Pedro Meyer Barreto

Daniel Senise

Senise lives and works in Rio de Janeiro


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Daniel Senise was born in 1955, in Rio de Janeiro. On 1980, he graduated in civil engineering by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), studying Arts at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV – School of Visual Arts) in the following year, where he stayed until 1983. Was a teacher of the EAV from 1985 to 1996.

Participated on many biennials, including the Biennial of São Paulo in 1985, 1989 and 1998, the Biennial de La Habana in 1986, in Cuba and also the Biennial of Venice in 1990, amongst others. He has been seen through the years exhibiting in museums like the MASP, in São Paulo, MAM, also in São Paulo, Paço Imperial, in Rio de Janeiro, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in Paris, MOMA, in New York, Centre Georges Pompidou, in Paris, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Sofía Imber, in Caracas, and Museu Ludwig, in Colony (Germany).

Since the eighties, Daniel has been doing solo shows in museums and galleries of the Brazil and in other countries too, amongst them, in MAM in Rio de Janeiro, MAC in Niterói (RJ, Brazil), Museu Oscar Niemeyer, in Curitiba, Museum of Contemporary Art, in Chicago, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Monterrey, México, Thomas Cohn Arte Contemporânea, in Rio de Janeiro, Ramis Barquet and Charles Cowley Gallery, in Nova York, Michel Vidal, in Paris, Galleri Engström, in Estocolmo, Galeria Camargo Vilaça, in São Paulo, Pulitzer Art Gallery, in Amsterdam, Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, in Buenos Aires, and, more lately, in Galeria Silvia Cintra, no Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, and the Galeria Graça Brandão, in Lisboa, Portugal.

Today, Daniel Senise lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

Contact information

  • Daniel Senise