to know before we run out of time, or before our body dies? What can help you now? What truth is useful at this time in your life to achieve what you need to achieve now and in the near future?

Let’s make this very clear. It's not what people don't know that hurts them, it’s what they know, that isn’t true, that’s what hurts, not alone themselves but their children as well. The greatest obstacle to enlightenment and discovery is not ignorance; it’s the illusion of knowledge, but truth never fears investigation, only lies do.

Many religions and their theologians amplify and idolize the teachers of old while minimizing their teachings, what travesty. The many different Christian denominations, if not most, worship, praise and adore (idolizing) Jesus, while totally forgetting his message to “Love one another “unselfishly” as I love you”.

Do you really think that the humble Galilean would want to be praised, worshipped and adored? He is not a golden calf and would reject this primitive pagan ritual in a split second. Would a brother want a brother to worship him? Would a father want his child to worship him? We certainly think not.
Love and kindness, friendliness, respect, helpfulness, mercy and honesty yes, he was our role model, but not any pagan worship and lib service, in a vain attempt to gain favours, which is what praise, worship and adoration really has become and is. We also know that most people are truly well meaning, but many are terribly misled and misguided by a few.

What is it, you have to learn, or do, or think, or say, or whatever, what attitude do you have to attain so you can be ‘One’ again?
This is what religion should have taught you, but didn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t or had no intension of doing.
That is, If being ‘One’ is truly your purpose for being?

If you ask the right questions, you shall find the truth, and it is only the truth can set you free from their deceptions and errors. The flip side of this is, if you are satisfied and comfortable with having faith in what “they” say, or tell you to have faith in, then you don’t ask any questions, and you won’t receive any truth, whatsoever, and you can never be set free from your ignorance and errors.

When someone asks you to have faith in something, be cautious. Faith assumes the possibility of doubt; but knowledge implies certainty. To hope, really bad and sincerely, that some teaching, dogma, concept or belief system is the real and indisputable truth is what is called faith. It has nothing to do with knowledge or understanding what-so-ever. It may be truth, or it may not be the truth, but to hope really badly that something is the truth, is simply not good enough for any independently thinking person and it certainly does not make it the truth. Faith is clearly a form of hopeful and wishful thinking.

For anybody, to specifically choose faith, instead of knowledge and understanding, is somewhat like escaping reality. They dare not ask the necessary questions, or they fear that the answers could possible make them feel foolish and mislead. Any way, it implies doubt and uncertainty, both of which are levels of ignorance and wishful thinking. They also hate to admit their own ignorance and that they don’t have all the answers, so faith is the cheep way out. But worse of all, it stops you asking all the questions you really need answers for.

If a Priest, scientist or Politician asks you to have faith in what they say, it generally means that they cannot explain the subject due to their own lagging knowledge and their own doubt. If they could tell you the truth, and explain in detail what they talked about, we are sure that they would, in which case, no faith is needed, and sadly, many times, a pastor, scientist or philosopher will assume that something is the truth, and then tell his assumption to his congregation as if it were the truth, instead of telling you that it is only an assumption. Some of the craziest utterances throughout mankind’s history were done in assumptious faith, not with knowledge. When the Witches were burned it was done in faith, and they assumed they were Witches.

The question is: Isn’t it better to have knowledge and be certain of your insight and spiritual understanding, than whishing and hoping really bad that it is the truth, and having faith?? Surely, nobody would ever choose ignorance. However Faith does have a purpose amongst men, have faith in the unseen dimensions, and in God the creator. In everything else get knowledge and insight, if you can.

The truth is always self-evident and provable, but it is not so with assumptions, lies, faith or wishful thinking.
Just because many evangelizers are masters of the spoken word, and have the gift of gab, does not mean they are enlightened or truthful by any stretch.

To look in old books and scriptures, can help you learn from other people’s many failures or few successes in the past, as well as a few words of wisdom that are cleverly interwoven into the many otherwise unenlightened streams of mostly useless history, fragmented information, made-up stories, lies, misinterpretations, mistranslations, misunderstandings, superstitions, outright deceits and misprints, that so many scriptures entertain, both old and new scriptures. History books are always written by the victors mostly for their self--glorification, and that makes them highly suspect, you se, as history so amply have shown, brute force has always been the ways of the victor.

So, don’t overestimate old books by any stretch. In days of old, people were just as partial to record their assumptions and wishful thoughts as if they were the cosmic truth, not knowing what the real truth actually was, as people do today. They do this because most people hate to admit that they simply don’t know.

Another problem we have is that most scriptures are more of a glorified historical record of some past idolized teacher, written in great admiration, or it is some actions by some individual in some accidental place and in some time period of history. Religion mostly dabbles in the past, rather than teaching how we mortals can reach some form of perfection and purpose in the future, which they should have had. You cannot get ahead by looking in the rear view mirror. The past cannot be changed; but you can change, create and mould your future. Always look forward in spiritual matters, look to where you have to go and what you have to do to get there. Not what was done previously? So theologians, evangelists and rabbis have sadly all failed in the big scheme of things. They all glued to their cushy jobs and self-importance or power.

History belongs in the history books. Take the teachings of Joshua for an example. What teachings?? We have an endless stream of what he did, which is called history and belong in history books, I have no intention of belittling Joshua, but what spiritual teaching has he given? Not-a-thing-what-so-ever absolutely nothing, silt, zip, that we have been told about. The same with Abraham, Enoch and Melchizedek. What were their teachings? And Melchizedek was the King of righteousness. What did he teach or what was his righteousness? Theologians only tell us what they were doing?

According to the Bible, every word Jesus said, can be said in 16 minutes? That is how short his teachings have been cut down to by the scribes and manipulators. A few short sentences. So his teachings are almost lost, for sure. He was clearly speaking more than 16 minutes in his life, wasn’t he?
But we know a lot of what happened to him. And that is history, and history is not necessarily a teaching that can enlighten you spiritually or answer the 3 questions you need answers for, to perfect you, and make you ready for what is going to happen to you in the near future when your body dies, only the truth can.

Well, most of the teachings the great teachers gave, were clearly lost in history. Religion always looks backward to what has happen in the past, and has clearly turned into pillars of salt, just like Lot’s wife. We need helpful and relevant truths, not the histories of other people’s mistakes and successes.

True enlightened Spiritual teachers always talk about future and what you have to do with what you are, to achieve your purpose, in the near future, and they never Proselyte, never ever. Truth doesn’t need conversions or converts; it’s always self-evident and intuitively apparent, but lies, stories and wishful thinking needs converting (convincing), the truth does not, ever. Any truth - or should that be "truths" - which needs to be enforced by dogma or any convincing, is by its very nature not truth at all - for if it was the truth, there would be no need for convincing. Never has been, never will be. Truth simply is.

This particular story religion has now become, and let us be absolutely clear about this, it IS a story - is quite simply not believable as a whole, even though spiritual truths are interwoven into it. This is exactly why religion needs dogma and theology to support it. And thus we have our confirmation: the story as a whole can’t be true.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation. Hence investigate to find the truth.

And let's also be very clear about this. Those who refuse to debate, especially in a supposedly open society, even more especially when they insist they have truth on their side, refuse only when they know they cannot win - because they know they do NOT have truth on their side.

When, not if, traditional religious story falls to its knees, not only reputations and livelihoods will be destroyed, but power will be lost, because the traditional religious story is used as a cult (ure) to dictate what morality is, by people who have absolutely no authority to do so, as well as to intimidate the mob not to question their authority in this. Which means reading this script is may actually qualify as revolutionary act, or an act of heresy.

Over the centuries figures, testimonies and documents have been exaggerated, reduced, misrepresented, changed or even disappeared, and in many cases with the obvious goal of keeping certain details a mystery so that awkward questions don't come up.

But the true teachings, about how we can perfect our lives, can only be taught by already enlightened teachers talking face to face, or the second option, belong in scriptures of Spiritual education, written by enlightened teachers, so the ignorant mob can learn the truth and eventually become spiritually enlightened in the future as they choose to. To be a teacher of spiritual truth, one must be enlightened and have the required insight and understanding. To be a theologian, rabbi or evangelist does simply not qualify, by any stretch of the imagination.

Most priests, evangelists and rabbis are simply well spoken, but totally unenlightened men using popular cliché sayings to intellectually entertain their congregation, telling them what they want to here, or what they think they need to here. They also dearly love and adore the almost cult-like admiration as well as the loot they get from their flock, but they are generally not teachers of truth, nor are they enlightened, but they are rich and mostly full of, you know what? (Yak dung). Their show of pretended humility is revolting to the extreme.

One of the biggest obstacles and what has confused even the orthodox people is the faith demanding story of the resurrection of the dead flesh body of Jesus Christ, as well as everybody else’s body. Here, we are talking about a physical flesh resurrection of your primate bodies after having decomposed or turned into dust, blown in the wind, or been eaten by worms or fish, which clearly is a giant leap of faith demanded by orthodoxy, and is not, and apparently cannot be, a physical reality, but without which the church is nothing.

This, in contrast to the Gnostic Christian teachings about the Pre-existence of the Soul, and hence, by implication, the Souls Re-incarnation in a new baby’s body for further development. (Unless you are borne again). The Gnostic concern was about the Soul of Jesus Christ, his Christ Conscious awareness, not the primate flesh body of the mammal he was using 2000 years ago. For them, the power of the Soul Consciousness, and its capability to manifest at will, was a reality. As they said, Flesh is flesh, Spirit is Spirit. And flesh decomposes, but Soul is spirit (Life). This is what religion should have taught you, but didn’t, wouldn’t or couldn’t.

Please understand, to discard Religion do not mean dropping God. In fact, if you don’t get out of church and religion, you’ll never find God. (What God is, will be explained later) Sadly, the churches are now like water troughs with thirsty people all around, but they are empty of water.

Religion is now appearing to be going down, and the real truth about the Creator, and our purpose in life is finally emerging, all the fragmented truths are now coming together, (se below).
In the last century, many religious orators have turned people off on religion with their deceptions, useless rituals, traditions, and cliché sayings. Religion has become as extreme as the atheists, each on the opposite side of the truth. The religious misconceptions have sadly, by now, made a large majority of people into atheists of some sorts.
There are many kinds of atheists; there are those who don’t accept the ethics of religion, and those who don’t accept the kind of God religion has presented to them. And then there are those who think that intellect and consciousness is the same, and that dead therefore is the end of everything. And then those who cannot in any way grasp the concept of any form of Creator, other than a BIG BANG. And last but not least there are those many good people who cannot believe that God can be doing what God is claimed to be doing by the theologians? Some even say that there is no original cause that has evolved into what we are today, or of which, we are the effects. How arrogantly naïve.
Scriptures is another issue full of obstacles for atheists. Some scriptures are called the word of God, but is it really? How could it be when there are so many different versions each contradicting each other? Many of the different Bibles are also full of totally unethical demands of God, (Go and kill 60 000 philistines, get real, please, some sick or stupid rabbi would say that, not God).
The many apparent lies, miss-translated miss-representations are easy to see by most clear thinking people. And the metaphoric cliché interpretations used today by most preachers are simply down right childish. People have simply had enough and will not take more of their verbal yak dung in religious matters any more. They are tired of being mislead, they seek truths.

The atheists however, are mostly expressing their unbelief in established religion and what religions teach, not in God, of which they know absolutely nothing.

Since religion never understood or explained much about God, no wonder that the atheist reject religion and their presentation of God. In reality, atheists can not reject God, because they don’t know anything about God, but they know about, and do reject religion. Who should have told them, or you, about God? Nobody! In truth, what they condemned and denied was always their own misconceptions and misunderstandings of God and what religion is. All they have knowledge about is orthodoxy’s version, which is clearly dead wrong.

And, condemnation without investigation is truly the height of ignorance, so the atheicts are mistaken as well as the theologians. Trust me. The theological lies, assumptions and deceptions is what has created the atheists.
The reason for this atheist increase is that some organized religions have caused a tremendous amount of despair, including the suffering and deaths of hundreds of millions worldwide for thousands of years, erroneously claiming that God demanded it. This fact alone is enough to create many atheists. When we read stories about horrible things happening to innocent people and animals or see these atrocities with our own eyes, whom with any honesty and a conscience is not inclined to ask, how can there be any good “Theological” God in charge of this mess?
Indeed, if we have been raised to think for ourselves and to question reality, as well as to make honest observations, under such atrocious circumstances we cannot fail but to conclude that there certainly could not be a good “theological” God who is omnipotent, in charge of that cosmos. Too many awful things happen on too regular a basis, and the platitudes and cliché sayings that "God works in mysterious ways" and "the Devil did it" just do not suffice for any thinking person in this day and age.
If the “theological” God is all powerful, how can the Devil constantly be getting the better of him? And God acting mysteriously without letting us—his purported "children"—in on the secret, hardly speaks of a good character we should all admire, especially when his mysterious ways are causing misery and suffering. Would a terrestrial father who behaved in such a manner as the theologians say, deserve any kind of respect and admiration? No! But perhaps, what we have been told about God by the orthodox theologians is totally wrong? It certainly appears to be so.
Therefore, it is easy for scientifically minded people to sympathizes with, and engage in, atheistic thinking. But is atheism really the answer to the world's problems? If we drop the concept of God altogether, can we truly have a better life on Earth or achieve whatever we are supposed to achieve? The answer is clearly NO.
You can drop religion, but don’t drop God the creator, because God is not what he has been presented as by orthodox theology by a long shot. They just lied, or they thought that they told the truth, but didn’t. Look for God and truth elsewhere. Questioning these profound subjects is in itself extremely healthy for the human development and understanding.
To not be able to question accepted beliefs such as a giant all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-present being in the sky, as we find especially in the monotheistic religious ideologies—represents utter dishonesty and should serve as an example of the exact opposite of a real "religious" experience.
This questioning should be the earmarks of honest religious, philosophical and scientific doctrines. But they are not. This is swept under the rug and hidden away from sight, frequently under threat of force, violence and damnation if you ask about it. We know, because we dared ask.
In this regard, atheism certainly provides the answer to the dishonesty and depravity of organized religion that does not allow human beings to think for themselves, to reason out difficult issues and to not believe in the many Gods the different religions presents, including the monotheist god of the Abrahamic faiths and religions, their theologians have created in their own image.
In short, religion must be able to stand up to intelligent inquiry, debate and scrutiny. Which it most certainly does not do at the present time, by a long shot. This is badly needed, not to glorify or condemn neither atheism nor religion, but to get to the truth.
But then again, think not that atheism is the ultimate answer to the world's psychological, spiritual and emotional concerns? The real truths about yourself and God are the ultimate answers you should be looking for, trust me….but where to find them?
Leave all religions, as well as atheism, in the dust bin, or debate them to dead if you will, if they will let you. Search for truth and for truth only, which has all already been revealed. However, most people have not yet found it, because they never asked the right questions, or searched for the honest answers; they are used to be told to have faith in what orthodoxy, learned men, or the atheists says and do. Faith in theology is a trap. Knowledge of truth is what we want.
Some of our smartest, best and brightest people have rejected religion, and by default God, since religion doesn’t make sense to many clear thinking people. Religion must stop its dogmatic babbles and expose their own hypocrisy, lies and useless traditions and rituals, and become enlightened, --- or die.
The question is not, if religion or atheism is right or wrong. They both have some truths as well as lies in it. The real question is what are the useful and helpful truths needed to help you achieve your purpose now and in the near future? Nothing less! Because your time is running out.
All the insight and understanding that has ever been hidden, has always been hidden for one purpose only, so that whoever hid it, could take advantage of the people it was hidden from. That which is hidden is what they don’t want you to know, because then they can’t bamboozle you any longer.

Traditional orthodox dogma are insinuating that Occult means evil, it doesn’t, it means ‘Hidden’, and it is mostly what they hid from you to make sure that you never become enlightened and will forever depend on ‘them’ for your foggy insight, for a price of cause… (And the profit shall lead them). And just look how successful they have been.

In all teachings, both Occult and orthodox, exoteric and esoteric, traditional and contemporary, secret and vulgar, mysticism and profane, all have truths as well as lies, all have some insight as well as errors, but the choice have to yours, you must make the decision of what your God given free will wants to follow and accept.

Many people enter church in the hope to learn about God and become enlightened, hoping to be walking tall out of there being spiritual giants, but they always come out short, feeling about 10 centimetres tall, and after a short while stop going there all together because the church wasted their time and life. Who has ever become enlightened in church? Or came out of church being able to walk on water? Nobody. And neither have the shallow arguments of atheism. Clearly, the middle path must be the answer.

It is clear that Religion and atheism has not achieved what it was supposed to achieve by a long shot. Now, ask your self - for how long will you follow any religion or atheism when you realise that it doesn’t work? Religion must be purged of all its lies and deceptions and expose its own hypocrisy --- and truly become enlightened --- or simply fall away. And the same for atheism.

The useless rituals of orthodox theologians, their traditions, symbols, bloody history, holier than thou attitudes, self-righteousness, selfishness, idiotic gowns and costumes, and bizarre gymnastics and sign making is simple showmanship and does not enlighten you or get you closer to God, and clearly has never Re-United anybody.
Religions are about to die and be discarded, or become more enlightened because more light is truly coming into the world and many religions are sadly consumed by darkness.
Now, as well as in the near future, there will be many religious people fighting against other religious people because they all believe that they are the only ones that are right in their interpitasions, Sad, isn’t it?
How to become a kind, loving, helpful, friendly, compassionate, giving, forgiving, full of mercy, humble and a harmless person is simply not in the orthodox theologian’s curriculum. And trust us, nothing else matters much. Absolutely nothing else can Re-Unite you and God. If that is what you want.

Religion does not have monopoly on “God”, contrary to what they teach. Most religions perverted the teachings of God out of arrogance when they lost their humility. What is killing religion these days are not the atheists, heathens or barbarians, it is the lies and deceits of orthodox theology itself, and the fact that many people are now getting smart enough to catch them at it and expose their errors.

They are all worshiping the messenger who didn’t want to be worshiped, and have totally killed the message of truth, he was borne to bring --- and died for.

The questions you must ask is - Am I a primate that are intelligent? Or am I a Soul using an intelligent primate body? If I am a Soul, will I continue after my primate body dies? Is there an afterlife, or is there only nothingness? Does life have a purpose, and what is it? And how do I achieve whatever purpose I have to achieve? If you ask the right questions, you shall find the truth, and it is only the truth can set you free from the deceptions and errors. The flip side of this is, if you have faith and don’t ask the pertinent questions you won’t receive any truth, whatsoever, and you can never be set free from your ignorance.

We will try to bring you the answers we found, of which all religions have clearly failed. The sources are many, but the truth is what matters.

What am I?

Why this question are so important is because, if you don’t know what you are, and what your purpose is, then how can you be sure that what you are doing in life makes you achieve what you are supposed to achieve with what-ever you are? You may be totally wrong in everything you think, believe and do. Even to say that you think you are a soul, is not enough, because you don’t know what a soul is, do you? Your teachers and priests and scientists are painfully silent on this important issue.

They don’t have the truth, and they sadly lack wisdom, reality, and reason to think clearly and logically on this issue, which keep you less informed about how life really is. Some very ignorant preachers, who are not enlightened, unfortunately have the gift of gab. Well this short script will give you some new insight and freedom.

If you had been told the truth, you would long since have
reached some kind of perfection in your life. So you now know that you have been lied to and told errors. As long as you ask the wrong questions, ‘they’ will never have to worry about the real answers. As long as you spend time climbing up the signpost instead of following the direction to which it points, you won’t go anywhere, or get done what has to be done, before your body dies (which it will, for sure; guaranteed). Do you really know what you are? Not who, but what?

So, you are ignorant. This is the real reason why most people bugger-up their own lives. Unless you try to answer these questions about yourself you will always be on the lower end of the scale, amongst the ignorant, stupid, shallow, unenlightened and Unconscious. Unless you yourself search for these truths you will not find any answers. Nothing useful will ever fall into your lap by accident or from some Bible-thumper's pulpit, glittering political stage, University or news cast. Even simple people now know that they have been misguided or not guided at all, on these issues.

You can of cause wobble through your life like you don’t care or it doesn’t matter, however, it will extract a not-so-nice price one day when you least expect it.

Intelligent People.
When people have a good education, well-paid jobs and supposedly become highly successful, intelligent and intellectual, they often assume they have the right to use that intelligence to fool or take advantage of some less intelligent person, which of course is a selfish thing to do. This is always to the detriment of the ignorant person. It is always tempting to over charge, and under pay. So, it is safe to assume that you don’t necessarily become a good and kind person by being intelligent.
As you become intelligent you can also write books??? J
Intelligence is something that is mostly acquired after birth. It comes from your environment, family and education etc. It was put into your body and brain since you were borne. It is also safe to assume that all of it, your brain and all the things stored in it, will be eaten by worms some day when your body dies. So will your genes which many intellectuals think are so important for your intellect. Either way, it’s toast.

Many intelligent people think that it is the survival of the genetically fittest. Well, it isn’t. Both intelligence and genes are mortal and finite, and will not survive bodily dead. It is plain stupid to believe otherwise, specifically for the people who wrongly amplify their intelligence and family genes. They think that they (hopefully) live through their children. What rubbish. They justify and defend their denial and their indoctrinations with this argument instead of reality of which they are totally unaware. (We stress that this script is not about New Age mumbo-jumbo, or Philosophical or Religious or scientific babbles, it’s about the reality, logic and reason, but unfortunately we had to use what some perceive as religious terminology).

Let’s assume for the sake of argument or clarity or just for fun, that the concept of Soul does exist, that your Soul is some sort of individual entity, and that the Soul continues in some form after your body dies and goes somewhere or does something.
Well about 98 % of all people on earth believe that the Soul survives and is somehow immortal. Then, by default, you must also ask where did the Soul really come from? And what is its purpose so we at least can achieve it and hopefully go to heaven or whatever. (However, Talmudic Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, atheists, some heathens and a few Barbarians do not believe in any form of after life). So that is, by default, a closed book.

If the first question (What am I?) is answered with “we are Souls” then what “Soul” is, must be explained in detail since people don’t know. Even more importantly, have you ever wondered when did the Soul, enter the body? Or where did it come from? What prerequisites are there to enter a specific body, or is it perhaps accidental? Or is the Soul created when the body was conceived? You truly must find out what a Soul really is? Because that is what you are!
What is its origin? What is its purpose being here in the three dimensions? And what is its ultimate Destiny??? ASK and think.

Surely you are not your brain, that mushy grey matter between your ears and under your hat. Your physical brain will decompose one day, as does everything you have learned and put in your brain, including your intellect and the memory stored there. As do all the genes of your body. In fact, the only thing left after your body dies, decomposes and gets eaten by worms, is the fillings in your teeth, your glass eye, if you have one…and your Soul.

Just for fun, let us tell you what you really are. You are Soul Consciousness, pure free-willed individual Consciousness, which uses and inhabits, temporarily, a genetically modified primate called Homo sapiens. When the individual, free-willed Consciousness (Soul) that you are, manifests in the primate/Homo sapiens body, it is called man.

There are no missing links. Your Consciousness is what you are. Your Consciousness (Soul) is that which continues when the primate body dies and decomposes. You can call it your Soul or your spirit, your Kahuna, or whatever. That is what you are. The primate body of Homo sapiens only becomes man when an individual Soul is in it. The primate body of man is one of the most marvellous tools on Earth, but it is only a tool, and you only use that tool temporarily.

The paradox is that the religionists are basically correct; we do possess a Soul that separate from the dead physical body, even though they don’t understand or believe that the Soul came from somewhere and can come back again and again just as it did the first time.
It’s the intelligent and intellectual materialists (Scientists) who are desperately wrong. Orthodox scientific teachings start from the false base that the mind and brain are the same - that conscious awareness and intellect is the same – and that dead therefore is the end of everything.
Scientists erroneous think that matter evolved into Conscious awareness in some totally unexplained way, instead of the fact that Conscious awareness are creating the matter. Well just look around in any society, what do you se? You will se that everything is created by some body’s creative consciousness. Not a single sliver of evolution is ever proven to evolve into any kind of conscious awareness.
The scientist’s arrogance has created another sad state of affairs, what an unthinking selfish intellectual supremacist mentality.
In this world, the intelligent people sadly take advantage of the less intelligent ones. They call it “Brain-power” and that is what has created most of the destruction methods and systems in the world we live in. Atomic weapons, Wars, Carbon dioxide etc. Instead of being an asset, the superior human intelligence has us on the brink of our own self-destruction. The human species teeters on the edge putting excess personal gratification and living for today ahead of the long-term consequences of bad behavior. It is not the good the kind or the un-intelligent people who ruin the world. It is the smart and intelligent ones, the selfish ones.

Sadly, dog eats dog, and I personally don’t like to neither do the eating nor be eaten. But we’re all at Cinderella's ball and have till midnight to get the reason for our lives right, or turn into pumpkins and lose everything. And trust me, its 11.59.59 PM right now.

With conscious awareness, when we know better, we do better, but it is not so, on an intellectual level. Mankind as a whole has clearly not done so. Many intelligent people have lost the capability of genuinely being kind and loving towards other people and they reject the gullibility and naïveté of people who really understand what Love is, and who are harmless to one another. As the truth about the physical world dawns on you, your intellect expands, but not necessarily your conscious awareness.

Conscious awareness is of the Soul; intellect is purely primate brain power and sensory input, both the right and the wrong input, including all your misunderstandings and superstitions. Common traits amongst the intellectuals are arrogance and selfishness. It is, however, very difficult not to lose your humility when you are, or perceive yourself to be, intellectually superior.

To stay humble, kind and loving requires Consciousness, not intellect, and sadly, many intellectuals are simply not humble at all and therefore lack in Consciousness. The learned intellectual knowledge, right and wrong, is not what builds the Soul or helps it to higher levels of awareness.

What builds the Soul is the conscious understanding of our free will choices, and application of it, and how we manage the opportunities presented in daily living. It is not what one knows, it is not what one professes to believe that matters so much, it is what one practises and do.

Many intellectuals literally don’t think that their own dung smells. Well, they are sadly mistaken. They know that intellect, also called Brain power and physical consciousness, is partly a genetic and environmental attribute which their body and memory cells have; in fact, they identify themselves by their intellect and their genetics which are mortal, not with the higher Consciousness of their Soul which is immortal and of which they are mostly totally unaware.

As an intellectual you find that it is easy to underpay and overcharge an unintelligent person, and since many people are trusting and/or gullible, they will believe any well-presented lie or deception.

When you don’t know what is real, your reaction to a given situation will always be flawed and a lot less than perfect. Hence, keeping other people ignorant and docile is a priority for many intellectuals.

Intellect or your physical consciousness is located in the brain of the physical body of the primate. Brain cells are where memory from this life is stored. Intellectual talent is only the well-trained gymnastic use of the accumulated memory cells, including both right and wrong learning, superstitions, assumptions and thumb thugs, and your hopes.

When the body dies, so does the intellect, and all the memory cells, and all the genes, and all the information in your brain. All of it will decompose and get eaten by worms. Count on it. And it doesn’t help to mummify the flesh or use cryogenic freezing. What is clearly a problem for intellectuals is the fact that the strongest bodies and brains will not survive. All bodies will die and all Souls will survive, and apparently be accountable in some way or another (As you shall see).

At present, the consciousness of many humans has become impaired and has succumbed to feeblemindedness and even insanity due to the actions of a few of those intellectual manipulators who are motivated by greed and power and their use of media, pharmaceutical and information control. They have increased most people’s intellectual, learning capacity and blind obedience, while destroying the ability of many to think for themselves and clearly understand the power of their own free will. Where are all the clear-thinking people? Where? Intellectuals can only regurgitate what has been absorbed. People can hardly think for themselves in any original fashion, any more.

The Kings, Queens, Popes and Emperors of old justify their positions by their genetic bloodlines, education, and intelligence. Sometimes they have the guts to insist that they have divine rights to rule. They love to be adored and idolised (worshipped) and to be looked up to; they love when the masses to bow down to them. It is just plain egotistical vanity. Their lag of humility expresses clearly their supremacism. This adoration is exactly what they get from the idolising masses that have been conditioned, by the power mongers themselves, to crave a golden calf to worship.

They also truly believe that they are not accountable, that there are no laws of accountability (Sowing and reaping) and that they can get away with everything they do. Well, surprise, surprise, they will not get away with anything. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and just because the reaction might sometimes be slow in coming it doesn’t mean that it won’t come.

Everybody will have to reap their own harvest. Just because they refuse to live by some of the universal laws and principles doesn’t change or alter those laws and principles. To be the greatest amongst men, they should serve mankind with humility and compassion, which they most certainly don’t do with their gilded horse-drawn carriages, bullet-proof cars, and fancy garbs, crowns, skull caps, circumcisions and big wallets. They insist on being served and obeyed by others instead of serving mankind’s daily needs. Many intellectuals truly believe that they descend from the apes, and regrettably, they act and think as such.

Kings, Popes, Presidents, power mongers and pop stars, rich and poor people, blacks and whites, brown and yellow, are equally borne Souls in different Homo sapiens/primate bodies just like everybody else.

Your Soul Consciousness exists in or out of the body, but your body decomposes when your Soul Consciousness cuts the silver cord, so to speak, and leaves for other dimensions.

When your body dies, your Soul Consciousness is also released from the limited intellect in your brain. That Consciousness which you are is here on Earth, in the three dimensions, in a primate body for a specific reason, purpose and mission. And to evolve fast, you need a primate body, and the experience of pain and other sensations, to self-motivate your development.

We ask that you recognise that your life is a precious opportunity. You have been given the tremendous gift of descent into embodiment. If you make no attempt to discover the true meaning of your life, to understand what you are and where your destiny lies, then you are the true definition of a fool.

Whatever happens in the future (heaven, hell or whatever) is mostly assumptions and speculation, or sometimes a prophecy, but it is seldom if ever provable. However reason and logical deductions of the future are clearly possible. You se, for every action there is a reaction, so by looking at the actions made, a possible reaction in the future can be projected. (If you throw a stone up in the air, the prophecy will be that it will come down again in the near future). On the other hand, what has happen previously, before the present time is researchable history and can be and proven or deducted logically with reason by knowing some of the effects of the causes, after the fact, and you can’t change the past, but people many times will change the facts or what we know about the facts.

The following is what we have found to be the truth, but don’t believe what we write either; ask your own questions, only what you find through your own searching, will become real to you.

We believe that knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, and that faith, as understood by most people, is a way to stop you from asking questions. ‘He’ said, ‘ask and you shall receive’. The flip side of this is if you have faith then you don’t ask, and you won’t receive anything, you then have to hope really badly, or have faith that whatever, whoever tells you, is the truth. When you stop asking questions, you have stopped thinking for your self, in which case have all the faith you want.

We know that physical matter cannot create or has ever evolved into Conscious awareness, not even a little tiny bit, ask any evolutionists, but Conscious awareness can create matter.
The intellect (the physical mind) needs grey matter (the brain) to exist and is only intellectual memory storage, like a computer, and a machine, it is just a tool.

Everything you se in a civilized society was somebody’s ideas/Conscious awareness which were then designed intellectually by somebody and physically made and created and produced in the physical world. In fact everything you se today everywhere in the world, even the raw physical nature, is made by a creative Conscious mind. The physical world and everything in it cannot and never has created Conscious awareness.

Some people think that the human body which is flesh evolved conscious awareness and made individual Souls by some totally unexplained and totally un-proven evolution or method (Again an erroneous assumption or deception). Tell us, where in nature has that been done and proven? No where.

Let us assure you, that the study of the human Soul should be the greatest study for all of mankind, because without this knowledge you will have a hard time to get anything right in real life. If you don’t understand what your soul is, you will mostly live by your bodily instincts and your mortal intellect.

Your Soul Consciousness is unlimited in scope, imagination and life, but it is not so with your primate intellect, witch is very limited and mortal.

A clear deduction can be drawn from all this that is highly properble. And that is, that the Soul Consciousness entered the body at some specific time in the body’s development, which may vary from body to body.

That a body can create Souls every time a body is created is simply not logically or reasonably or possible. Flesh is flesh, and Spirit is Spirit. And Soul is spirit. A computer cannot create the Nerd, but the Nerd can create a computer, in fact many.

This short script will also explore the possibility of the pre-existence of the Soul, or its whereabouts before it enter a body, if it does exist before the body is conceived or is borne.

Apparently, when the body dies, your higher Consciousness or Soul does not; your Soul is immortal; dead is only the separation of the Soul from the body. What the finite intellect cannot grasp is that we are all infinite Conscious Souls that properly were pre- existent before we entered the body we are now in. And historically it truly appears to be the case.

The most reverent and respected of all the old church Fathers back in the second and third century was Origin of Alexandria. Origin was teaching about the pre-existence of the Soul, and his teachings are still available. (Don’t you just love history?) That belief was common amongst most of the followers of the Christ teachings until the second council of Constantinople in 553 AD. Where the teachings of Origin were cursed and dammed (Anathemas) by the mentally sick Roman emperor Justinian, who had adopted the pagan belief of Monophysitism (One physical life only) from his prostitute wife Theodora, and made it the doctrine of the “Universal” (Catholic) church. (Se the Catholic Encyclopaedia) Here I must stress that before 553 AD. All Souls were believed to exist in some form or another before they entered the body of a babe, and in accordingly to the Christ teachings.

The question that came to our mind was, why did one of the sickest perverts in the fifth century specifically remove the teaching of the pre-existence of the Soul from the Catholic doctrine and scriptures, but left many of the other teachings in it??? What was his fear? Or his motive? Or reason? Who benefited or Qui bono? And why did the church not cancel this edict when it was realized that it was patently wrong?

It does not matter if we like the answers or not, the truth is what really matters, it is the only thing that truly set us free, not in assumptions, wishful dogma, hopes or faiths.

If the Soul (that individual conscious awareness which you are) enter the body at some time before, or at birth, as Origin the greatest of the church fathers taught, and then leaves the body at dead, which appear very reasonable and logical, then the next statement would automatically be; is it more mysterious for your Soul to enter again, if the Soul has not advanced or evolved to the level it need to achieve before it moved on?
The answer would clearly be, Of cause not, In fact how many incarnations does a Soul need to achieve its purpose or perfection? But we will not insist that this is a cosmic “truth” that you must believe in, but it is reasonably and makes sense, and is the cosmic truth to us, but try to explore this question with us, and with logic and reason, so the real truth can be revealed.

If Origins concept of pre-existence is the truth, then a new question in addition to the first two comes to mind. “What is our origin? And where have we been and what have we been doing there until we entered the body we are now using? And why don’t we remember any of it?

If the Soul is eternal, which we know it is; then, let us define eternal. Eternal means; It always has been and always will be.
To us, it is not reasonably that the human sex act can create a Soul in the Creators image, since if it was so, we would not be sons of God, or creations of God, but of our physical parents mortal primate bodies. (You are all Gods, sons of the most high) The body is truly the Son of physical man, and your individual Soul Consciousness is Son of God the Creator.
(And the creation stopped on the sixth day). The primate body your physical parents gave you is the vehicle you use. But You are the Soul, created in Gods image by God, who are using the primate body your parents made ready for you to enter into.

And if a Soul are pre-existent and can enter into a body at some time in the baby’s development, and then leave the body at when the body dies, then logic and reason tells us that the Soul can also enter twice? Or many more times?

All this by implications suggest some form of re-birth or re-sur-rection or re-in-carnation. Well, the Buddhist and Hindi religions have some dogma called reincarnation which is a misnomer, what they really believe in, is the transmigration of Souls from higher physical life forms to lower life forms. (From the human body to animals or whatever etc.) That is truly not possible, that is just primitive dogmatic babbles, and clearly un-reasonable and not logical at all.

We know that this subject is Taboo to mention in the many churches today, but reason and logic will reveal if it is true or not, and if it isn’t, people will, and should drop the idea altogether, including us. Incidentally at the time of Christ, reincarnation (again in the flesh) was called re-surection, (again able to stand up) and the root meanings of the two words are exactly the same. (Your Soul being able to act and to move in the physical world -again).

We will help you understand the reason why matter cannot create Consciousness, and why Consciousness is eternal. Consciousness can create matter and use a body, but matter cannot, ever, create Consciousness and, because of that, Consciousness can exist without a physical body through which to express itself, just as it does after your body dies. But the body dies and decompose, as soon as the Soul Consciousness leaves it. Soul Consciousness is what you are. The Universal Consciousness (God) was what created matter. In fact, if God is the creator, which we know he is, then God is the “first cause” of everything. And we are all effects of the first cause.

Sadly, we have had to remove traditional religious terminology and cliché sayings since many people become very emotional if some accidental denominational dogma differs from theirs. Likewise, many people have given up and become spiritually stunted, and unfortunately, have thrown God out with the bathwater. Due to some overly enthusiastic but unaware religious cliché Sayers babbles.

Mankind must learn that nothing can control his Conscious mind, and that all origins and causes in the physical world are of the Conscious mind. The mind, therefore, is responsible and accountable. All the physical effects are only the effects of the thoughts of your Conscious mind. So-called sins and evil are not in the action of what your primate flesh body do, but in the thoughts that come from what you think. Your Soul is accountable and will reap its own harvest. All the actions and words of your body are the effects of your thoughts. A car is not responsible for a car accident, the driver is.

It appears from history that the accountability (the sowing and reaping, judgement, karma etc.) that comes as a logical extension of the pre-existence teaching, was the real fear of the old power mongers. Perhaps it was the concept of what you don’t reap in one life you will reap in a following life that was so distasteful to the old Power mongers. Well how is this for heavenly Justice??

But you are not your body. You are using a body. What you look at in the mirror is just a genetically modified primate in a suit or mini skirt. And you can go to the gym and exercise your flesh all you want. It will not help you, unless you are a harmless, good, kind, selfless and loving person. Never forget the truth that flesh is flesh, and spirit is spirit. Your Soul is spirit, using a flesh body. Flesh have more or less intelligence, but no conscious awareness, Souls do.

Darwin misled people into believing that it is the survival of the fittest. Which of course is the truth in the world of lizards and reptiles, but not in the human world? It was either an erroneous theoretical assumption or an outright lie. You see, that would make brute force right, and it is not. The fact is, that all Souls will survive, and all bodies will die; the strongest will not survive. Please don’t forget that the theory of evolution is only partly evolved and is only a theory, not a fact, by any stretch of the imagination. The real question is? What is the condition of your Soul when your body dies? And it will die, for sure.

Today it is also fashionable to believe in what is called Intelligent Design instead of Darwin’s theory of evolution or the Biblical creation story. Well, we are sure that it was an intelligent person who came up with that ridiculous supposition and thought; it is just another display of a lacking wisdom, lacking Consciousness and insight.

Only Consciousness can create a world of matter. The intellect needs a world to exist before it has a body and a brain with grey matter to manifest in. Intellect can only manipulate what is already created. (Isn’t this an intellectual statement?) Physical sensory and information input needs the body’s brain memory cells, which the intellect also requires for its existence. Without it, the intellect cannot exist, and dies just like the body it comes from.

As an intellectual you may be aware that some people are suffering, and do nothing about it, but if you are Consciously aware, then you have to do something about it and partake with compassion. Consciousness gives us impulses to indicate what to use our free will for. Your Consciousness does not have genes. And your body, even though it has intellectual brain memory just like most animals have, does not have any Consciousness when your Soul has left it. It is then totally unconscious …….(dead).

Your Soul, that Consciousness which you are, is that which have a temporary physical experience for its own development. The primate body you now use have a Conscious experience, but you are that Consciousness.

Hence, the concept of rebirth has been hidden from the masses with lies and deceptions, so the power mongers can maintain their power, and the masses of mankind can be kept feeling genetically inferior, less intelligent, stupid, ignorant and happy to be controlled.

Here is what Voltaire said on this issue:
"It is not more mysterious for your Soul to enter a body twice, than it is once."

Your real concern should be where your Soul will be after your physical life, because you may spend a lot more time there than you do here in your body in the physical world. Is it what they call heaven or is what they call hell? If that really exist?

That is why nobody has ever been made better through physical punishment and incarceration. This medieval system of punishment and incarceration has always been a total failure, in the big scheme of things. The only solution is to enlighten the souls, and to tell them about the Universal truths instead of made-up stories. If our level of consciousness is higher than the next person’s, then we would be more kind and helpful instead of taking advantage of other people or using them or incarcerating them.

Never forget that if mankind knew better consciously, he would do better, but it is not so with the intellect, which it should have been, but is clearly not. The difference between intellect and consciousness is that Consciousness tries to tell the intellect how to use your free will, but due to selfishness (the ego) the intellect does not tend to listen.

When the body dies, your higher Consciousness or Soul does not; your Soul is immortal; dead is only separation of the Soul from the body. What the finite intellect cannot grasp is that we are all infinite Souls, witch incarnate repeatedly. We all have different intellectual and physical capabilities and opportunities every time we incarnate, specifically to develop our Souls from unawareness and selfishness to higher consciousness, harmlessness and unselfishness. This is why happiness is a spiritual experience and is eternal, but pleasure is a very physical one, and only very temporary.
It is not so much what we hope for or wish for or think that matters; it is what is real, that’s what matters.

Most intellectuals, with their great intelligence, have specialised in their fields of endeavour (Lawyers, Doctors and Engineers etc.) and, historically speaking, all species that have specialised have lost the ability to adapt to change. And the world is about to change drastically very soon. A specialised person knows more and more about less and less, until in the end, they know everything about nothing. That’s evolution. So don’t specialise, but try to broadly comprehend instead. Comprehend a little bit of everything; don’t try to know everything about anything or something.

Most specialised people have also lost the ability to love others. They mostly love and admire themselves and their own specialized talents. These specialised people with their arrogance, self-righteous intelligence and superior attitude put themselves above the rest of mankind. This is their weakness. They are all fighting for the deck chairs of the sinking Titanic. They all pee in their pants to keep warm. And they still don’t know that it only works temporary. They don’t want to know and refuse to acknowledge that there will be an equal and opposite reaction to all their actions.

You can have all the information but not the wisdom to use it lovingly; or you use it selfishly, or to the detriment and at the expense of others. Intelligence may make you smart and successful in today’s understanding, in a temporary embodiment, but your eternal consciousness makes you good, wise, loving, kind, helpful, harmless and compassionate.

To be a better person, your attitude towards others should express more true love, real freedom, real peace, harmlessness, honest friendship and service etc. To be a bad person, you will want more wealth, pleasure, control of people etc.

Some think they are in this world to get rich, find pleasure and have personal success. But worst of all, they think that life is a one-time experience. Well, surprise, surprise. We know that we are here to expand our consciousness and to become good, kind, loving and serving. The fact is that everybody dies sooner or later and wealth and power cannot stop that.

Travelling on the spiritual path is made easier through humility and unselfish love. The greater our degree of humility, the easier, and shorter, our path back will be. Spiritual growth can be experienced as agonising torture that we must endure, or as an enlightening learning experience we desire and relish. It all depends on our attitude.

We hope to help you understand what Consciousness really is, and show you how to increase your awareness of the higher Consciousness so you can become aware of absolutely everything and, specifically, of the difference between Consciousness and intellect; because, as you can see, they are not the same.

Specific and specialized information, both right and wrong, increase you intelligence and insight into some of the physical aspects of the three dimensional human existence.
Conscious awareness is a deeper awareness and understanding of the real world and its laws and principles, and living in total harmony with it.

Individual Soul Consciousness goes from very low vibrational frequency (hate, fear, anger, greed, power, selfishness etc.) to very high vibrational frequency (love, compassion, humility, serving, kindness, harmlessness, selflessness etc.) depending on how conscious you are.

What Soul (you) really are:
This may be a little long winded for the common seeker however it is truly worth it.
There is only One Consciousness, but there are three basic levels in mankind’s conscious mind, (Soul). This is not three separate conscious minds, but more like three levels or layers of awareness of the one Universal Consciousness. The difference is in the vibrational frequency of the One Consciousness. Love, kindness and compassion are high levels of vibration, and hate, greed and power hunger are low levels of vibration.
The three layers or levels of the Soul are: 1. Physical Consciousness also called intellect; 2. Sub Consciousness; and 3. Universal Consciousness. ??

(also called the separate selfish self, and intellect)
The physical, conscious mind is the level with which we are most familiar, is the lowest level of vibration. It is the level within which our personality and three-dimensional self develops and has much of its activity.

The physical, conscious mind, also called intelligence and intellect, and is the accumulation of what has been learned in this life, even if you don’t understand it, or your learning was wrong. It is accumulated and stored in memory cells in the brain of your primate body. This is an ape brain with a twist. It is all the knowledge your intellect possesses, but it is not the wisdom to use that knowledge righteously and with love.

The physical, conscious mind/intellect is dependent upon the activity experienced by our senses. All the sensory inputs directly influence your intellect and physical conscious mind. The conscious mind is good at focusing on details, discerning the finer facts of one pattern from another. It is capable of focusing on something in particular and ignoring what surrounds it. And when we focus our attention, we are performing an act of separation, saying yes to what we want to attend to and no to everything else. The physical conscious mind is the mind of sense discrimination.

All misunderstandings, superstitions and erroneous thoughts are part of your intelligence, or lack thereof. We get it (our intelligence) from our life experiences, books, conversations, TV, the world around us etc.

The biggest problem with physical consciousness/intellect, in the brain is that it can be polluted very easily with misinformation, no information, superstitions and lies, but worst of all, chemicals which impair the memory and function of the grey mush. If you, for example, brush your teeth with fluoride, your brain short circuits somewhat, you will get attention deficit disorder to a degree and you simply won’t be able to figure things out as easily any longer. The same happens with MSG, Aspartame and all forms of vaccinations.

That also makes it very difficult for your soul to communicate through your brain. When you can’t think clearly, or when your brain has been made to not think clearly with chemicals, then you regress.

The intellect can only look at, and find potentials and possibilities from all your experiences and input, and can only work within the available physical capabilities of your brain, and from this life only.

You must also be concerned with your physical conscious thoughts, and redirect them when needs be. To do that, you need to use your free will.

Your thoughts, right or wrong, truth or lies, facts or superstitions, are also registered in your subconscious. The twist is that many of your thoughts surface from your subconscious without your consent.

Your physical conscious mind and intellect contain your personality, which will die when your body does. But your individuality, which is of the Soul, will continue through many lives. Physical consciousness and intellect is what separates each of us from the other, and from The One. It is physical in nature and is situated in the brain. Only that which was registered in your subconscious memory will survive. Your physical consciousness was previous symbolised by the outer court of the temple of Solomon. (Solo-man = Only-man).

The subconscious mind is that part of our mind that bridges the outer self and the spiritual self. The subconscious is both in the body through the autonomic system, and beyond the body in the soul’s realms of telepathy, non-physical life and timelessness. This mind is the mind of the Soul. As the mind of our outer self is the physical Conscious mind and that portion containing slivers of our personality, so the subconscious mind contains our developing individuality, which is our true self.

The subconscious mind is subjective, while the conscious mind is objective. Our conscious mind focuses on external appearances. Its world is the objective reality of the senses. The subconscious mind accepts internal appearances. What seems true to us from a subjective viewpoint is reality to the subconscious. While objective reality seems to be the master of the conscious mind, the subconscious is the servant of our subjective reality.

Your subconscious controls all automatic, physical reactions and systems in your body such as heartbeats, breathing etc. It is specific in its information; everything is either black or white, on or off, good or bad etc. In fact, it is something like a mindless robot; it only obeys and understands things literally. It doesn’t figure things out, interpret or know what you mean. It is also where the memory of all your many lifetimes of experiences is stored, and includes superstitions, beliefs, errors, misconceptions etc. So, it is also somewhat like a garbage bin.

The subconscious mind is very powerful, and constantly gives you impulsive reactions and a continuous stream of thoughts. These can include strong impulses for your emotions, likes, dislikes, hate, fears and already formed decisions and judgments, ideas, and physical actions of all kinds, like temper tantrums which are just one example of those physical emotional impulses.

Most of what is in your subconscious mind has not been programmed by you, and would not have been your choice if you knew that you could choose. Whether thoughts or emotional promptings, they pass unnoticed from your subconscious into your physical, conscious awareness.

The subconscious mind does remember its many past experiences but, as you shall see, there is a very good reason why the conscious mind is spared that rather dubious privilege.

Your individuality is part of your subconscious mind, and continues after your body dies. The subconscious mind is connected to, and is part of, all other subconscious minds. It is also your dream domain, is metaphysical in nature and continues after the body dies. It is symbolises by the inner court in the temple of Solomon.

The Universal Conscious mind, by some called the Super-Consciousness or the Christ Consciousness, is a very important concept to grasp. It is that awareness that exists within each and every Soul. It is the pattern imprinted on the mind, waiting to be awakened by the free will, of the Soul’s oneness with the creator. This awareness is ingrained, or pre-built into the mind, and when awakened by the right use of free will, the person realises his Oneness with the Universal mind. (The kingdom of heaven that truly are within).

This Universal Consciousness, works something like an instinct? It is already there inside us; it just takes the right stimulus to bring it out. It is the same with the Universal Consciousness.

The Universal Conscious mind in all of us is the portion made in the image of the creator, as recorded in Genesis. It is that portion of us that is God or Godlike. The Universal Conscious mind is separate from anything earthly, and only makes its presence known or is knowable when the Soul-self lifts itself and portions of the Conscious mind up into the vast, expansive level that is the Universal Conscious. If we want to awaken the imprinted pattern of that awareness, we just need the right stimulus. In this case, the right stimulus is the application of our free will in a specific way, by being unselfishly loving. And this is what is so hard for most people. This is what we want from and expect of other people, but we seldom like to do it ourselves.

The Universal Consciousness is a Soul pattern that exists within each Soul because all Souls, including the Christ Soul, were created in the same mould. The Christ Consciousness, incidentally, was created as a pattern for all others. The Christ Soul never forgot its oneness with the Creator, yet voluntarily went through cycles of incarnations and got lost in materialism. It did this to be able to consciously find its way back to a conscious relationship with the Creator. "Your body is the temple of the living God." Your body is not God, but it is the temple of the God Consciousness expressed on Earth. The Universal Consciousness symbolises the Holiest of Holies in the Temple of Solomon.

Soul is the developing portion of our whole nature. It is ever changing, growing and learning, and uses free will to explore, create, test, discover and more. Soul is the ultimate companion to the creator, a true companion, because it has the free will to choose whether to be a companion or not. The Soul is also uniquely able to bridge the gulf between the spiritual realms and the physical realms, between our divine, godly self and our earthly self-Consciousness. The mind of the Soul is the Sub-Conscious. It may operate independently of the Universal Consciousness of the Creator. (At least, it is allowed to think it does. After all, there is no way to actually be outside of the whole) Or, it may act in harmony and in conscious at-onement with the Universal Consciousness.

It may be easier for you to understand Universal Consciousness if you first understand Separate Consciousness, which is what physical consciousness/intellect also is. You will then at least have an idea what Universal Consciousness is not. And you will be able to relate more to, and understand, Separate Consciousness - because that is what you have right now.

Let’s begin with one of the fundamental effects of separate Consciousness, a person’s individual, separate point of view. We’ve all heard phrases like "From where I sit ....", or "Walk a mile in my shoes..." etc. These are common references to the significance of having separate and different points of view. A person’s point of view can mean two things, 1) literally the point from which a person sees things or, 2) a person’s opinion. A person’s opinion is based on a combination of #1 and the person’s programmed beliefs. Let’s first look closer at #1, the point aspect. Most individuals have a limited point of view dictated by the very fact that they are separate individuals.

They each see things from a different place, a different point; and they only see from their separate individual place. There are as many places that a person will see from as there are people. The trouble is that seeing from one place only doesn’t allow you to see the whole picture, or the big picture. This example, of course, is not one of even seeing things with Universal Consciousness - seeing from a Universally broad point of view. However, in a small way, having a point of view that is as broad as possible allows us to better perceive reality, and to see more truth.

A broad point of view can help us better understand others; better understand the world, and ultimately the entire Universe. If our point of view is broad enough, we are better able to understand other points of view. We can then more easily communicate or interact with others and vice versa. The broader the reader’s point of view, the more he will perceive what is really written (within limits). But still, it will affect the Sub-Conscious, and the inner being in each reader. And it may affect the Consciousness of those with fertile ground for the seeds. Yet, it goes both ways.

When we talk about the state of a person’s Consciousness, we are essentially talking about the state of his awareness of the world around him. And as such, a person’s Consciousness is directly related to the way he views, interprets, understands and interacts with everyone and everything around him. A person’s point of view is affected by both the state of his Consciousness, and his beliefs and programming.

Beliefs and programming are usually in sync with a one’s level of Consciousness. However, Consciousness is dominant, and if there is a shift to a higher or lower state, the new Consciousness can alter and override one’s beliefs and programming in order to match the new level of Consciousness. Every human being is obviously an individual self. And most people are both conscious that they are an individual self, and believe that their individual self is separate from other people and everything else in the Universe. Thus, people generally have separate self-consciousness, and live their lives based on this Consciousness. So it is self-Consciousness that creates separate Consciousness.

With regard to a point of view, having separate self-Consciousness means having a point of view that is limited to seeing things from only one place, the place where the separate self is at. This can mean seeing things from an actual physical point of view that is limited to just the place where the person is located, or it can mean seeing things from a point of view that’s limited by the person’s beliefs and programming. In any case, when a person has separate self-consciousness the point of view is very limited and the perspective is narrow.

There are varying degrees of narrow-mindedness of course, but even the broadest point of view that comes from just one person with separate self-consciousness must be limited and incomplete, because it is a view that is still from only one place, only from that one separate self. Thus, it is a point of view that will have limited understanding. And if a person has such limited understanding, what kind of thoughts are they limited to? And if their thoughts are from such limited perception and understanding, what kind of action will they take regarding other people, and the world around them? For the answer to that, just look around at the world. The problem is that most people are too arrogant to know what they don't know.

Separate self-Consciousness, because of its limitations and narrow- mindedness, compartmentalises its perceptions of the world into pieces that are extensions of itself. Everything in your immediate world becomes an extension of you, of your separate self. For instance, there is your neighbourhood, your town, your county, your province, your country, your part of the world (and, depending on your socio-economic status, possibly your gang’s turf). Because the separate self relates to these as extensions of itself, most people support their country, for instance, just because it is their country.

Sure, they come up with reasons why their country is the best or most important. But the problem is, many people believe that their country is IT, the best, the most important, the most right, regardless of any reason to think so or not. And by so doing, they care less about other countries, and the people of those other countries. And if everyone’s country is the best, who’s right? They can’t all be right. This phenomenon is even worse when it comes to a person’s outlook on religion. Many people think theirs is the only right religion (and thus the only one that will provide salvation for anyone else) and actually hate other religions and their practitioners.

When there is more than one religion claiming to be the only right one, it creates a question of who’s right and who’s wrong, and the dilemma of choosing the right one, or facing the consequences of having chosen the wrong one (not getting into heaven, going to hell etc). What country starts a war thinking that they’re in the wrong? All of these perceptions and beliefs originate from separate selves and the territories they consider extensions of themselves.

Almost everyone favours not just their country, but all the extensions of their separate selves - they favour their race, their ethnic group, their school, their local team, their political party etc. Although precious few people have begun to expand their self-consciousness to include bigger pictures, this still falls far short of Universal Consciousness. The efforts of such people can be a total waste of time, or even harmful, without universal consciousness. The human race barely cares about people let alone plants and animals. Those with separate self-consciousness will defend their views with twisted logic.

It all depends on what our separate selves consider extensions or relations of themselves, or have a selfish stake in. All these expansions of consciousness are steps toward the ultimate expansive and caring consciousness, universal consciousness. But they are still all variations of separate self-consciousness - limited by so many constraints, destructive and riddled with mistakes.
Oh, how many tears have been shed in the wake of things going wrong, and the cry is echoed, "But I was only trying to help." The fact is, all things in the Universe are essentially made of the same stuff and are totally interdependent and connected.

So we cannot be truly separate from the rest of the Universe; we can only be a part of it all (apart). But we can think we are separate. We can believe we are separate. And then we can act like we are separate. Having separate self-consciousness doesn’t mean you are really separate, but that you have a total illusion of separateness from everyone and everything else in the universe. And when a person truly believes they are separate, they naturally focus on themselves, which naturally leads to selfishness. This is very important, so pay close attention. This is the big issue. The biggest problem of all problems. The only real problem. As silly and simple as it sounds, it is serious - simple selfishness is the root of all problems and evils that exist on Earth. This is one of the greatest, most important teachings to understand. Where there is such separate Consciousness as humans have, everyone perceives everyone else in an us-and-them way, and a me-against-the-world fashion. When this occurs, which it naturally must with separateness, there will be attempts to get, or take, from others, and keep others from getting what you have. It is perfectly natural, and in its own warped way, logical. And where does this all leave us?

Where there is separateness and selfishness there will be strife, discord, injustice, taking from others, and harm to other beings, creatures, the environment etc. So, when someone says something about the problems of the world being due to political parties, greed, money, power, war, lust, vanity, carelessness or whatever, what do you say? That they are only branches of selfishness.

The root of all problems, all evil, all suffering, is selfishness. And why is there selfishness and thus all these evils? Because it is the natural outcome of separate self-Consciousness, of thinking you are separate from the Universe, and therefore all things in existence. And so what is the only cure for evil, suffering and all problems? We have to lose the separate Consciousness and selfishness by regaining Consciousness of our oneness with everything. The Universal Consciousness.

And how can one regain Universal Consciousness? Through unselfish love, self-sacrifice, caring, giving, seeing the illusions of self-consciousness that we carry with us in our mind and breaking them. Don’t let the teachings that promote oneness be misunderstood as promoting a one-world religion or government where oneness and peace are enforced by human rule or dogma. Nothing could be further from what we mean to convey.

We are, first of all, proponents of freedom and free will. We are talking about an internal way of being, a Consciousness, that includes sensitivity, compassion and freedom, and caring about all people, creatures, all creation, as much as you do about yourself. When you stop and think about these things it is easier to understand that there will only be peace, harmony and freedom from tyranny on Earth when all people have Universal Consciousness, and everyone is primarily governed from within by the Universal Spirit.

Outside the Earth, the entire Universe functions in a beautiful, orderly, harmonious flow. On Earth, humans with separate self- consciousness are the only things that are out of step with the flow of nature and the universe. The results of this have been disharmony, disruption and destruction. That’s why this script promotes the attainment of Universal Consciousness by any means that works for you. The difference between having separate self- Consciousness and Universal Consciousness is like night and day.

Consider an environmentalist who has expanded his/her separate self-consciousness to include concern for ecology. This is good. And if being aware of the flow and balance of Earth’s nature is good, imagine the significance of being really aware of the flow and balance of all things - of the entire Universe? And if being concerned about all humans on Earth is good, what about being devoted to caring for all life within the entire universe?

A person who has attained Universal Consciousness has transcended separate self-Consciousness, and thus sees infinitely more, understands infinitely more. Imagine being able to see the outcome of many of your actions in advance or, whether or not you see the outcome, being able to know if what you are doing is really going to ultimately help or harm. What if you really had an awareness of being one with everything - even God, even all other separate selves? How would you see things then? And how would you treat everyone and everything?

If you absolutely know that every person you are dealing with is you, just in a different form, how would you treat yourself (others)? Is there any point in stealing from yourself? Hurting yourself? Is there any point in being tyrannical with yourself?

A being with Universal Consciousness loves everyone unselfishly, and is (Within the needs of universal flow) giving, kind, compassionate, caring, knowing and harmless (that doesn’t mean incapable of defending the innocent or putting the foot down).

It is similar with people at any level of Consciousness. A basically decent person is not just trying to be basically decent, moral or law abiding. It comes somewhat naturally, depending on what they have made of themselves throughout their lifetimes. And they can and will tend towards greater selfishness given the right situation. Everyone manifests the level of his consciousness. For most it moves in a certain range, wavering between selfishness and unselfishness, and shifts at different times in their lives depending on the circumstances they are subjected to. It is as natural for a person with universal consciousness to be totally giving, as it is for a person with separate self-consciousness to be selfish.

A person with separate self-consciousness is inwardly focused, and is like an energy vacuum, a black hole, always trying to get energy. But someone with Universal Consciousness is outwardly focused, and is like an energy beacon, a sun, always giving energy. Therefore piercing this illusion of separation, and attaining Universal Consciousness, is the answer to the entire world’s problems. If everyone had Universal Consciousness there would be no need for the kind of governments we have now, for everyone would be governed as one from within themselves. Just imagine a world in which everyone is conscientious, caring and responsible. And where such behaviour is not enforced by threat of prison or death, or even by being convinced by others. No need for religions to try and influence people to behave morally. No need for police, armies, governments etc., because unselfish love and service to Universal will is within every being - what paradise!
We may never achieve this on Earth, but then again, we may.

However, there are planes of existence other than the physical plane on Earth, into which only Universally Conscious beings can enter. Paradise does already exist. There are also major personal psychological changes that come from attaining Universal Consciousness. The seriousness and significance of things that you once considered very important will change. How important such and such is will now be viewed in a much greater light, and its true importance determined there.

Things that may previously have upset you or been desirable may lose their impact because they pale into insignificance when seen within the context of awareness of all things. For instance, how can anything trivial upset you very much when you are truly and constantly in mental touch with things such as the starvation in the world, the fact that another species has just become extinct while you were reading the headlines, the vision of what will happen when the poles shift, what life is like when you have the Consciousness of lava on Saturn, and on and on and on.... Also, with such a radical Consciousness change, some things that you may have previously taken for granted, or that you found enjoyable, can change dramatically, in so far as your experience of them.

For instance, how can a football game be very interesting when competition is senseless to you because you know we are all one, you know we are God; and worse, you know the game are actually reinforcing separateness and hostility? All you see from your universal viewpoint is a bunch of "we" who don’t understand who we are, attacking themselves so some "we" can win and feel superior, and some "we" can lose and feel terrible. When you have Universal Consciousness, you take everything much more seriously, and not seriously at all.

Nothing can ever really be destroyed or created. It can only change form, for all is One. Even if you are not aware that we are a part of each other, we couldn’t do anything hurtful either, because we know this is it. This may be our last chance to be together in this kind of embodiment, or, for a long time. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter because we are all one, interacting, changing form, coming in and going out. The only thing that really matters is that those of you who think and believe and live separately are suffering. Suffering needlessly. And we feel for you and want to help you. That is all we are really here for.

But how can we know all these things, and see all these paradoxical things. How can we keep them all in our Consciousness and be aware of them at the same time - and constantly? It just happens when your separate self gives up its illusion - surrenders its artificially, self-created life. And there are degrees of this. The closer you are to attaining Universal Consciousness, the greater your point of view will be, and the more you will intuitively see the whole picture or whole situation.

The attainment of Universal Consciousness is quite dramatic though, and you can’t help but see all these things and be aware of them. But while a person who has attained Universal Consciousness may see the whole picture to the greatest extent possible on Earth, even they don’t see it all while still embodied.
A completely all-encompassing point of view is not really possible while functioning in a physical body. We can achieve this in deep meditation but, when we return to full function on the physical plane, we can only grasp the essence of what we understood in our ultimate point of view state. That is why the teachings say that getting out of our own way and allowing ourselves to be an instrument of the Universal Spirit (God), and let His will be done, in us, and through us, is the greatest wisdom. This too, is achieved simultaneously with Universal Consciousness - it comes with the package.

When we have thus become an instrument of the Universal Spirit, we are then always watched over by our ascended, hierarchical kin, and guided when necessary. This is not actually medium-ship or channelling. We still have only our own inner being in charge of, or in possession of, our body and Consciousness. So how are we guided? Our inner being is one with the Universal Spirit, and when we allow it to come out, and take control of us, we become an active link in the hierarchical chain of universally conscious beings. As a part of the chain, we are led by the movement of the entire chain and become the chain.

While we are still earthbound, and fettered by the limitations of the physical plane, others of our chain (our hierarchical superiors or angles) are not so limited. They, too, unselfishly care for all life, but they are in a higher state of conscious oneness with the universe than we on Earth, and have an infinite view. And as one, we can receive guidance from these other parts of our chain, these beautiful beings have an unfettered all-encompassing point of view. They always know what is best, even if it does not seem so to us (from our narrow point of view).

Universal Consciousness is not something to be acquired; we have it already, but most are unaware of it. They also don’t know how to attune their physical consciousness/intellect to the Universal Consciousness they have within themselves. Compassion, kindness and love are some of the more visible attributes of Universal Consciousness manifested in individuals. How to regain your Universal Consciousness is what we will attempt to make clear and understandable to those of you who seek it. There is of course a lot more to it than this, but we only seek to wet your appetite and give what is helpful, practical, constructive and timely, at this point in the development of man’s soul.

To really understand ourselves, it is also helpful to know where we came from in the first place and not just believe some made-up story by a theologian, philosophers or scientist. You must also learn how you lost your Universal Consciousness. Because in the beginning we were all perfect and one with the Universal Consciousness; we were the oneness of it all.

We (our souls) separated ourselves from the Universal Consciousness by using our free will in a way that reflected innocent ignorance, rather that ill and rebellious intent. We were attracted to the physical world and the sensations it offered; it was a free choice. We desired to experience the physical sensations; we wanted to smell the flowers, experience sex, listen to the wind and oceans, feel the pain of matter, and taste all the monosodium glutamate in the Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Unfortunately, as the souls entered into matter to experience the sensations, we lost the purity of the Universal Consciousness. And by encasing ourselves in the flesh, the primate lost the purity of the animal consciousness. We then, as individual entities, got a new kind of consciousness, which was apart from the Universal Consciousness we had before that time.

This new consciousness, called separate consciousness or physical consciousness/intellect, is of a fixed focus nature and reverse polarity in comparison to the Universal Consciousness we came from. This was the so-called fall; the fall was in consciousness. The souls lost their awareness of the Universal Consciousness from which they came. And with it, they lost their memory of the Creator as they became encased in matter by their own choice and desires, purely to experience the sensations.

From then on, the intellectual knowledge/physical consciousness, which the primate brain had, gave them the information that the free will needed for making choices. And if these choices were in harmony with the laws and principles of the Universal Consciousness, called the will of God, then their Consciousness would be expanded.

But if the free choices were out of harmony with the Universe and expanded the separateness or the selfish desire or self-righteousness, then the Universal Consciousness in them would diminish.

Intellect/physical Consciousness has control over the brain, your selfish selves, your desires and your emotions etc. It only works with the knowledge in your brain. It has control over most people’s entire lives. Only your free will can change it. However, you have to want to, and know how to.

To have Universal Consciousness means that you have access to all the information in the world, all the wisdom, which is how some of this information has come about, in case you want to know. You are capable of everything, and can do it all. Omnipresent, omniscient, creative and loving.

The greatest miracle in the world happens to be a changed mind. If you want to walk on water, well, you can; but right now you don’t know how to, because you simply don’t know that you already have the Universal Consciousness that it takes.
The fabulous souls origin!
According to the teachings, the Universe was not first created out of matter, but existed prior to material creation in spirit form. Imagine a Consciousness similar to our own, except that this first Consciousness was boundless, a Universal Consciousness. This is God. At some point, the Universal Consciousness desired to express itself. It began to conceive, to imagine, and to express Its inner promptings. And so the creation began – light, sound ... eventually stars, galaxies, trees, and rivers. This point in creation was still prior to the physical creation of the universe that science records. This was a realm of thought form; just like when people have imaginative fantasies, no physical forms existed, only thoughts in the Consciousness of the Universe. The physical universe had not yet been created.
According to the old teachings, there came a point in this creation where the Creator's Consciousness desired to bring forth companions, creatures like unto It self, that would share in this expression of life. In order for the creatures to be more than creations, they had to possess individual consciousness and freedom so that they could choose to be companions. Otherwise, they would only have been servants of the Original Consciousness. So within the One Universal Consciousness many individual points of Consciousness were awakened and given freedom. It's important for us to realize that at this point in our existence we did not have physical bodies. All of what has just been described occurred within the Mind of God. Just like your dreams are, in you. Consequently, its "form" resembled that of thought rather than physical objects.
In the very beginning we were individual points of Consciousness within the one great Universal Consciousness. At first we were quiet, our wills content to observe the wonders of the spiritual creation as they flowed from the Mind of God. In these early periods we were so much a part of the Creator's Consciousness that we were one with It, virtually indistinguishable from It. However, it wasn't long before some of us began to use our wills and express ourselves. At first, we simply imitated the Creator, but eventually we gained experience, and with experience came knowledge and confidence. Then, we truly began to create on our own, adding new realms to the spiritual creation, much like a second voice adds to a song by singing harmony with the main melody.
This was exactly why we had been created – to share in and contribute to the great expression of life and to be Its companions. To fulfill this purpose we were created in the image of the Creator: Consciousness with freedom, capable of conceiving, perceiving, and remembering; capable of communicating directly with the Creator and the other companions.
Consciousness and free will were the greatest qualities given any creation, but they came with equally great responsibility for their use or misuse. Of course, the all-knowing Universal One knew the potential dangers in giving beings complete freedom to do as they desired. However, the potential joy of sharing life with true companions, not servants, was deemed worth the risk.
Therefore, each of these new free-willed beings would simply have to learn to take charge of themselves and to subdue harmful desires in order to live in harmony with the other companions and the Creator. To do otherwise would only bring chaos, suffering, and separation. Unfortunately, chaos came.
As we continued to use our godly powers, we became more fascinated with them. We began to focus more and more on our own creations and became less concerned with and attentive to their harmony with the Creator, with the Whole. The more we thought of just ourselves and our own desires with less regard for the Whole, the more self-centered and selfish we became, eventually perceiving ourselves as separate from the Whole.
Of course, this sense of separation was all in our minds, so to speak, because there really was no way we could exist outside of the Whole because everything was of spirit. It was more a result of our sustained focus of attention on ourselves and our self-interests that resulted in a heightened sense of a distinct and separate self.
This was the beginning of trouble. It led to a very long fall for us. A fall that eventually left us feeling alone and separated from the rest of life, even to the point that we, who were actually companions and co-creators with the Universal Creator, today come to think of ourselves as little more than dust-like creatures, genetic descendants of apes and inhabitants of a planet on the outskirts of a typical galaxy in the endless and diverse universe. This chaos occurred in spirit when no physical universe existed.
To know ourselves and yet be one with the Whole was the ideal condition, but the centering of awareness on self alone resulted in a sense of separation from the Whole. The more we exercised our individual consciousness and free will for self-interest, self-gratification, self-glorification, selfishness and self-consciousness, the more we heightened our sense of self apart from the Whole.
The resulting loss of contact with the Source of our life and the purpose of our existence was the beginning of darkness and evil, which is ignorance. Without a clear sense of our relationship to the rest of life, many of us began to use free will in ways that were never meant to be. Others simply let themselves be carried along with the current of life, abdicating their free will to the will of others. In both cases, these were things that would make it very difficult for us to again be companions to the Creator.
However, the Creator foresaw this potential and, prior to creating companions, It created a Universal Law: Whatever one did with its free will, it must experience the consequences. (Sowing and reaping, Karma, etc.) The law was not intended as punishment or retribution for offenses, but as a tool for education and enlightenment. Thus, as we used our freedom, we, ourselves, will experience all the effects of our doings.
In this way we came to understand and learn. Interestingly, both science and religion recognize this law. In science it is often stated, "For every action there is an equal and opposing reaction." Its religious counterparts are, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"; "As you sow, so shall you reap"; and "As you do unto others, it will be done unto you." Even today's common knowledge expresses this principle in the saying, "What goes around, comes around."
This is the law of karma, of cause and effect. It was, and is, the great teacher of the companions-to-be and it is an integral part of the old teachings. Once this law was established, the Creator conceived and freed countless independent points of Consciousness within Its own infinite Consciousness and the companions came into being, each conscious and free. What a trembling wonder it must have been in those first moments!
Again, it's important to realize that the companions were not physical bodies. They were like "ideas" in the mind of the Creator that were given freedom to be independently conscious. As they used their freedom, they developed into unique points of thought, feeling, desire, expression, and memory.
Each was slightly different from the other by virtue of its different vantage point within the Universal Consciousness. Each companion had a spirit, mind and soul. Spirit is the essence of life. Remember the condition of the Creator before the creation; alive yet still. This is Spirit. It is the living stillness in the midst of activity. So often we identify life with motion, but the essence of life was there before the motion. Spirit is the essence of life.
Life in motion, or the power to move and shape ideas and even physical forms out of spirit, is mind. Mind is the sculptor, the builder who conceives, imagines, and shapes ideas out of the essence of life. Spirit is life; Mind is the power to use it.
Each of the companions had spirit and mind. As they used their life forces, they developed experiences, memories, desires, fears, etc. This caused them to become unique from one another – each having its own collection of experiences and aspirations; each its own story.
This individual aspect of the companion is its soul. Soul is the sum total of all that the companion had done with its free-will consciousness. It's the companion's story, its complex of memories. All of the companions have spirit and mind, but each developed a unique soul, because each built a different collection of memories and experiences, resulting in different desires, hopes, and attitudes about life.
Thus, spirit is the life force, mind is the power to use it, and soul is the being that develops. All are one in consciousness.
The Division of Consciousness
The creation then progressed from essence to thought, thought into thought-form, and from thought-form into particle-form or atomic-form; in other words, matter. There are many realms or dimensions to life. One of these realms is the third dimension – physical earthly form, as we know it today.
The companions, filled with their newfound Consciousness and freedom, went out into the vast universe to experience life and to learn about themselves, the Creator, and their relationship to it. In their travels through the cosmos, some of the companions entered the three-dimensional influences of the planet earth where they entered into physical form for the first time. Here they became so encapsulated in the physical that they began to identify themselves more with their form than with their Consciousness. They began to think of themselves as physical entities rather than free, living Consciousness.
Incredibly, they began to think they were only terrestrial beings and their celestial origins began to be forgotten. Form was so substantial, so captivating that it was difficult to hold on to the more delicate reality of spirit-thoughts, pure point of Consciousness in a Universal Consciousness.
To have an individual body was also the ultimate in self-identity and self-expression. It then had the power to separate the individual from the Whole and the formless spirit-thoughts of higher realms.
Strong identification with the physical made the companions subject to the laws of nature, and, of course, a part of nature's cycle is death. The body would come to life according to the laws of nature, live for a time, and then die. In their original state, the companions were continually alive, but those that began to strongly identify with their physical bodies were now affected by death. Since they thought they were their bodies, they considered themselves dead when their bodies died. This led to great confusion.
And when the companions who had not become involved in the material universe saw what had happened to the others, they decided to help those in the flesh regain their former state. However, it was not going to be easy.
In addition to the influences of the physical dimension, the souls were building reaction patterns (karmic patterns) with their willful activities in the physical universe. According to Universal Law, these actions had to be met – properly met in the physical universe where they had been initiated. The more one acted in the physical dimension, the more one built debts that had to be met in the physical. Death changed nothing except those with karmic debts to be paid had to pay them by re-incarnating into another baby’s physical body. The result of this was reincarnation.
Another effect of entering the physical dimension was the division of Consciousness. As an individual entered deeper into the physical, its Consciousness separated into three divisions of awareness. Two of these divisions we acknowledge today: the conscious and subconscious. The first entails the physical realm where the human body required a three-dimensional consciousness to function. It has become the part of our Consciousness we are most familiar with, what we have come to call the conscious mind or intellect. Many of us would consider it to actually be the "I" or "me" of ourselves. It is within this part of consciousness that we experience physical life, and our personalities are developed.
The second part of consciousness is shadow-like while one is incarnate in the physical dimension. It lives life as a shadow, always there, listening, watching, remembering, and only occasionally making its profound and sometimes frightening presence known. We have come to call this part of our consciousness the subconscious mind. From out of this area come dreams, intuitions, unseen motivations, and deepest memories.
Accordingly, the subconscious is the realm of the soul that uses the conscious mind as a mechanism for manifesting in the physical realm through the five senses. Often the thoughts and interests of the conscious mind, combined with the desires of the body, become so strong and dominant that only its activities seem important and real; the subconscious seems illusionary and unrelated to outer life. But in truth, the real life is occurring in the subconscious.
The third area of the now divided consciousness is the most Universal. It is the part we can perceive and commune with the Universal Consciousness. We have different names for it: the Collective Mind, the Universal Mind, the Collective Unconsciousness, and the Super Consciousness Universal consciousness, Christ Consciousness and ‘The Spirit’.
The more one's attention moves into the physical conscious mind, the more narrow and limited the focus and awareness becomes. The more one moves toward the super/universal consciousness, the more one becomes aware of the Whole, the Universal Force of the Creator.
It may be more difficult to perceive the infinite when one is grossly involved in the finite, but the Universal Consciousness and the potential for attuning oneself to It remains. Curiously, access to it is through the inner consciousness of the incarnate individual and generally not outside of it, making it a very mysterious passage for a physical being. A dispensation, is our right free will choices.
In time, however, the companions trapped in the physical dimension could again become aware of the difference between earthly and heavenly life. They could again come to know their original state and purpose, and regain their celestial birthright of companionship with the Creator. In time they could again come to realize that the conditions in their present physical life were the result of their free-will actions and choices before the present life.
If the companions trapped in the physical dimension could genuinely begin to believe that the physical cannot possibly be all there is to life, they could begin the long journey back from form to spirit, a very difficult journey. In many ways we, as human beings, are no longer spirit. Flesh has become very much a part of us, not just physically but mentally as well. Even when we are out of the body (through death, deep sleep, or some altered state such as meditation), bodily manifestation is still very much a part of us. Otherwise, there would certainly be no reincarnation. We would simply leave the physical dimension and never return.
The great paradox of humankind is that we are now both spirit and flesh. That's like saying we are a combination of oil and water, two substances which do not combine. The mystical analogy would more properly be fire and water; these, too, don't combine. How can anything be made up of two substances that are impossible to combine? Yet, such is the nature of humanity. We are constantly forced to reconcile the seemingly irreconcilable: mercy with justice, cooperation with independence, unity with diversity, tradition with change, feeling with thought, love with truth, and on and on.
The Consequences of the Division
In order to fully appreciate the teachings, we need to understand how the Universal Law of cause and effect works. It's easy to say that the experiences in one's life are the result of past activities, but the forces of this law are greater than we may first imagine.
The following is an explanation concerning consciousness and how it relates to reincarnation. It is an excellent explanation of reincarnation that dispels many myths that people have about it. One particular myth is that people are forced to reincarnate immediately after death in the manner that some eastern religions teach. This myth is also dispelled by many Near Dead Experiences, (NDE) testimonials which suggest that reincarnation is not bound by time nor is it necessarily a linear cycle. Linear time as we know it does not exist in the realm of the NDE. A soul can spend an "eternity of eternities" in the realms after death before deciding to incarnate again.
Every action, every thought, every idle word sets up reactions, according to the Universal Law. When one thinks a thought, that thought makes an impression on the Universal Consciousness. Nothing is lost or done in secret. Everything is done within the Universal Consciousness, and the Whole is affected by it (as well as all others within the Whole).
This isn't easy for us to believe, living in our own little worlds. The words "secret", "private", "alone", and "separate" are active words in our vocabulary. This is due to our current separation in consciousness from the Whole. In the higher realms of consciousness, there is no space. Things and people are not separate, but part of a Whole. All is actually One. All is within the Whole. By increasing the focus on self, we have created the illusion of a self separated from the rest of life, but it just isn't so. Our individual actions and thoughts make an impact on the Mind of the Universal One. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are real.
Reactions to past thoughts and actions become our fate, destiny and karma. An individual's fate is simply the rebounding effects of previous choices remembered by its soul. The reason the effects of these previous choices often seem unfair to the conscious mind is because the personality doesn't see beyond its own life for sources of current conditions.
As companions of God, we are free to live and choose and grow almost as we desire, but not without being subject to the Universal, Spiritual law. Through meeting our thoughts, actions, and words we learn to discern wisdom from folly, lasting strength from weakness, and true life from illusion. In turn we become more able to fulfill our ultimate purpose for existing: to be a loving companion and co-creator to the Universal Creator. The law is actually a magnificent tool for perfect learning. It is completely impersonal – everyone experiences it equally and for the purpose of enlightenment.
The law of karma is not some fierce god in the sky keeping track of everything so that it can zap people when they least expect it. Most karmic reactions, in fact, come from the individual's own deep memory of what it has done.
Karma has been described as memory. Karma is memory coming to consciousness again. What has occurred in the past is recalled and has an effect on the present. Now, the recollection may not surface to the conscious level; the personality may have no awareness of the memory, in fact. Yet, it exists at the deeper, soul level. Nevertheless, the soul sees through the same eyes as the personality and is reminded of its past use of free will and consciousness. Naturally, some of these memories will be compatible with the Universal Mind and some will not. Memory is an important concept in understanding how the law of karma works.
As a Soul draws closer to the Universal Mind, it becomes aware that some of its memories are not compatible with the Creator, and since its ultimate purpose for being is companionship with the Creator, it seeks out opportunities to resolve these incompatible memories.
Suppose a Soul criticizes another soul among its peers and behind its back. As it becomes more aware of its true nature, it will recall this wrong and, because of its incompatibility with the Creator, will seek to correct it. Now, the resolution could take many forms. The Soul might seek out an opportunity to work closely with the injured Soul as a supporter, assistant, publicist, agent, or the like. Or perhaps it would seek to re-create the original scene – putting itself in a position to criticize the other soul again in front of the same peers. The test would be to see if the Soul would choose not to criticize this time, even if it meant a certain loss of position for itself. Throughout all this the Soul grows wiser and more compatible with the Creator.
If, however, a Soul has gotten so far away from its true nature that it has no conscience, then the law of karma can become a formidable obstacle to any further free-will action. Such a Soul becomes surrounded by its karma; everywhere it turns, it meets the terrible effects of its previous action and thoughts. Yet, even a Soul who has gotten in this pathetic situation can return to perfection because there is no total condemnation from the Creator or the law. If the Soul turns away from its self-centeredness and begins acting, reacting, thinking, and speaking like a companion to the Universe, then the law is just as perfect as it is with error; and the reactions begin to build and establish a new destiny for that Soul. Karma is memory. As one recalls or relives the situations, one meets self again, and a new decision point, or crossroads, is presented to the Soul.
In life, "good" would be equated with compatible, harmonious actions and thoughts which consider the needs and desires of others, along with self's needs and desires. "Evil" would be equated with actions and thoughts that are motivated by a self-orientation that pays little or no attention to the needs and desires of others and the Whole.
Metaphysically speaking, good results in oneness, and evil results in a sense of separation.
Decisions in one's life could be approached by evaluating which choices promote greater oneness and which promote separation. (What would God want me to do?)
One must meet every bit of one's karma. However, there is a way that it can be modified, softened, even ameliorated. If a Soul, knowing another Soul has wronged it, forgives that Soul and holds no lingering resentment – perhaps has even forgotten the wrong in the depths of its forgiveness and understanding – then it begins to take hold of the power of forgiveness. The more it forgives, the more it perceives and understands forgiveness. Then, when it approaches the Universal Consciousness and realizes it possesses memories that are incompatible with It, forgiveness is much more viable, removing the barrier of separation. The law is so precise (what one gives one receives; no exceptions) that if one begins having mercy on and forgiveness of others, one begins to receive mercy and forgiveness upon oneself. Unless, of course, one refuses to forgive oneself.
All of one's karma has to be met. And yet, no Soul is given more than it can bear to carry – this is the paradoxical blessing hidden in the limitations of time and space. A Soul is given the time it needs to turn away from its selfish ways and, like the prodigal son, return home to a feast of joy and welcome from our Creator. Reincarnation is not a way to avoid judgment and responsibility; it is a way to allow the soul enough time to correct its mistakes and develop itself.
From a deep attunement to the Universal Consciousness, you can se a clear distinction between spirit and Soul; something most does not see. It is felt that it would be “best that these be classified, that these be not misunderstood in their relations one to another.” Let’s consider these two aspects of our being, which are so often overshadowed by our physical aspect.
Accordingly, the spirit is the life force, the élan vital that animates life. “Spirit is the spark, or portion of the Divine that is in every entity.” But spirit is not just a force. It is a consciousness with individualness, though not nearly as individual as we are in our physical condition. Jesus tells the woman at the well that “God is a spirit, and seeks same” a call for us to get into our spirit if we would really connect with God (the Universal Consciousness).
Our spirit self is, has been, and always will be “before the throne of God.” so to speak. It is perfect, unblemished, made in the image of God, as recorded in Genesis 1. It is “a thing apart from anything earthy,” and does not descend into the realms of Earth unless we lift ourselves up to it and connect with it. Even then, it remains shielded from earthly influences.
That “spark” is the light and life of mind, or Consciousness. Within the one, Universal, collective mind of God, the Universal Consciousness, and are infinite points of Consciousness or spirits like the Great Spirit. The Consciousness of our Spirit is the Super/Universal Conscious, a level of Consciousness that is nearly indistinguishable from God’s Consciousness. Psalm 82 expresses the situation in the spirit realm this way: “God stands in the congregation of God; He judges among the gods”; and later, “You are gods, sons of the Most High.” It’s important to realize that these “sons” are Spirits, not bodies; male and female energies are combined. As Jesus explained, “In heaven there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage.”
The phrase the congregation of God reflects how intimately connected the Godlings are to their Creator. The Creator includes all of life; nothing exists outside of the Whole. It is this aspect of God that creates our Soul self, different from the Spirit self.
"All you may know of heaven or hell is within your own self."
We are like rivers. On the surface we are all shiny and clear, shimmering with freshness and life, but deep within us run powerful unseen currents of Soul-memories and desires. These deep currents are the cumulative effects of ages of Soul-life and many incarnations in the Earth. They cause us to love one person and despise another; to feel wonderful vibrations with a particular individual in one aspect of our lives only to feel awkward and uncomfortable with that same person in another aspect of our lives. Patterns and habits have formed deep within our inner-consciousness and shape the way we interact with people around us.
Everyone involved in our present lives was very likely involved in our past lives. Actually, it is likely they have been involved in many of our past lives. Our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children, friends, colleagues, bosses and employees, and even our enemies began sharing life with us long before the present lifetime.
The effects of these many past-life experiences are reflected in the circumstances that now surround our present relationships. The Soul's memories of past-life activities with others shape our innate reactions to them. Of course, their memories of our past-life actions influence how they react to us. Through the same eyes that the personality sees life, the Soul sees it, but the Soul looks with a memory covering centuries of passion and adventure, caring and love, hatred and revenge, doubt and fear. When we feel a seemingly unfounded fondness for another person, it is very likely due to soul memory of the positive role he or she played in our past lives. On the other hand, when we react with what seems to be an unfounded revulsion or hatred towards another person, you can be pretty sure it is because the soul recalls their past actions against us or our loved ones.
However, the influences of past-life actions are rarely so clear cut. Often those with whom we have had many good lives and relationships are the same people with whom we have had many problems and disagreements, a mix of "good" and "bad karma," so to speak. In fact, it's rare that a past-life relationship has every aspect of life in good, clear focus.
Those positive, well-developed aspects from our past lives will give us much pleasure and support in the present. Conversely, those aspects which we did not have in proper focus will give us opportunities for pain and growth in present relationships. Avoiding these influences is simply not possible. Whether we like it or not, the Universal Law of Karma constantly brings before each of us the meeting of our past use of free will and Consciousness.
Thus, what we have done to other souls and they have done to us is reflected in the circumstances surrounding our present relationships and the basic, innate urges, attitudes and emotions we feel toward each other.
SOUL GROUPS: These basic ideas of past relationships and their present influences are not only true of individual relationships but also of group relationships. From the beginning our souls have tended to travel together in groups, and the very act of traveling together for such long periods creates forces of attraction that help to maintain and build on these group relationships. Nearly all souls on the planet today were together in past ages of human history. As a result, the relationships among the peoples of the world today are a reflection of their past activities with each other.
The souls who came in to this planetary system and entered the realms of consciousness associated with this region of the cosmos comprise our largest soul group. This group can then be divided into the subgroups we call "the generations," containing souls who move through the natural cycles of Earth life together, which can be further divided into the various nations, cultures, races, religions, etc., that have formed during ages of interaction together. Within these groups are the subgroups of souls who share similar philosophies, ideas, purposes, aspirations and attitudes. From here the soul groups further divide into the many smaller groups of personal relationships: communities, families, businesses, teams, schools and so on.
Soul groups create an affinity among their members by not only the cumulative experiences they share, but also through their collective memory of how life has been for them and what they have come to mutually desire out of it. In a manner of speaking, such groups form a distinct collective consciousness and spirit, much like the souls who gave us "the spirit of rebellion" reflecting that soul group's mutual hopes, attitudes, purposes and memories.
Soul groups are neither rigid nor static. Any individual soul can use its free will to seek an experience in another group. There are many cases of souls changing political allegiance, race, or religion from one lifetime to another.
Neither do the generations incarnate in strict, rigid patterns. A member of one generation may enter again with another generation. For example, two members of a family group who were father and son in one life may change positions and become son and father in another, or grandfather and grandson. They may even choose to be in the same generation in an incarnation as brothers, for example. However, they may choose not to be in the same family again.
Although soul groups are fairly well established and have significant pull on the individuals within them, they do not have greater influence than an individual soul's will to change.
There are also other incarnation-sequences, but the majorities were for souls who typically cycled with one of these major groups. We should also take a look at some significant exception to this pattern. Some souls did not always incarnate with their group, choosing instead to skip a cycle or enter with another group, though they usually rejoined their original group eventually. Others, though cycling into the Earth-plane with their group, did not actually incarnate, i.e., did not enter into a body; rather they stayed in the spirit and helped from a higher vantage point while the others incarnated. As some of us would term it today, a "guardian angel"
A group of souls may find themselves together again and yet not one of them desired it to be so. In these cases, it is often the forces of the Universal Law that cause them to come together. For better or for worse they now have to meet the effects of their past actions with each other. The Universal intention is that the confrontation will lead to a resolution of their karma or at least a recognition of how their past actions with each other have caused the present predicament, and they will resolve not to act that way again.
Both in individual and group relationships, the karmic effects of past actions with others can create some very difficult, even terrible situations. The meeting can result in murder, rape, torture and other atrocities. Even in lesser cases karmic effect can result in back-biting, back-stabbing, bickering, fighting and other turmoil. Imagine what might happen if the universal forces of cause and effect brought together the souls of the Roman Coliseum and the souls they fed to the lions, or the Conquistadors and the Incas and Aztecs, or the Inquisition and their victims.
The same cause-and-effect forces play a part in individual lives, too. Imagine if the Law brought together a victim killed in a family quarrel and his or her murderer. What about a soul who betrayed another's trust or love? What would be the reaction toward one another in this present Life? When lives are heavily burdened by the negative effects of their past actions, their present experience is often tragic, and occasionally their lives may appear to be wasted senselessly. However, from the soul's perspective a single incarnation is a learning-experience and an opportunity to resolve past actions that are now holding the soul back from a fuller life.
One physical life is not the ultimate living experience for the soul. It is an opportunity to resolve the burdens past actions have placed upon our souls and to clear away the many ideas that continue to confuse and limit us. So even though the seventy or eighty years that comprise the average lifetime seem so very singular and final, it is only a temporary sojourn, a brief experience along an infinite path of soul-life.
Of course, all the good that has been experienced among the various souls and soul groups has just as strong an effect on present situations as does evil, and when we focus on this "good karma" we often find better ways to resolve the negative influences.
Soul mates.
A "soul mate" is really nothing more than a soul or souls (and there may be several of them) with whom we have closely shared so many lifetimes that we now resonate to the same pitch, so to speak. We understand each other like no one else could hope to understand us. This acquired understanding gives soul mates the capacity to help each other in ways that would be difficult without the deep bonding that has occurred through the ages.
Soul mates often help each other reach their highest potential, and though this is not automatic and each will still have to apply themselves to making the present relationship the best it can be, their deep inner-knowing of each other gives them a distinct advantage. However, being soul mates doesn't automatically mean that they see eye-to-eye on everything. In fact, they are usually more like complements one to another than duplicates of each other, each one bringing to the relationship something the other is missing, thereby rounding-out the relationship and giving each of them more than they would have separately.
When soul mates are together, they form a dynamic bond and provide a source of strength for one another that is very hard to find in our world. They may presently be in either sex and interact with each other in any number of relationships. There is a strong tendency to think of soul mates only in the sense of lovers and marriage mates, but they can also be partners, parents, siblings, teammates, friends, etc.
Having been lovers and mates in many past lives, it would be very hard for them to avoid at least a romantic interlude in the present life - there would simply be too much magnetism for them to easily ignore each other and the physical attraction. If, on the other hand, they had been close friends or family members throughout their incarnations, they would be inclined toward a similar relationship in the present. The point is, a soul mate is not always a sexual mate.
Another important point about soul mates is that the true mate of every soul is its Original Companion, the Creator, who gave each soul life for the very purpose of being eternal companions with Him. As far as the sexual dynamics of soul mating, it's important to keep in mind that in the heavenly home we (our souls) "neither marry nor are given in marriage." As souls, we are actually siblings in the Universal Family.
Therefore, even though soul mates may give each other the support that is needed and deserved in this difficult world - which may include healthy, intimate, sexual companionship - they are ultimately brothers and sisters in the spiritual realms.
TWIN SOULS This brings us to one of the strangest concepts concerning soul relationships, that of "Twin Souls." As we have already seen, a soul possesses both the male and female forces within itself prior to entering the duality of the Earth. As the soul enters the world it usually selects one of its two sexual natures and projects the unique characteristics of this sex while incarnate. As difficult as it may be to understand, the un-manifested sexual part of our soul can actually incarnate at the same time we do. In other words, our soul, which is much more complex than we have imagined, is capable of separating its dual sexual nature into two separate and distinct entities, one male and the other female, and each of these two entities can incarnate into the Earth at the same time in separate bodies that usually complement the present sex. That is to say that somewhere out there in the physical world is literally our other half - the other sexual aspect of our soul!
Fortunately, there are some examples of this. Generally, the twin soul relationship is presently found among spouses, friends, occasionally as parent and child, and sometimes the twin soul isn't even incarnate at the same time. However, there does seem to be a pattern that most twin soul relationships follow. In their early incarnations together they tend to be mates or at least seek a lover's relationship with each other, while in later incarnations with each other they tend to seek less sexually involved relationships and more work-related activities together, especially when the work has a soul purpose. This could be due to the involution/evolution process where, in the early periods of the descent into materiality they tended to continue their self-seeking, self-satisfying pursuits; but on the ascent toward a return to spirituality they tended to seek more holistic purposes and relationships. That is not to say that all present sexual relationships are self-seeking. We find healthy support for all the natural sexual aspects that are a part of the union of two in love and mutual caring.
As difficult as it may be for us to believe, each Soul actually chooses its parents - with one exception. If a Soul has abused its gift of free will, then it comes under the strong influence of the Universal Law and is carried along on the force of its past actions into present relationships that it simply must face up to. Of course, no soul is given more than it can handle, not that it won't suffer, but it won't be totally lost or destroyed by the burdens of its karma. Generally, however, a soul chooses its parents prior to entering the Earth.
As we would expect, Souls who have had experiences together in past lives will have a stronger attraction for each other than Souls who have had no past experiences together. Even if Souls aren't particularly fond of each other they still tend to be drawn together by the force of their past interaction. Furthermore, if the Soul has a specific purpose for incarnating, and most of us do, then it will be seeking others who are a part of fulfilling its purpose or those who can at least contribute to it. Again, this doesn't mean that the childhood family life will be all hugs and kisses. In every relationship one can find advantages and disadvantages, and in order to enjoy the advantages one must accept the disadvantages. In fact, in many cases, the disadvantages lead to or create the opportunities for the advantages. When a Soul is trying to decide which channels (parents) would be best for it to enter this world, it has to accept the limitations of this particular family as well as the opportunities.
From the spiritual realm Earth-life appears much like a river when viewed from high above, a bird's eye view. The Soul who is deciding which channels to enter through sees the river in all its vastness, with many tributaries and branches, and it sees where the parents' boat is on this river of life. In this way it has an overview of what life will be like with these parents. However, because the river of life has many side-routes, the incoming Soul can only see the strongest current in the parents' lives. It can't be sure that one of the free-willed parents won't change its mind and begin pursuing a different course, or that the currents themselves won't change course and thereby change the family's future. It can't even be certain that it won't change its own mind once it gets into the boat.
Destiny and fate do exist, and they exist side by side with free will. The effects of our past actions have an inertia that carries over into the present life and shapes it, thereby creating our destiny. However, nothing surpasses the power of the Soul's divinely-given free will. At any time we can use our will to change directions, change attitudes, change purposes, and change anything! In this way, our lives are both fatalistically foreshadowed by the cause-and-effect forces of our past use of free will, and yet amenable to change by our present use of free will. Therefore, the incoming Soul can see only the general course of the family's riverboat; it can't be sure the family will stay the course.
The incarnate parents also have significant influence as to which soul enters through them. Their daily thoughts, desires and purposes create a beacon for souls who respond to these energies. This is particularly true of the mother. Her daily activities and inner thoughts during the gestation period create a field much like a magnet would, attracting Souls to the field of opportunity life as her child would offer.
As you would expect, more than one Soul may be attracted to the same mother-to-be. In such cases, the forces of cause and effect, the will power and desire of the mother and the Souls wanting to incarnate combine to make the selection. The Souls who were not chosen for the present entry may well come in through a later pregnancy if the opportunity is presented. Thereby becoming siblings of the Souls who entered first; or they may go on to other families with whom friendships or other blood relationships would naturally form and be maintained with the original channel family.
The Soul generally enters the baby body at or near the time of birth. In one unusual case, the soul did not enter for two days after the birth of the baby. When asked about the delay, the response was that the Soul was all too aware how very difficult life would be should it choose to enter, and it wasn't at all sure it wanted to go through with it! It was then asked what kept the baby's body alive for two days while the soul wrestled with its decision, and he responded, "the spirit." For the Soul was the entity, with all its personal memories and aspirations, and the spirit was the life force.
Most sources agree that the first couple of years of life are primarily devoted to developing the physical body and that the years from two to seven shape much of the child's sense of self and its view of the world. In addition to the well-known physical and emotional changes that occur during the course of puberty, The sources add that this is the time when karmic influences begin to take hold, coinciding with the release of hormones. This perspective sheds so much light on the otherwise baffling or incomprehensible changes in personality and behavior that sometimes accompany this stage of physical development. Around the age of 21 the individual begins to assume its major course through life. Then, life progresses through a series of experiences and decision crossroads. These occur in natural and identifiable cycles, the most influential being the Seven Year Cycle: 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28, and so on. Notice how these cycles coincide with the general metaphysical cycles of: Birth; seven years of age; puberty (though puberty usually occurs before age 14, it is fulfilled at or near this age); and twenty-one years of age.
Furthermore, each Soul experiences life in two primary arenas 1) The inner world of self, which includes one's mental and emotional being and physical body. 2) The outer arena of life's unique circumstances, including the social, economic, racial, national and religious environment, all of which are generally set at birth and the outer world has pre-structured in specific ways.
Soul is the developing portion of our whole nature. It is ever changing, growing, and learning, and uses free will to explore, create, test, discover, and more. Soul is the ultimate companion to the Creator; a true companion, because it has the free will to choose to be a companion ¬ or not. The Soul is also uniquely able to bridge the gulf between the spirit realms and the physical realms, between our divine, godly self and our physical/earthly self. The mind of the Soul is the subconscious. It may operate independently of the Universal Consciousness of the Creator. (At least, it is allowed to think it does. After all, there is no way to actually be outside of the Whole.) Or, it may act in harmony and conscious at-one-ment with the Universal Consciousness.
Q; What is the Soul of a body? A: That which the Maker gave to every entity or individual in the beginning and which is seeking the home again or place of the Maker. All Souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came. Q: Where does the Soul go when fully developed? A: To its Maker.”
From our perspective, “the study of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, soul forces, is and should be the great study for the human family. Through self man will understand his Maker when he understands his relationship to his Maker. He will only understand that through himself. This is why the three questions in the beginning of this script must be answered. What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which his spirit and soul must feed upon.”
Our comments on death and communicating with the dead are to be helpful in understanding Spirit and Soul. For example, consider this “When the Soul passes from the physical body, the subconscious mind, which never forgets anything, is then as the sensuous mind of the Soul body; the Universal Conscious mind” becomes “the subconscious” of the Soul. While incarnate, the sensuous mind is what we call the physical conscious mind or intellect. But after death or, for that matter, even during sleep (for “sleep is a shadow of death”), the active mind becomes the Soul’s mind, the subconscious.
“Q: Is it possible for this body, in this state, to communicate with anyone who has passed into the spirit world? A: The spirit of all that have passed from the physical plane remain about the plane until their development carries them onward or are returned (reincarnated) for their development here. When they are in the plane of communication or remain within this sphere, any may be communicated with. There are thousands about us here at present.” That’s an unsettling thought, isn’t it? But the key point here is the phases of development that may lead us back into incarnate life or on beyond this sphere altogether and out of the reach of communication.
Through out the ages, people in power have been rejecting reincarnation as wishful thinking, and for good reason. If reincarnation is a universal fact, then, all forms of supremacism are a scam, and they dearly love feeling so superior. Philosophies like the Master race, Gods chosen, Royalty, Tribal and genetic superiority, the Elite, the high and mighty, fancy titles, Religious denominations etc. is all a scam, and for the scam to work, the ‘mob’ has been kept unaware of what they really are, i.e. equally borne Souls incarnating in different bodies, in different races, different intellectual levels and insight, again and again.

Man not only expects life to be just; he expects it to make sense.
If man has no divine spirit (Soul life) then we are, ipso facto, no more than advanced animals, an evolved race of intelligent primates. We would, in a word, be civilised animals, and that is all. Life would be much ado about nothing. If we were simply educated animals we should have all the animal instincts and little else. Life would be ruled entirely by the law of the jungle; muscular strength and shrewdness would be the only things that mattered (actually, it sometimes appears so). There would be no room and reason for law and justice, decency or search for the Divine. There would be no compassion, no morals, no ambition, no inventions, no trust, no music or creative art, no worship of the unseen. Well, as you can see, Darwin was totally wrong. If man has a Soul, a Spirit, then he must be of spiritual origin, and there must be an origin, or a Universal Force, being or Consciousness. There must be a Creator, for the created demands a creator. The Universal laws and principles require a Lawmaker. The order in the Universe did not come from chaos.

The purpose of man’s stay on Earth is to evolve onward and upward until he again incorporates his mind and his Spirit into the one complete whole, all the while conscious of his own separate individuality. That is the whole meaning and purpose of life. That is man’s destiny - to become one with his maker, to again be worthy of, and companionable to, the Creator. It is not only possible and desirable that he attain the realisation of the Oneness of all. It is necessary that he does so, however long it takes, even if it takes a thousand more lifetimes to reach this perfection. To be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect can never be achieved in one lifetime, so from a loving father we get all the lifetimes it takes; hence, reincarnation.

The majority of people who violently deny reincarnation are those who have never studied it, or what little they know is really the concept of transmigration like some Hindis and Buddhists. Not one of the orthodox indoctrinators and power mongers we have been speaking to, have ever studied reincarnation and yet all happily denied the concept, not knowing what they were denying. In reality what they condemn is always their own misconceptions of re-incarnation. Their loyalty is to their dogmatic teachings, and not to the cosmic truths. Truth and dogma are not the same, and it is only the truth that will help you achieve your purpose. So get with the programme?

When a Soul enters a body of a babe it becomes incarnated and cannot, generally speaking, leave until that body dies. The Soul’s entry is totally controlled from the spirit world by the so-called “The Gate keepers” and not from the physical world. The entry of the soul into a body is truly immaculate every time, and for everybody. For this, no sex is needed, only a useful primate baby body.

The immaculate entry is done when the physical body of the baby is ready to house a Soul. The physical body of course needs sex to create a body. But conception is another matter. When an X chromosome from a male and a Y chromosome from a female combine you have conception. This is a sexual action. This occurs in all animal species equally, as well as the Homo sapiens primate. There is nothing immaculate about conception. It is the natural law of attraction and evolution. When a male sperm, which is flesh and full of life force, fertilises a female egg, which is flesh and full of life force, then it is still all flesh with life force. This is a physical and animalistic thing, not a Conscious thing, per say. The body of the unborn and in some cases the born is a primate until the immaculate thing happen, that the Soul enters it.

Flesh is flesh, spirit is spirit. And Soul is Spirit. (Tell that to the abortionists.) This life is not a rehearsal for the next one; this life really counts. On top of that, of all the life experiences you have had until now, this one is really going to be special.

Every Soul in the spirit world is just waiting for a chance to incarnate and evolve, and not a single one of them supports abortions. Abortions are the destruction of a primate body your parents made available, which a Soul could have been entering into. Souls to newborn babies generally gravitate towards parents of similar vibrational frequency in mentalities as their own (the universal law of Like begets Like). So, don’t blame your parents; you choose them yourself.

As difficult as it may be for us to believe, each Soul actually chooses its parents. There is, however, one exception. If a Soul has abused its gift of free will, then it comes under the strong influence of the Universal Law and is carried along on the force of its past actions into present relationships. It simply must face up to the consequences. Then the good old “Gate keepers” take charge of where the Souls will enter, at what level, and amongst whom.
There are no short cuts, no avoidance.

Of course, no Soul is given more than it can handle. Not that it won't suffer mind you, but it won't be totally lost or destroyed by the burdens of its karma. Generally, however, a Soul chooses its parents prior to entering the Earth. When a Soul is trying to decide which channels (parents) would be best for it, it has to accept the limitations of this particular family as well as the opportunities.

The effects of our past actions have an inertia that carries over into the present life and shapes it, thereby creating our pain and happiness. However, nothing surpasses the power of the Soul's divinely given free will. At any time we can use our will to change directions, change attitudes, change purposes, and change anything! In this way, our lives are both fatalistically foreshadowed by the cause-and-effect forces (karma) of our past use of free will decisions, and yet amenable to change by our present use of free will.

If you think that eggs need to be fertilised by sperm to reproduce, let me remind you that this is a biological function about which nature makes many exceptions. The divine and immaculate aspect is consciousness into matter. We do not imply that all conceptions are the same, or that there was nothing peculiar about the birth of Jesus, but the convoluted story which the orthodoxies got themselves wrapped up in, is grossly immature and erroneous. It is wishful, dogmatic thinking.

The study of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, Soul forces is and should be the great study for the human family. Through self, man will understand his maker when he understands his relationship to his maker. He will only understand that, through himself. What one continually thinks, one becomes; what one cherishes in the heart and mind one makes a part of the pulsation of one’s heart, through one’s own blood cells. You build this into your physical self, that which the Spirit and Soul must feed upon.

When the mind gets stuck in some static, ossified and crystallised belief system or understanding or misunderstanding, believing that all knowledge has been revealed and that the mind is in possession of it, and that you do not need to search any further, then to die, to get out of the body and out of your physical brain, is a marvellous chance to grow again in consciousness. It is also nice to get out of old and infirm bodies when they become a hindrance and are frail.

For a Soul to be born in a baby body is just a blessed break in memory. For the first two years or so, the brain is simply not developed enough to record or remember specifics. And since the soul consciousness is trapped in the baby body with a non-developed mushy brain, it is literally heaving a break in the memory. Unless you are born again in a baby with little or no physical consciousness you cannot see the proverbial kingdom of heaven. You would be stuck in your hard-nosed, self-satisfied, I know-it-all kind of attitude. Now, you tell me how you can grow spiritually or reach perfection with that frame of mind?

When you reincarnate in a new body, your level of consciousness does not start from scratch; you pick up your conscious vibrational frequency exactly where you left off previously.

Reincarnation gives us the opportunity to continue developing on Earth, by providing us with a new lifetime in which to act in accordance with the universal laws and principles (called the will of God). If you don’t think that Genghis Khan is reincarnated today, just look around and see who loves to kill people by the thousands. Who do you think has the same mindset and hunger for power? That mindset could not be learned in one lifetime only; it would take many lives.

Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Papa Doc, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and Napoleon are also around, in similar situations, but none of them wants you to know who they are today (if, in fact, they themselves know who they were). If you knew who they were, you would be a threat to them and would probably be trying to stop them. So the powers that be, keep the universal principle of reincarnation hidden from the less conscious masses of people, so they can continue their selfishness un-obstructed.

Never before, have so many Souls been in embodiment as there are now. In fact, the vast majority of Souls who have ever been incarnated on Earth are now, for the first time, present again for the soon coming grand finale.

How many people have reached spiritual perfection and enlightenment by the time they die and get buried? Very, very few.
So from a loving father we get another chance, and another, and another, to learn the lessons. Each time, life will teach you some beautiful lessons.

Orthodoxy wants you to believe that our beloved father would only give us one chance of a life to make it. Just because that is what orthodoxy so caustically would do. But you see that would in reality make most of us better parents than God, wouldn’t it. We would always give our children all the chances it takes for them to learn the lessons, wouldn’t we? And we would not burn and fry them like a chicken in the oven, or let them burn in hell forever after they had made a little blasted mistake. No, we would give them another chance, and another, and another.

Suppose you were allowed voluntary access to your subconscious memory, to all your previous lives and one day, by chance, you stumbled across the memory of having been a Spanish inquisitor or some other monster in history. How would you deal with the horror, or the bleeding remorse? How would you deal with the fear that your Soul might be in such arrears that you would have to put in another million lives of bitter compensation to atone for the harm you did your fellow Souls in that one incarnation? What hope would there be for you?

No Soul will ever be permitted such calamitous knowledge of its own past blunders. That is the reason why we don’t remember our previous lives. Whatever debt a Soul owes its fellow Souls; it will never be called upon to settle it until the Soul has progressed to a sufficiently mature level to make such compensation possible and practical. God does not burden, or tempt any Soul beyond that which it is able to bear. The law of karma (sowing and reaping) is not punitive; it is educational.

It is only because we have been ignorant about the laws of reincarnation that we squander three-quarters of our lives impressing others, pretending to be what we are not.

Aren't kindness, harmlessness and compassion the ultimate currency? When the time comes for you to die you surely will think they are - count on it. (Read this again.)

Keep in mind that, it is totally un-natural for a Soul to be encased in the primate bodies made of flesh, when you se it from a Universal point of view. But since you are, make the best out of it; use this opportunity to reach some sort of perfection, by giving all your love and kindness to your fellow Souls that are also trapped in their primate flesh body experiences.

The primate body is born in pain; it lives many times in pain, and some times die in pain. Pain is also the best motivator for the speedy development of reasoning, but is also misused many times.

This we can promise you, that you will never fail as long as you keep on trying to become a kind and loving person. You only fail if you quit trying. Trying is counted as righteousness.

An error we refuse to correct has many lives. It requires courage to face one’s own shortcomings, and wisdom to do something about them.

Whatever the born-again Christian teachers are thinking about when they say that you must be born again is clearly misunderstood and misinterpreted by their own congregations in general. Yes, "you must be born again before you can see the kingdom of God" (and we are not saying that your physical primate body must be born and live again after it has turned into dust, decomposed and partly eaten by worms).

What is it in you that must die? What is it that must be crucified before it can be born again and see the kingdom of heaven? So as not to be separate from the Universal Consciousness, called God’s kingdom of heaven?

What truly must die is your selfishness and with it, your separateness from the Universal Consciousness/God. What you are separate from is the Universal Consciousness and all other separate Souls, who are not yet Universally Consciousness. As long as you are separate from that and them, then you are clearly not one with anything or have Universal Consciousness.

How does selfishness and separateness die in you? We can help you understand how it is done, if you are interested. We know that it is going to be hard, and you are not going to like it. You see, contrary to what they tell you, you don’t go to heaven; you grow to heaven with the usual growing pains.

To begin with you must learn, so pretend to be kind, loving, friendly, helpful, caring, harmless, humble and compassionate etc. until you get the hang of it. Then, after a short while, stop pretending and use your free will and become all of that, with all your mind, heart and soul.

Pretend to love all other people, the whole of the creation, more than yourself, and after a short while, when you get the hang of it, stop pretending and use your free will and do it. Don’t try it, just do it. As you live like that, you will find that your selfishness and separateness diminish; your consciousness will increase and fall into harmony with the principles of the Universal Consciousness. The more you do it, the faster it goes. Your blessing is that, like the prodigal son, God will meet you more than half way.

Universal Consciousness (becoming enlightened) is attained when a person has a lasting experience in which they see through their illusion of separateness, and lose their separate self-consciousness. Their Consciousness then merges with the Universe - thus they experience being One with the Universe. This is often the result of going through a conscious, psychological death experience, brought on by meditation and other aspects of a spiritual path. The illusion of separateness dissolves in the awareness of oneness. And with this the separate self seems to die, and a rebirth occurs.

Separate self-consciousness is transcended and transformed. The dominant Consciousness becomes that of the inner self, the part of us that is the Universal Spirit. Thus, we have Universal Consciousness. When this is experienced properly, a person is never the same, and never sees things the same way again. From then on, all things are understood in the light of the biggest picture, in the light of being one with the universal spirit (God). Selfishness thus becomes a thing of the past. This is also called achieving enlightenment.

At death, the conscious mind is gradually absorbed into the subconscious (the mind of the surviving Soul), and the subconscious becomes the operative mind, with the Super-Conscious now in the position the subconscious held while we were incarnate. Later, upon reincarnation, the subconscious projects another portion of itself into the newly developing outer, three-dimensional mind. Intuitions, "knowings" and psychic perceptions come from the projected subconscious. But not all the subconscious is projected; some of it remains in very high levels of perception and activity.

This world is a corpse eater, a gene and brain eater, but it doesn’t eat Souls; it can’t. It will eat all finite parts of your body, but the infinite part of you, your Soul, is untouchable in this world.

The difference between the Soul freed by the death of its body and the same Soul encased in a living body is only a difference of density, vibration and consciousness.

Death (the Soul leaving the physical body) is a totally painless process. The body may be in pain before dying due to sickness, broken limbs, old age or whatever, in which case death is a great relief. But dying itself is totally painless. And when they kick a little dirt on top of your coffin, talking about you passing away, what then? Regrettably it is then too late for actions in the physical world…….this time around.

They have wasted your time and your life. They have retarded your perfection. They have led you astray. Don’t let them do that next time around in your new body, that is, if you get another one. The tragedy of death is akin to throwing away and forgetting the potato while glorifying the potato peel. Dead is simply a move through what is called God’s other door, just another step in the process of the Soul development that continues until we again achieve oneness with God, but the door, to and from the other world, have “The Gate Keepers” in charge.

When you go to sleep, your physical consciousness/intellect is in an unconscious state, and your subconscious is in charge, like when you are dreaming. In fact, when you go to sleep you are experiencing dying i.e. you are unconscious about your physical body while still being conscious.

So, falling asleep is like the shadow of what is called dying.
Fear of dying is another issue; it has been indoctrinated into our mind ad nauseoum. Without fear of dying, the powers that be would not be able to control people as effectively as they do. Imagine if the churches could not motivate you with fear of hell and condemnation? Then there would not be much, if any, reason to go there, would there? If there is no judgment, what is there to be fearful about? Well, you can only reap what you have sown, so why be fearful? Just be nice all the time, and then you will reap that. And you will never reap other people’s sowings.

The separations that have been established between different religions and denominational organisations have been totally unnecessary and very harmful. You don’t need to convince anyone of the senselessness of denominationalism. Whatever separates one man from another also separates us from the Universal Consciousness of the Creator.

How we treat our fellow man is exactly how we treat God. Think about it. There is part of the God Consciousness, the Universal Consciousness in everybody.

Today, people are afraid of dying mostly because of the uncertainty of what will happen when they do - if, in fact, anything will happen. Theologians tell you that your Soul will go to heaven or hell, but they simply don’t know. Since the most important part of you, your Soul is that which they say will be judged when your flesh decomposes, why don’t they tell you the truth about it? This is the all-important information mankind has been looking for, for millennia.

There is a reason, however, that both church and science have been utter failures in informing mankind of the truth in this matter - they either didn’t want to, they were forced not to, or they didn’t know? If people knew what was going to happen when their bodies die, then they would be more concerned about developing their Souls to higher and more loving frequencies, instead of being concerned about the genetics and the bloodlines of the primate bodies they are using temporarily. They would try to be good and not simply look good, because whatever body they are using at present will die and get eaten by worms.

It is not all of life to live, neither is it all of death to die, for life and death are the same. Only those who consider the experience of that as the same can understand or comprehend what peace really means. Actual death is truly a peaceful experience. When your Soul first leaves the body, it hovers over the body for a while. If you have been sick, suffering or have been afraid, the pain and fear will be gone. Or your Soul may leave while your body is having a peaceful sleep. It will hover over the body longer for some than for others, depending on the kind of attachments you have to the body, or the things you have loved and been in possession of in this past life. A deep and profound peace and love covers your total being.

Then your journey through a tunnel or vortex, without any fear whatsoever, toward a point of light. When you reach this point, you will be met by some of your loved ones who have passed on before you. These will be family and friends or lovers in their astral bodies just like you, not their physical bodies. They will then show you your life, with special emphasis on the feelings you have created in other people along your life’s path. You cannot fool anybody or yourself. Sometimes the remorse is overwhelming. This too can be truly hell for some, and for others it is paradise. So, love one another.

This will be followed by a short period where you basically sleep, to acclimatise and condition yourself to the new reality of you being in the spirit world. It will range from one week to three months in Earth time. When you wake up, you Soul will proceed to where your vibrational frequency levels of your Consciousness are, together with other newly deceased Souls of similar development and level. If you have the low vibrational frequency attitude of a jerk, you will be with all the jerks, and that can truly be real hell; and if your vibrational frequency attitude are kind and loving, then you will be with all them. There you will have the chance to evolve to the best of your abilities, speed of comprehension, likes and interest. Nothing will be imposed on you; you only learn what you want to learn, and that is the speed by which you grow. Depending on what you want and need to learn you will spend a period of time in those halls of learning. You might even go to new levels of Consciousness.

(If young people’s bodies die, they spend very little time in this plane of existence, since they have only recently come from there.) You are now a conscious awareness on a higher frequency of existence than you have been; you are above the three dimensions.

If you are a loving and kind person with a high frequency, you will be with loving and friendly souls who have the same high frequencies, and that can truly be heaven. So just be a really nice and good person all the time. And don’t forget to be joyous.

The more love and kindness in your attitude, the higher your vibrational frequency of your consciousness will be and the closer to enlightenment (Heaven), you are.

The more selfishness and greed and hate and control of others in your attitude, the lower the vibrational frequency of your Consciousness will be, and the more un-conscious you are (and that is hell).

After that, you have certain experiences in the higher world together with other Souls of the same vibrational frequency in their conscious mind as yourself.

For all that you may ever keep is just what you give away, while in a body, and that you give away is advice, counsel, the manners of your life you live yourself. The manner in which you treat your fellow man, your patience, your brotherly love, your kindness, your gentleness. That you give away to others, your attitude, that is all that you may possess in those other realms of consciousness.

You see, you are your own judge, jury and executioner. God can neither denounce, sit in judgment, condemn, mete out punishment, or be flattered by lip service (praising, adoration and worshipping is actually idolising), or award a special dispensations to His favoured brats (like the Talmudic rabbis have indoctrinated their flock to think). God relinquished all these privileges when He gave every Soul freedom of action, of choice and of decisions. Now, He can only wait in patience and genuine compassion for the Souls to decide how soon they will use their free will to return to Him, once they have conceded that He makes a better creator than they do.

This of course leaves the intellect in the uncomfortable position of having nowhere to pass the buck; selfishness depends, for its self-preservation, on the illusion that it is more sinned against than sinning.

When the time comes for you to incarnate, then you have to decide for yourself what the most important thing is that you need to learn in your next life. Before you re-enter a physical body, you choose your subjects of learning, like humility, patience, brotherly love, kindness, intellect, personality, happiness, sorrows and family ties etc. On this subject there is plenty for the seekers to find out. Then your Consciousness will re-enter the physical dimension in a baby’s body, where the brain is still mushy grey matter which has no memory, and holds no memory. You are actually having a break in memory, and will have to start from scratch in physical conscious memory accumulation.

What is my purpose for living?

Well, it is for the development of your Consciousness, from unawareness to awareness; from lower to higher Consciousness; from the darkness of ignorance to the light of insight; from selfishness to selflessness; from harmful to harmless, and to reach some kind of perfection. Basically, we have to get the true purpose for the creation right, and learn to be in harmony with the universal laws and principles. We also have to learn that we are accountable for what we do, say, and think individually. Last, but not least, to dig ourselves out of the hole we dug ourselves into. Those are just some of the reasons that you are here, the other reasons are to achieve something great.

What is error, what is evil? Error is not doing the will of God. Evil is doing what is contrary to the will of God. When people pray and say ‘your will be done’ we don’t know what we talk about, because we don’t know what Gods will are, do we?
What is the will of god? Not the theologians, not Noah’s, not the lawyers, not the politicians, but Gods and Gods only.