Trade recipes for recipes, and haircuts for books.

Sunday November 18, 14.00-18.00

This Sunday we're really laying on the charm offensive. We're not only putting on another edition of Hair Cut Swap - trade a book for a haircut -, but also hosting the first recipe swap. And where better to start than with the archetypical Dutch dish: stamppot! RSVP so the chef will know you're coming. (And yes, that means we'll be feeding you, too.)


Stamppot snijbiet / knolselderij / aardappel met ei en sucuk - Aardappelen met de knolselderij koken. Snijbiet oogsten, wassen en snijden (deze is uit de Mediamatic Aquaponics kwekerij). Sucuk (turkse knoflookworst) zachtjes uitbakken tot ze knapperig is. Ei meekoken gedurende de laatste 8 minuten. Dan de aardappelen en knolselderij kort stampen. De rauwe snijbiet er overheen; smoren met het vet van de sucuk. Nog een keer kort stampen en dan de worst en het grof gesneden ei er door scheppen. Er hoeft niets bij. De vette sucuk maakt smeuig en levert zout Willem Velthoven

Spice up your stamppot

Stamppot, or mash pot, is the staple Dutch dish for the winter. This traditional dish of potatoes, leafy greens and cabbage - served with sausage - is the go-to comfort food in the Netherlands. However, it could definitely use some spicing up. If you would like to exchange your ideas with foodies and non-foodies alike, then this is definitely a swap-event for you. And if you're low on inspiration, perhaps the creations of chef Jozef will shed a new light on your old favorites. Nothing tickles the mind like good hot food (from 17.00).

Swap a haircut

If you missed our last Hair Cut Swap, or are in need of another trim, come swap a book for a haircut by Marijn. She can pimp up your bangs, add colour, or just give you a fresh style for the new season. Old, new, memorised, and ignored books are welcome!

More information

The stamppot recipe swap will take place on November 18, from 14.00 to 18.00 at Mediamatic Fabriek. Mind you, we're open from 13.00 to 18.00 for haircuts and other exchanges. You can trade free entrance for a chore like an hour of barkeeping or half an hour of vacuum cleaning. If you want to pay with money it's €5,- for a membership including free entrance for a month. Kids half price.

This event is part of Ruilen, an exhibition and series of events from October 20 to January 6. Open Wednesday through Sunday, from 13.00 to 18.00.