Textile Lab Workshop:

The Wardrobe Celebration

with Conny Groenewegen

28 Jul 2024

Do you have Items of clothing lying in your wardrobe that you once loved, but are now sad and forgotten? Then bring them to our dress up party on the 28th of July! Artist and designer Conny Groenewegen will teach you how to transform your old and tired garments into fabulous new pieces, worthy of the runway.

At the end of the evening you and your peers will be free to stride the runway with your dazzling new garments and go home with some fabulous snapshots to remember the evening by.



Fashion Machine project (1) - Workshop with Conny Groenewegen, 2017 Courtesy by Mediamatic

What you will do

This workshop is all about unlocking the potential of your garments. We'll explore new possibilities by looking beyond their existing shapes and transforming them into creative puzzle pieces. With just a few well-placed cuts, you can completely change a garment's structure.

The workshop is divided into two parts:

  • Part One: Deconstruction and Transformation: Conny will guide you off the beaten path, teaching you how to see your clothes as puzzle pieces ready to be reborn into something exciting and new. You'll learn three different ways to restyle and cut garments, such as transforming a shirt into a skirt or a jacket into trousers or a backpack. No sewing experience is necessary! We'll have two assistants on hand to help with any sewing needs that may arise.


  • Part Two: Dress-Up Party and Catwalk: Let your creativity shine! The second part of the workshop is a fabulous dress-up party and catwalk where you can style your newly transformed garments however you please. We'll even have props like hats, sunglasses, balloons, and more to help you fully embody a new persona if you wish!


Costume Lab Workshop - Wool yarn during Costume Lab Workshop

About the artist

Conny Groenowegen

Conny Groenowegen zooms in on the issues associated with industrial production and labor processes. Her research traces back to the origins of methods: revealing and re-establishing the sparkle of manufacturing before the fashionable took its toll. She sheds a new light on production, whilst searching for what is essential and appropriate for organisations and brands. She does so by taking away barriers, preparing reinvigorated procedures for the next step, ready to interact with the world.


Full price €12 | *Discount price €9

*We give a discount to students, artists and Stadspas holders. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option. 


Time: 5pm to 8pm

Attendance is limited to 25 people. We maintain a minimum of 10 participants.

Please note that this workshop will be held in English. 

For questions please e-mail workshop@mediamatic.nl.

Read our ticket terms and conditions here.