
A collaborative sound piece and group show

9 Nov 2014
21 Dec 2014

Are we able to bring back the sound of the past in the industrial heritage of today?


thought experiment - The sound of Coop. Dairy De Venen as thought-experiment, a project by Edwin Stolk Edwin Stolk

Coop. Dairy De Venen subjected to thought-experiment.

KiK (Art in Kolderveen) located in a former dairy, will give room to The sound of Coop. Dairy ‘De Venen’ and the group show thought-experiment.

The purpose of a thought-experiment is to investigate an imaginary situation and its possible consequences.

As artist in residence, part of the Mondriaan Fund residency program, Edwin Stolk will stay two months at KiK. With the title: The sound of Coop. Dairy De Venen, he investigates if we are able to bring back the sound of the past in the industrial heritage of today.

Stolk constituted a group show after the theme thought-experiment and presents artworks that one way or another offer space to ‘otherness’ and influence that, what we think we know for sure.

Participantating artists:

Arjan Brentjes, Chaja Hertog & Nir Nadler, Edwin Stolk, Erik Sep, Floris Kaayk, Giorgi Tabatadze, Hristina Tasheva, Klaas Jonkman, Krijn de Koning, Marieke Coppens, Marijn Ottenhof, Nina Glockner, Norman Beierle and Sil Krol

9 November - 21 December, 2014

Opening 9 November 5 pm.

Closing: 21st December both at 5pm.

KiK (Kunst in Kolderveen)

Kolderveen 26 / 26a, 7948 NJ Nijeveen

Opening hours: every Friday and Sunday 1pm.- 5pm. and all other days you are more than welcome to visit by appointment.

For more info and program: