Wheelchair and scootmobiel accessibility
Close to the Biotoop are parking spaces for less abled people. Mediamatic Biotoop is wheelchair accessible. The restaurant Mediamatic ETEN, de Sluisdeurenloods, our Aroma Lab and a special toilet are wheelchair accessible.
Would you rather speak your own language? Chances are that someone from Mediamatic Biotoop speaks your language. Contact us beforehand if you'd liked be served or get a tour in your own language. We'll do our best to arrange such a thing.
General accessibility
At Mediamatic we don't care about your background, gender, sexual orientation, belief or the possibility of showing a passport. The only time we'd ask for a card or bon is when you bought a ticket with discount. You should then be able to show your Stadspas or a Bon. For more info we also invite you to read our diversity mission.