Over Datum Eetclub joins forces with Giro555

Organize your own Over Datum Eetclub during the Week for the Horn

Over Datum Eetclub's anti-food waste resistance will now dedicate itself to the situation in Africa. The Horn of Africa (Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia) is currently experiencing the worst drought in sixty years. Ten million people are threatened by a hunger crisis and Giro 555 has initiated the 'Week for the Horn' from August 1st to the 7th to draw attention to this crisis. The third Over Datum Eetclub will dedicate itself to this cause.


Poster Giro 555 voor de Hoorn van Afrika - Print hem uit! - Gevonden op Giro555 , lees hier meer over hoe jij in actie kunt komen.

Save your money and donate

An Over Datum Dinner is not only delicious, it also saves you some good money. You are not only helping to reduce food waste, but also giving yourself a financial gift that you're free to spend on something else (like fighting the hunger crisis in Africa!).Think about what you save by visiting an Over Datum Eetclub instead of a restaurant and donate your savings to Giro555.

An Over Datum Eetclub at your place?

Mediamatic has developed a DIY kit for organizing Over Datum dinners. Check out theOver Datum website.