With an acute and deep look at the world around him, Alexander Cimmino, tells a story over approximately ten years about the contemporary city and is in a continuous search of new ways to represent and interpret it. Cimmino is a proclaimed Neapolitan photographer who has also spent a significant amount of time in Milan creating his work. He has developed many series, of the more famous are:
- MAY-DAY, shown at Naples Fotocittà , 1997. Cimmino purposely closes a circle with this show dedicated to its city of origin.
- CCTV and Matrix, 2001. The two series compose this small, but dense extension of the MAY DAY series.
More about the artists in the Naples pavilion
Provided by curator Diana Marrone
Curator Diana Marrone presents the work of Danilo Capasso, Alessandro Cimmino, Roberto Paci Dalo, Marco Zezza and N.E.S.T in the Naples pavilion at the Amsterdam Biennale 2009.