Setting up Meet A Maker
- When someone is developing, building or exhibiting their art project at Mediamatic, this is a good chance to have them host Meet A Maker consultation.
- Open the discussion with the artist.
- Send the following details to them:
- Introduce the concept: the idea of Meet A Maker is for artists/makers who are looking for inspiration, feedback and/or new perspective their project/. This is where the "maker" comes in. They can give artistic consultation outside of the art school bubble.
- Schedule: Each consult is 30 minutes. The maximum consults is 4 per Meet A Maker day, with usually 15 minutes between the consults. We usually plan one consult per month during the week day, typically in the afternoon.
- Payment: We pay 50€/consult. So the total they can earn is 200€ per Meet A Maker. They can send an invoice to
- Tickets: At the moment we price the consultation as following: Artists/Students discount 7,50€ | Full price 10€. The reason why we price the consult is because we were noticing that people who signed up often did not show up.
- Bio: write a bio page for the artist if there isn't one already.
- Event template website: Make an event template for the Meet A Maker. You can just edit the information about other Meet A Maker templates.
- Event template Stager: this is a general introduction to how to make an event template on Stager. However, Meet A Maker is a bit different. Each time slot it's its own event. Therefore you have to create 4 different template where each template is for one time slow. Here is how to do it:
- Main information:
- Title: name each event as "Meet [artist name] at [time slot]. For example "Meet Ruchama Noorda at 16:15-16:45".
- Times: Make sure the times are within the time slot (Production start, Doors open, Program start will all be the same start time).
- Event type: Meet-up/Convention
- Event lead: Workshop
- Project type: 05: Eigen Programmering
- Spaces: At the moment outside, so I tick "Dijksgracht (straat)", but this can change to indoor location at some moment.
- Tickets:
- Total number of tickets: 1 (because this is one time slot)
- Ticket types: Full price (9.00€) and Artist / Student / Stadspas (6.50€)
- Ticket shop & design -> Event available in: "Meet A Maker"
- Now repeat for each time slot!
- Main information:
- Planning: plan the dates in Stager, publish them on the website (instructions are similar to how to publish workshop event), make a facebook event, and on the Events Google Calendar.
- Before each Meet A Maker: 2-3 days before check attendance, and send participants a pre-mail (see other Meet A Maker templates in Stager for reference.)
- Communicate with artist: email the artist whether there are participants and when they will be coming.