Limited Edition of 13, handcrafted at Mediamatic by Dirk vis & Edgar Walthert
Approximate alcohol percentage: 55%
Ingredients: spirits, anise, fennel, liquorice, nettle, lemon, sage*, hyssop, melissa, coriander, lavender*, mint*, tree wormwood*, mugworth* and wormwood
*harvested from Tumulus
Limited Edition of 13, handcrafted at Mediamatic by Dirk vis & Edgar Walthert
Approximate alcohol percentage: 55%
Harvesting at Tumulus for Absinthe L'Absinthe de la Rue de Dindon VIII -
Absinth made by Dirk Vis and Edgar Walthert - with: Ruchama Noorda
Tumulus nettle tea and absinthe circle -
Dirk Vis and Edgar Walthert with absinth -
Dirk Vis and Edgar Walthert harvesting for Absinth Rue de Dindon -
Ruchama Noorda handing out Absinth in clay cups - @Tumulus Picture by Victoria Ushkanova