is the platform where Mediamatic visitors see our program, and find all the event details and ticket links. So it is important to keep it up to date. 

You can find all the confirmed workshops by opening the drop down menu of “Program” on the top banner and click “Workshop calendar”. Once you make a new workshop page, it should show up in this calendar.

Adding a new workshop on the website

  1. First of all, don’t forget to log in on the website.
  2. For all ongoing workshops there is a template for each one, from which you can make new events. (No template yet? Scroll down to see how to make a new one.)
  3. Once you’ve found the correct template:
    1. Go to the Workshop you want to add to the website
    2. Go to Admin.
    3. Duplicate the Workshop & make sure “publish” is ticked.
    4. Take out 'T -' from the title.
    5. Change the content group from Kennis pagina to Default content group.
    6. Fill in all the variables (date, time, ticket link, Facebook link).
    7. Check if there is a Dutch version of this template. If yes, make sure to put in ticket links and fill in the correct dates in the text.
    8. Choose two of the pictures, disconnect the rest.
    9. Save!
  4. Check that your event shows on the Workshop calendar of the website. 

Making a template for a new workshop

  1. You can start anywhere on the website, and click “Admin”.
  2. Go to Dashboard, and “Make a new page or media”.
  3. Give it a title “T - [workshop tite]”, select “Workshop” for category, “Kennis pagina” for content group, leave “publish” unticked. 
  4. New you have a new page → click “save and view” → you see the webpage → click “edit”.
  5. Fill in the tutor’s name in the subtitle. 
  6. Add key words. There should be at least 5.
  7. Add actor: this is the tutor. 
  8. Add location: Mediamatic Biotoop.
  9. Add organizer: Mediamatic Foundation.
  10. Edit time: leave the dates empty and fill in the default times of the workshop. 
  11. Add introduction (right under subtitle): This is a short and attractive description of the workshop. This can be 3-4 lines. Under intro, add “Tickets / Facebook”, which will be linked later. 
  12. Add description: This is the box under introduction. You will have a section “What you will do”, describing the workshop more in detail. After this you will have a section “[Tutor’s full name]”, which is a short bio of the person. On the bottom, you will have a section “Information”, with all the details about the event. 
  13. Fill in the description, if you already have it. Use “heading 3” for headings.
  14. Fill in all the details that you already know. Check how this is done in the other workshop templates. 
  15. Fill in the disclaimers at the end. You can copy-paste these from other templates. 
  16. Now do the same for the Dutch page. To find this setting, click the cogwheel on top right. Tick “Nederlands”.
  17. Fill in the details in Dutch. 
  18. Now SAVE! Before adding any media.
  19. Go to add media at the bottom. 
  20. Find existing images or upload new media. If you are uploading new media, don’t forget to add a description that relates to the workshop. Also you can add keywords and actors to images. You can do this later. 
  21. Attach all the photos that you have to promote this workshop.
  22. Save!
  23. Go to Website Templates page to add your template. 
  24. Go to “Admin” → on the right “Contains” → “add” → you template should show on the top, because it was just edited → click it → “save and view”.


Collections of workshop

  • We use collections to help us in workshop promotion.
  • You can find it: Workshop knowledge -> workshop promotion -> collections of workshops.
  • In these collections we collect workshops per series. We link this collection to newsletters, facebook, and sometimes as an overview for a (potential) participant who wants to know the upcoming dates.
  • Don't forget to updates this twice a month.