Knowledge Page


Casting Doubt History

When Casting Doubt was introduced in 2015, the project made use of it's own phonenumber. Visitors and passersby could call this number to ask about tje project and to order the punchcards. Beneath follows its answering machine.


Welkom. English information will follow after dutch.
U heeft het twijfel zaaien informatie nummer gebeld. Op dit moment belt u buiten openingstijden, als u tijdens openingstijden belt kunnen wij u direct te woord staan. De openingstijden zijn van 10:00 tot 18:00 van maandag tot en met vrijdag & tijdens mediamatic events. De locatie van de installatie en het verkooppunt van de zadenkaart is Dijksgracht 6. Tot ziens.
You have dialed the Casting Doubts information line. At this moment we are closed, but we can speak to you directly during opening hours. The opening hours are 10:00 am till 6:00 pm, monday till friday and during Mediamatic events The installation is located at Dijksgracht 6, you can also buy your seeds card here. See you.’