It can be nice to have words for your idiosyncrasies. It can help you understand yourself better and find like minded peers.
If you have problems, a diagnosis can help you find help.
But there are also risks. The names (labels) of diagnoses are simplifications, crude classifications that never describe an individual. You are merely classified into a group. The real diagnosis is a long descriptive document, not just a term like "ADHD," "Autism Spectrum Disorder" or "Hypersensitive."
And a diagnosis sometimes doesn't fit right, or is even just plain wrong. Because people make mistakes and perceptions are always changing.
Not everyone with an extraordinary mind needs a diagnosis. You can also be extraordinary without suffering from it, without the need of a label.
But if you wonder if there is more to it, talk to your doctor and ask for a referral to a psychologist.
Many online tests also exist in the field of neurodivergence. The quality varies greatly and is never a substitute for a good counselor. Our favorite is Embrace Autism, an English-language site about more than just Autism.
In the Netherlands there are also a number of organizations where you can get information such as NVA, Impuls-en Woortblind and Psychosenet.