Directed in 1932 by renowned Danish filmmaker Carl Theodor Dreyer, VAMPYR is widely recognised as one of the most grimly imaginative and atmospheric horror stories in the history of cinema. Loosely inspired by Sheridan Le Fanu's collection of short horror stories In A Glass Darkly, VAMPYR is set in an eerily hazy world where every stare hides inexplicable meanings and every encounter, possible menace.
With startling camera movements and ingenious lighting effects, Dreyer's film brings us into a macabre labyrinth of shadows from which the laws of cause and effect seem to have disappeared. As we follow the descent of traveler David Gray into his obsession with the occult and the enigmatic events unfolding in a mysterious French village, we too cannot escape the hauntingly epic struggle between light and darkness, life and death.
23 November, 20.15 hrs at the Auditorium - Level 1, cost: 7 Euro
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