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Surrealism Revolution + Peotry ( M.F.A. Thesis )

by Kevin Immanuel

What is or are the key elements of or in the Surrealist Revolution or Revolt? I will examine the Surrealist's revolt from their poetry and writing, and their lives because this is where Surrealism started, in this, I will look to see how they sought to remake, redefine, re-experience, reknow, everyday life, in a type of social politic personal and spiritual revolution. But not a revolution in just overthrowing, but exploring themselves in their set of ideas, shaping their art, ideas, lives. What is the poetic life. Why does poetry and revolution corelate in discovery. This query, however, is not to understand their art deeper, nor see their art as solely revolutionary traces or even consciousness research, although my inquiry may present further or unique creative discursives on reading Surrealist art in the context of the notion of a lived poetic revolution. From a cursory starting point, with some familarity of the Surrealist movement, the Surrealist Revolution, seems to be, first of all, a revolution that questions, critiques, reframes, challenges, power and reason and hierarchy in a Democratic society , yet not always overt, such as the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, or Cuban Revolution. Sometimes the revolution is subtextual, in the layers. They were artists not revolutionary soldiers in the conventional sense. Yet they used Revolt and Poetry in ways to liberate themselves, seemingly. How did they use revolution in their lives? Immediately, we can see it was a creative revolt. Also, with beauty. I will look more closely to see how the society of surrealists, transformed our ideas of society, with poetry. How deep or necessary was revolution to the Surrealist as not only an artist but person? Several hypothesis' I begin with, are, one that the Surrealist Revolt embraced 'the personal' as political and spiritual, two, that the Surrealist revolt was a type of Derrida Deconstruction, third, that the Surrealist revolt remade the notion of Ethics, and fourth, that the Surrealist revolt was one of 'Difference' and Plurality. By searching for key elements in their revolt and applying an exegesis of their revolution, this thesis will then apply these elements in an analysis of Contemporary Western Media, to discover where in Contemporary Western Media, there exists types of a Surrealist Revolt, either redefined or recontextualized, in the media and a social cultural sphere- Women's Professional Tennis.