Ruilen [rœylə(n)]

October 20 - January 6, Mediamatic Fabriek

Ruilen is an online marketplace, exhibition, and series of events. For just over two months Mediamatic Fabriek will be transformed into an arena where people can swap goods and services. Massages, books, Nordic sweaters, food, repair services and homes: we're swapping it all. We're opening the exhibition festively on Saturday October 20 at 8pm. Bring something to exchange - we'll supply the music and drinks. Don't forget to let us know you're coming.


Ruilen - Wat heb je nodig en wat wil je kwijt? Abel

Ruilen [rœylə(n)]

At Mediamatic Fabriek visitors can swap their haves, time and talents. The exhibition also features artworks by artists with an interest in no-money exchange. For example, Lina Issa invites you to swap your life for hers (see the ad below), and Maria Mavridou and Sayaka Akitsu will create spontaneous performances in the exhibition space inspired by exchange. Time Divisia, a longterm exchange project between prisoners from Mexico City and the artist Antonio Vega Macotela, shows a more conditioned situation in which no-money exchange takes place.

Every Sunday afternoon we're organizing exchange-events. The first one is a collaboration with Ruilplein, and takes place on October 21 from 14:00 to 17:00. On November 4 we're swapping seeds, and hold on to your unwanted Christmas presents, because we're organizing an event for those as well.

More information

The opening will take place on Saturday October 20, from 8pm onwards. Bring whatever you'd like to exchange. The exhibition runs from October 21 to January 6. Open Wednesday through Sunday from 14:00 to 19:00. Entrance: € 5,- (for four weeks), children half price, free for members. Mediamatic Fabriek is situated in the Van Gendthallen, Oostenburgereiland, Amsterdam.

Ruilen [rœylə(n)] is also an online marketplace where you can offer and request skills and goods. Visit our website to get started. Here you'll also find the latest news about the program.