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We started the year on january the 15th with the Biotalk. What are the social, cultural and technological implications of fungal and bio-based materials? And what possibilities do they offer for artists, designers, engineers, architects, scientists, farmers and chefs? Find out at Biotalk, the monthly lecture series where we introduce you to some of the leading figures in the field of Bio Art, Science and Technology. This year with Bart Vandeput, Katharina Unger, Mike Thompson & Susana Cámara Leret, Martijn Engelbregt, Teresa van Dongen, Formafantasma, Aagje Hoekstra, Laura Lynn Jansen and Thomas Vailly, Fabai Wu, Moyashimon en Kamiel Rongen, Studio Blond&Bieber, Tessa Kuipers, Tamara Hoogeweegen, Nienke Hoogvliet, Naja Ryde Ankarfeldt, Emma van der Leest, Agi Haines, Isaac Monté, Sonja Bäumel, Olf de Bruin, Phelim Hoey, Joost Dankelman, Teresa van Dongen, Dominik Schmieden, Agi Haines, Tamara Hoogeweegen.