Justin Linds

Justin Linds

Anglophone guiding you through Francophone territory.

Hello, you have reached the guide page of Justin Linds - English student, culture fanatic, travel newbie.

I have been living in Amsterdam since January 2010, but I am only here on loan from McGill University in Montreal. Sadly I must return in September, but then I will be in the right place to take on my guide duties.

With some recent travel under my belt, it has become clear to me how crucial it is to know a local in the city you visit, and this guide page should work to offer me up as your local.

As a student in Montreal, I am plagued by a need to be continually exploring all facets of culture (often with little discrimination). If open minded exploration is what characterizes your travels then we have something in common.


Zandvoort Beach, The Netherlands - Justin Linds