Workshop Design on Fabric - 3 hrs of Destreet!

Pimp clothes for charity

10 Aug 2013

Ugandan artist DESTREET travels the world to raise money for Ugandan streetkids, sponsored by Stichting Doen. After a three month tour in Europe his last show is at Storm Space.


Flyer Workshop Design on Fabric - 3 hrs of Destreet - Destreet

Destreet raises money by organising artshows and workshops. At Storm Space he will teach you to make prints on clothes.
Free entrance but donate as much as you can. Bring some shirts to make prints on. There are also some shirts for sale.
The Destreet Art Foundation is supported by Stichting Doen.

Workshop Design on Fabric - 3 hrs of Destreet!
Saturday 10 August 6 to 9pm.