Learn to grow your own food: Aquaponics weekend

June 15 and 16. Plumbing, carpentry, biology and more.

During this crash-course weekend we'll teach you everything you need to know about building an aquaponics-installation and maintaining it. From building the system to harvesting plants, testing the water, and killing fish (optional). You'll learn loads about biology and plumbing, and feel confident about building your own system at home. Get your weekend tickets online.


Building the 4-storey Aquaponics tower - Tijdens de Aquaponics Workshop van 26 mei.


Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of veggies and fish. The best way to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish poo feeds the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish. Not a drop is wasted.

Day 1

The first day is the most hands-on part. Guided by our trainers you will learn how to build a vertical aquaponics installation from scratch. A crash-course in plumbing and carpentry. By the end of the day you will know exactly what you need to build your own system at home.

Day 2

You built or bought an aquaponics-installation, now what? During the second day we'll practice performing the duties of an aquaponics farmer. We'll harvest fish and plants and test the water. You'll learn tricks like 'vacuuming' the tanks, planting seeds, fighting insects, and you'll learn what to do if your fish get sick. We'll briefly discuss the ecosystem and nitrate cyclus, but an emphasis lies on everyday tasks.

Information and tickets

The Aquaponics Weekend takes place at Mediamatic Fabriek on Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16 from 10 am to 5 pm. Click here for directions to the Fabriek. Tickets are €380 incl. VAT (or € 266 if you're eligible for a discount). This includes drinks and lunch. For questions please e-mail Deborah Meibergen or call her at: 020-6389901. Get your weekend tickets online.