The film
Initially Tetris only worked on the Elektronika 60, a computer produced in the Soviet Union. That's exactly where it would've stayed, if it hadn't been for the opening up of the Iron Curtain around the same time. Tetris traveled to the West, and after Nintendo published a Game Boy and console version in 1989, it became massive. Since then more than 70 million handheld and console copies have been sold, and since 2005 more than 100 million copies have been sold for the mobile phone. Tetris: From Russia with Love explores the story of this popular game, and places it within the mind-boggling context of the Cold War Era.
More information
The movie starts at 19.30. English spoken, no subtitles. An all-inclusive ticket (entrance to the Arcade exhibition before 19.00, and to the movie) sets you back €7,50. A ticket to just the movie (after 19.00) is €5,-. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. The documentary lasts approximately 60 minutes. Check the Arcade event page for more Arcade related events.
This screening is part of Mediamatic's latest exhibition, Arcade: an expanding collection of old and new games and installations. Arcade is open until March 27th, 2011. On weekdays between 13.00 and 19.00 and on the weekend from 13.00 to 18.00. Exhibition space meets arcade. Come play with us.