Mediamatic Magazine vol 5#1+2 Adilkno 1 Jan 1990
The artiste and his media
The prophets of ancient times were the television sets of their epoch: they were charged with a hard, clear-cut, penetrating message. - Boeli van leeuwen
The prophets of ancient times were the television sets of their epoch: they were charged with a hard, clear-cut, penetrating message. - Boeli van leeuwen
ADILKNO is the Dutch society for the advancement of illegal knowledge.
There is no original, unmediatized situation in which we can experience an 'authentic' human existence.
It's often said that we live in an empire of images.
With the progress in fire control, the war machine is becoming ever noisier. Lex Wouterloot put his ear to the ground.
Bilwet, stichting ter Bevordering van Illegale Wetenschap, is een collectief van vijf kunstenaars/schrijvers/theoretici: Geert Lovink, Arjen Mulder, Basjan van Stam, Lex Wouterloot en Patrice Riemens.