Freezing Favela Workshops

Building, cooking, yoga classes and more in May

Designers, cooks and other makers are hosting workshops and events at the Freezing Favela, Mediamatic Fabriek. Take a yoga class with Els Engel, join the guys of Pretty Nice Stuff and learn how to draw or print t-shirts, make jewellery, rope and furniture, or let Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove (Favelous) show you the ins and outs of cooking healthy, fun, affordable food. For more information about these and other workshops, click here. Note: there's also tons to do for kids!


01-06-2013 Pretty Nice Stuff explaining there project - Freezing Favela - Freezing Favela is a temporary city in the Mediamatic Factory. Designers, cooks, and other makers have taken up a part of this space. In the Favela you can make sandwiches from scratch, make furniture out of cardboard, make artworks out of garbage and cook with ingredients from the aquaponics farm. The citizens of Freezing Favela give workshops and organize events and meals. One of the workshops was Pretty Nice Stuff, where you learned how to print t-shirts, make jewelry and furniture.  Erik Diekstra

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela is a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. The space is big, unheated, and the roof leaks. Designers, cooks, and other makers have claimed part of this space as their own. In the Favela you can make tosti's from scratch, furniture from cardboard, artwork from trash and cook with ingredients from the aquaponics farm. Favela-citizens give workshops and organize events and meals. We're open at every Wednesday and Sunday from 1pm to 6pm at the very least. Entrance is free with a Club Mediamatic membership (€5.- for 4 weeks). For some workshops and events there is an additional fee.